Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to allow employees (staff, administrators and faculty) to participate voluntarily in services for our community during their work week. This supports our MNU mission of transformation through intellectual, spiritual, and personal development for a life of service to God, the church, the nation and the world.
Eligibility: In order to be eligible for Community Service Leave (CSL), employees will have completed 3 months of employment and work in a full time position or standard part time position. Adjunct and part time temporary employees are not eligible. Qualified employees will receive 2 days of paid CSL annually to be used during normal work hours. Annual accrual begins July 1.
Requirements: Employees requesting paid leave under this policy shall submit a written request to their supervisor/manager. Prior approval for leave is required. Managers/supervisors will consider the department schedule when granting CSL. Employees receiving CSL will indicate this leave on their time sheet or Report of Absence form. Accruals will be tracked in the same fashion as other leave time (vacation, sick, etc.). An extension for unused CSL will not be allowed and unused accrued CSL time will not be paid out when employment ends. Part time employees will accrue 2 days based on their regular schedule. For example: an employee working 20 hours a week will accrue 4 hours a day for a total of 8 hours.
Community Service Options: The following is an example of some types of community service. Employees should check with their managers to ensure that the type of community service is approved for payment.
§ Volunteer work for a local school that has been approved by a teacher, school administrator, or program administrator
§ Volunteer service for local churches
§ Volunteer service for a community service organization
§ Tutoring or mentoring services
§ Disaster service volunteer
§ Donating blood
§ Maintenance or repair type services for those not able to do so for themselves. For example, providing and/or delivering meals for shut-ins, lawn care or general in home repair services for the disabled.
§ Volunteer services on behalf of MNU as approved.