Be prepared get ready for the winter
Be prepared this winter and book your appointments early. Asthma check ups and medication reviews – check your inhalers have not expired. COPD checks, blood pressure checks - check to make sure you receive your medication and do not forget to book your holiday vaccinations
Please remember that the clocks will go back at the end of October (30th October) so the nights will start drawing in, and the dark nights will arrive.
Although there will be shorter days and longer nights, there is a silver lining – the change means an extra hour in bed on Sunday morning.
Please remember to take care & wrap up warm in the cold nights, stay safe.
Flu Jab
With winter here, its time to think about getting a flu jab, if you haven’t already done so.
The vaccine is available each year from October onwards, and is currently the best method of protecting yourself against flu.
After all, who wants to go down with a bout of flu with its fever, chills headaches, aches, pains and extreme tiredness with Christmas around the corner?
Catch it, bin it, kill it
If you already have a cough, old or flu, there are several practical things you can do to help stop your infection spreading to other people.
· Always cough or sneeze into a tissue (carry a pack with you if you’re out and about).
· Throw away your used tissues as soon as possible.
· Then wash your hands thoroughly after you’ve sneezed or coughed as this is thought to helo stop the virus being transferred to surfaces that you touch.
New advice released by Public Health England (PHE) suggests everyone should take a daily 10mcg vitamin D supplement to protect bone and muscle health during autumn and winter.
People who have little to no sun exposure – such as people who are advised to take vitamin D supplements during the summer too.
The guidelines also suggest that people with dark skin sucah as those from African backgrounds – should also consider taking a supplement all year round as they may not get enough vitamin D from sunlight in the summer in the uk.
Ask your pharmacist about vitamin D supplements today.
can make a positive contribution towards patients’ experience of the Practice
If you are a registered patient,
at the surgery on
Tuesday, 21 February 2017 at 6.30 pm
For more information, e-mail the Group’s Secretary
check the waiting room notice board or
the Practice website:
Download the free HANDi Paediatric app for expert advice, support and guidance on common childhood illnesses.
The app has been designed as a way to reduce the number of children and young people who visit A&E but need no treatment.
It has been developed by paediatric consultants and will give parents access to home care plans, as well as primary care and hospital clinical guidelines.
The app contains information about when and how to ask for help, along with what to expect when your child is being assessed.
Android:Search ‘HANDi Paediatric’ on Google Play or
Apple:Search ‘HANDi Paediatric’ on App Store or Devon links to appear in the next two weeks (following Apple approval process)
The Surgery will be closed on the following
Holidays during the Christmas & New Year period.
Friday 23rd December – Surgery Open, usual Opening times
Saturday 24th December (Christmas Eve) – Surgery Closed
Sunday 25th December (Christmas Day) – Surgery Closed
Monday 26th December (Boxing Day) – Surgery Closed
Tuesday 27th December – Surgery Closed
Wednesday 28th December – Surgery Open as usual
Thursday 29tht December – Surgery Open, usual opening times
Friday 30th December – Surgery Open as usual
Monday 2nd January – Surgery Closed
Wednesday 3rd January – Surgery Open as usual
Urgent care services available on bank holiday dates and when the
surgery is closed
NHS telephone service 111
Emergency 999
Urgent Care Cente, Purley Hospital 0208 401 3238
Parkway, Minor Injuries Unit. 0208 714 2950
Edridge Road,Walk-in Centre 0203 040 0800
Croydon University Hospital A & E 0208 401 3013