Proposal of dissertation

Candidate (name):


Field of interest (finance, marketing, economics etc.): Strategic management


Proposed title: Strategic planning in rapidly changing environment of e-commerce

Expected objectives of dissertation:

My hypothesis is that the more rapidly changing environment, the higher chance that the classical attitude towards strategic planning will fail. I would like to research how organizations in the field of e-commerce approach strategic planning, for what time frame and how are they doing. I would like to identify, which approach – whether the classical strategic planning, Mintzberg’s vision-based strategic planning or no planning at all – leads to better results, and propose a suitable combination of the approaches based on this finding.

Brief description of intended contents:

Strategic planning is a discipline which helps both profit and non profit organizations and individuals in achieving their missions. It is generally focused on long-term objectives with a time frame in years. The time frame of a strategy differs by industry. Nevertheless, the ongoing process of the world’s economic globalisationin general shortens the time period, for which a strategy can be possibly created, maintained and executed without a strategic gap.This is especially true for the technological industry and particularly for organizations operating in field of e-commerce.A five-year horizon that used to be typical fortraditional strategic plans[1] is not feasible here. The environment changes so dramatically that strategic gaps emerge on weekly (sometimes even daily) basis and a strategic plan covering longer than a two-year period would be highly unreliable.

There exist numerous methods, analyses and strategic management concepts. The problem with these tools is the same as with information in general –it is no longer a question of availability but appropriateness. All those tools like SLEPT, BCG matrix etc. are just facilitators of strategic management, which can help with elaboration of an organisation’s mission but they are not a guarantee of success. Should they be used mechanically they can be even harmful.Strategic planning is enormously complex activity which involves creativity, appropriate knowledge and experience. The idea that there is a miraculous formula where we can simply put available information and we will get sufficient results is very naive.

Henry Mintzberg, an internationally renowned scientist in the field of management studies, devoted almost all of his life arguing with conventional ideas of strategic planning. He claims[2] that the most successful strategies are visions based on experiences, knowledge and external stimuli. He fights against attempts to make strategic planning a rigid science obsessed with quantitative indicators.

In my dissertation, I would like to focus on strategic planning in field of e-commerce. The field differs from other fields of economy mainly in these aspects:

  1. Rapidly changing environment
  2. Low barriers to entry
  3. High bargaining power of customers
  4. High intensity of competitive rivalry

Organisations operating in this field have to be highly adaptive. It is not only about organization structures, specific company cultures and the way how these companies manage work; it also requires a specific attitude towards strategic planning.

I have created and implemented several strategic plans in several companies in field of e-commerce.I struggled mostly with strategic gap. Not only a part of plans turned out to be depreciated shortly after the plans were finished, but changes in the external environment made some conclusions of strategic analysis irrelevant before it was even finished.

Contribution to theory development:

  1. Answer to the question which method of strategic planning is more applicable/appropriate and more successful in rapidly changing environment.
  2. Knowledge of how are organizations in rapidly changing environment of e-commerce dealing with strategic planning, i.e. which methods do they use, what is the time frame of their plans, and how are they doing.

Practical contribution:

Based on results of the research, organizations can adjust their methodology of strategic planning according to best practices.

Reference to the main literature sources:

CASSIDY, Anita.A practical guide to information systems strategic planning. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, Fla.: Auerbach Publications, 2006, s. 61-64. ISBN 0849350735.

CHAFFEY, Dave.E-business and e-commerce management: strategy, implementation, and practice. 3rd ed. New York: Pearson Education, 2006, p. cm. ISBN 978-0273707523.

CHEN, Stephen.Strategic Management of e-Business. 2. vyd. Chichester: John Wiley, 2005. ISBN 978-0-470-87074-7.

MINTZBERG, Henry.The rise and fall of strategic planning. London [u.a.]: Prentice Hall, 2000. ISBN 978-0273650379

Strategic Decision Processes in High Velocity Environments: Four Cases in the Microcomputer Industry. In: BOURGEOIS, L. J. a Kathleen M. EISENHARDT.Management Science. Charlottesville, Virginia: Darden School, University of Virginia, 1988, s. 816-835. Dostupné z:

WHITTAKER, James B.Strategic planning in a rapidly changing environment. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, c1978, xv, 165 p. ISBN 06-690-1484-2.


[1]CASSIDY, Anita.A practical guide to information systems strategic planning. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, Fla.: Auerbach Publications, 2006, s. 61-64. ISBN 0849350735.

[2]MINTZBERG, Henry.The rise and fall of strategic planning. London [u.a.]: Prentice Hall, 2000. ISBN 978-0273650379.