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STUDY PERIOD 2009-2012 / CITS-DOC-007
English only
Original: English
3 April 2012
Source: / China Unicom
Title: / Proposal to the suggested list of initial work items for the Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards
1 Introduction
Being a member of GSMA (GSM Association), China Unicom wishes to make a brief introduction of GSMA and its related ITS activities.
2 Discussion
2.1 Brief Introduction of GSMA
The GSMA represents 800 operators and more than 200 hardware and software suppliers worldwide. The primary goal of GSMA is to ensure global operation of mobile phones and wireless services, and to create new business opportunities for both operators and vendors.The study in GSMA is mainly carried out by working groups and projects. For general information of GSMA, please refer to:
The project group concerning M2M in GSMA is the CLP (Connected Living Programme, used to be named as EMP (Embedded Mobile Programme)), which was founded in 2010. The group notonly proposes requirements of IoT (Internet of Things) for terminals and network from the perspective of operators, but alsofocuseson the communication and joint researchwith SDOs such as 3GPP, ETSI, etc. The outcome of the group is in white paper, which is used to facilitate the IoTbusiness deployment.
Figure 1 CLP structure
The structure of CLP is shown in Figure 1. To be more specific, the sub group EMTA (Embedded Mobile Transport & Automotive) is the appropriate ITS standard body in GSMA.
The EMTA was established in May 2011, and its participants include worldwide operators, major automakers and vendors related to Telematics. The EMTA established a dialogue platform for operators and automakers in order to deepen mutual understanding of capacity and requirements. On this basis it identifies the main obstacles facing industrial development as well as proposes solutions agreed by both sides.Its members are listed as below:
aAutomakers: Audi, Toyota, VW, Ford, Hyundai, Nissan, BMW, Renault
bOperators: O2, KPN, Softbank, NTT Docomo, Rogers, Orange, Telecom Italia, Bell Canada ,China Unicom
cVendor:Sierra Wireless,Ericsson,Qualcomm,Samsung,Huawei
In 2011, the EMTA organized five global, two regional connected car forum, jointing automakers to discuss the focus issues of mutual concern. On the basis of extensive discussions, both sides established a priority to the cooperation research projects, including remote management of the SIM and embedded vs. tethering, as well as defining user requirements and use case for that.
In 2012, the EMTA is continuing to hold global connected car forums. For regional ones, the EMTA will try to develop Europe and North America Forum based upon Shanghai and Tokyo Forum. The thematic meetings will be set up for newlyinvolved vendors. The planned study projects of EMTA in 2012 includesbillingnetwork security, operational improvements, business development of automotive sector, as well as e-call service in Europe.In addition, the EMTA is also seeking the opportunities to enhance co-ordination with other standards organizations.
2 Proposal
Following the intent of a Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards organised by ITU (CITS), China Unicom wishes the above proposed work of EMTA in GSMA could be reviewed and supplemented into the study of CITS. To make the collaboration more feasible, an official Liaison Statement is suggested to be delivered to the EMTA of GSMA. The contacts of EMTA are listed as the following:
Project Manager, Francesca Forestieri,
Project Manager, Ton Brand,
Programme Coordinator, Poonam Kara,