By-Laws for UnionGroveHigh School

Competition Cheerleading Booster Club


Article One

Purpose and Function

1.1 The purpose and function of the Union Grove High Competition Cheerleading Booster Club is to provide support and financial assistance to Union Grove High School Football/Competition Cheerleading.

Article Two


2.1 The mailing address of the UGHCCBC is: UnionGroveHigh School

Attn: Football Competition Cheerleading

120 East Lake Road

McDonough, GA30252

Article Three


3.1Membership is open to each family who has an active Union Grove High School Football/Competition cheerleader. (One vote per active cheerleader.)

3.2 The President of the Booster Club will have the deciding vote in the event of a tie.

3.3 Membership fees shall be $30.00 per active Union Grove High School Football/Competition cheerleader. This fee is due at the first Booster Club meeting following Cheerleading tryouts each year.

3.4 The monthly meetings will be held on the last Tuesday of each month at UnionGroveHigh School at 7:00 p.m. In the event this particular date is a school holiday, the meeting will be moved to the following Tuesday.

3.5 The UGHCCBC will follow the Robert’s Rules of Order in the conduction of all meetings.

3.6 Special meetings of the membership may be called at any time by the officers of the UGHCCBC upon petition of the members of the UGHCCBC.

3.7Members in attendance of the meeting will carry the vote.

Article Four


4.1 The Officers of the UGHCCBC shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers must be members of the Booster Club. Officers will be elected by the membership.Officers shall serve a term of one year. No officer shall hold the position of coach for any sport.

4.2 The President shall have the management duties of the operation of UGHCCBC meetings.

4.3 The Vice-President of the UGHCCBC shall serve in place of the President upon the absence of the President of the UGHCCBC. The Vice President will also oversee all fundraising committees.

4.4 The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the membership and have charge of the minute books and roll of membership.

4.5 The treasurer shall be charged with the management of the financial affairs of the UGHCCBC, keeping accurate records, and shall be responsible for all deposits (all money to include individual cheerleader payments and fund raising proceeds), check request or other orders of payment of money deposited. At the expiration of his/her term of office shall present said books and records to the UGHCCBC for inspection and approval.

Article Five


5.1 The UGHCCBC is an organized non-profit organization and is recognized as a Section 501c3 of the Treasury Department Regulations.

Article Six


6.1 No member of UGHCCBC, individual or coach will commit financially the UGHCCBC. If finances are needed, a proposal must be submitted, voted and approved by the Booster Club.

6.2 Check Request for the organization will be signed by the Head Coach and the Booster Club Treasurer.