GOC 22.03.07
Change of name - [b] Establishments
PurposeTo confirm training establishments previously approved by the Council
The Opticians Act Section 12(7)(a) empowers the Council to approve:
establishments where the instruction given to persons receiving education or training as optometrists or as dispensing opticians appears to the Council to be such as to provide them with adequate knowledge and skills to achieve the competencies for the practice of their profession;
Section 12(10) of the Act states:
The Council must from time to time publish, in such form (including electronic form) as they consider appropriate, a list of establishments and qualifications approved by them, indicating the purposes for which the approval was granted.
The Council has been informed that two of the training establishments approved under Section 12(7)(a) have changed their names:
[a] AngliaPolytechnicUniversity is now known as AngliaRuskinUniversity and;
[b]University of Wales, Cardiff is now known as the ‘University of Cardiff’.
Consequently the following list of establishments is resubmitted for approval by Council:
Establishments training optometrists:
University of Aston
University of Bradford
University of Manchester[1]
University of Cardiff
And the Institute of Optometry which is approved to provide training in the following eight areas:
1 Objective Refraction & Subjective Refraction
2 Investigative techniques for the recognition of ocular abnormalities
3 Investigation of Binocular Vision and the Diagnosis and Non-surgical treatment of Anomalies of Binocular Vision
4 Use of drugs in diagnostic methods, use of drugs in contact lens practice and use of drugs in ophthalmic emergencies
5 Issue of optical prescription to correct defects of sight, interpretation of optical prescriptions
6 Measurements and fitting of patients for spectacles and other optical appliances and materials, designs, properties and selection of spectacle frames and lenses
7 Assessment of patient suitability for contact lens wear and issue directions to fit, plus contact lens fitting and clinical aftercare of contact lens wearers
8 Relationship between visual problems, their remedies and patients’ working and recreational environment, eye protection.
Establishments training dispensing opticians
City and IslingtonCollege
The Council is asked to reconfirmthe approval of the above establishments.
Dian Taylor
020 7307 3462
K:\GOC FILE INDEX\01 Agendas, Papers, Minutes\01.03 PAPERS\Council\March 2007\C(11)07 Establishments.doc
[1]previously UMIST
[2]Conditional upon a full submission of any course proposal offered post December 2004