Patient Participation Group Meeting
Tuesday 23rd August 2016
Stuart Ashworth – Deputy Chair
Karen Malecki – Practice Manager / Acting Chair
Anne Kirby
Luke Spate – Community Development Worker (SSPP)
Kay Bugg
Liz Sheasby
Fred Edgar
1. Apologies
Norma Lewis
Linda Bushell
Alan Spiers
Dr S Dhesi
Barry Andrews
John Redshaw
Michael Kirby
Peter Lister
2. Matters Arising
Previously discussed local development plans – Bishops Tachbrook housing development proposals and the formation of a subgroup. KM updated that Alan Spiers had volunteered his support to this. In the meantime KM has been commincating with the CCG about the additional proposal. They are aware of and aware that there is potential infrastructure (section 106) funding. KM is attending a Leamington locality meeting with the CCG to discuss further any Primary Care Premises planning that is being considered and how Bishops Tachbrook fits into this. That Bishops Tachbrooks interests would be clearly stated.
The wider local development plan was discussed – the principles that local developers should be held tp account for funding infrastructure e but that information is not always forthcoming and the impact of the developments was not considered.
KM will ensure that the PPG is kept informed and will feedback following the scheduled meeting next month with the CCG.
3. Previous Minutes
Agreed as correct
4. Chairs Report
Newsletter Subgroup – is meeting this afternoon to consider the next edition of the PPG newsletter (Autumn 2016) Ideas for articles for the edition were invited from the members.
AK invited other members to consider supporting the production of the newsletter with Robert no longer able to.
AK suggested an article relating to the special interests of each GP that patients may be interested to read. Agreed.
5. Practice Report
Guest Speaker - Luke Spate
LS provided an overview of the work of the Social Prescribing project to date. There have been 71 patients referred so far. The project is seeing some great successes for individual people suffering social isolation and other social issues. The next report is to be submitted at the end of September and is anticipated that more detailed information / data will be available about the impact of the project. Funding is only up to end of December and the team will be examining further funding avenues.
The group wished it to be noted that they “would consider this one of the most positive and useful projects the practice has done in the last 12 months” – and wished for it to be continued.
Art groups / projects at the SYDNI centre have provided a mosaic piece to the practice and further pieces are anticipated from a local artist.
Sydenham Together Group Newsletter – an idea at present where all organisations can contribute to the newsletter. SA suggested local community police officers that may be able to assist. Further idea that this could be included in the New Patients Pack
AK suggested that that the local Bishops Tachbrook newsletter could be included in the New Patient Pack at the surgery in Bishops Tachbrook.
Turning Point
Have been awarded a contract to provide services for adults with learning difficulties and are keen to meet different organisations and groups with a local interest to present their services. Agreed that should be approached to attend a PPG meeting
Rethink Pilot – a years joint project between Croft, Waterside, Rethink and the DWP, is to commence next month. 2 support workers have been recruited who will spend 2 days per week in each practice. The final details of the referral criteria is being worked out – this is for adult people with low to moderate mental health problems that would benefit from low level intervention and support – enabling them also into / back to work.
KM will keep the group informed about the project.
Staff Vacancies
Salaried GP has been recruited – Dr Andrew O’Brien for 6 sessions per week. Starting next month.
Practice nurse vacancy – has attracted 6 candidates, 2 of which appear to have interesting transferable skills. Interviews over the next two weeks. This post may also be recruited to in conjuction with Spa Medical Centre who are recruiting also. This may be a collaboration of nursing hours across the two practices.
Flu Vaccination Campaign 2016
The first vaccine delivery is expected on the 12th September. The practice has planned its publicity campaign for patients to start in the next week. The criteria for eligibility has not changed greatly for the practice. There has been a slight change to the schools campaign.
Interagency Working – ES How the needs of vulnerable patients across different health and social care organisations was discussed.
with. The practice has robust safeguarding arrangements in place that ensure – with staff that are required to undertake training annually. The practice holds monthly Multidisciplinary Team Meetings to promote communication and proactively identify patients that are at risk. Further the practice seeks to continually learn through local and national events that have happened reflecting upon its practice and processes continually.
Croft – Patient Survey 2016
Currently undertaking a survey that mirrors the nation survey – the practice is seeking a larger cohort of opinion about its services to consider. Result will be reviewed with the PPG for feedback next month.
Bishops Tachbrook Dispensary Survey 2016
Dispensary staff wished to conduct a quality survey (they designed) the results were review by the group. Feedback about not being able to order on line was considered from this, the following action agreed:
- the practice would look into ordering on line – one possibility was the use of a generic email (nhs.net0 for patients to order through – Action KM to examine and feedback to the next meeting.
Eye Referrals – ES
Had been informed that eye referral would be done by optometrist – when indeed the GP receives the report and makes the referral. There had been a hiatus of time to referral due to this. KM confirmed that the present referral pathway requires the GP to do the referral. FE recorded previous discussion at the PPPG about optometrists being able to do this – with their expertise, no follow up to this discussion.
Intern Recruitment – two candidates have applied, Peter Haine has agreed to support the practice with this in recruiting and supervision, meeting tomorrow to discuss this further.
KM will update the group.
6. Any Other Business
KB enquired about the complexities of completing travel health insurance forms and the level / depth of information required. Was there a mechanism by which a staff member could assist? KM outlined the fee requirements in relation non NHS work – however the practice has a dedicated team member that can assist – Joan Smith who can be contacted.
Next Meeting – Thursday 22nd September, 6.30pm.