February 11, 2017

These are the minutes of the Governing Council meeting of Albuquerque School of Excellence. This meeting was held at 10:00 AM on February 11, 2017 at 13201 Lomas Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87112.

  1. Attendance

The meeting was called to order by Dr. Osman Anderoglu. The following members of the Governing Council were present;Dr. Osman Anderoglu,Dr. SayavurBakhtiyarov, Dr. UnalSakoglu, Dr. Eric Coontz and Mr. Orlando Vigil. Following members were absent;Mrs. Beverly Reno.Mr. Mustafa Cetin,

  1. Call to order, establishment of quorum

These persons listed above are named the governing council of the Albuquerque School of Excellence in the articles of incorporation and their attendance constituted a quorum.

  1. Public Comments

There were no public comments.

  1. (Action) Approval of Current Agenda Items

a. Dr. Coontz moved to approve and Mr. Vigil seconded a motion to approve the current agenda. The motion passed 5-0-0.

b. No additional new items of discussion were added.Motion was made by Dr.Coontz and seconded by Mr. Vigil. It passed 5-0-0.

  1. (Action) Approval of Previous GC Meeting Agenda

Dr. Coontz moved to approve and Dr. Anderoglu seconded a motion to approve the meeting minutes. The motion passed 5-0-0.

  1. (Discussion) Reports

a)Sean Fry, Business Manager, provided a financial update. The Finance Committee met previously and reviewed the items in detail. He provided updated legislative bills proposed or passed regarding charter schools and funding issues.He told that he has sent a letter to PED regarding emergency cash reserves.

b)Mr. Aykac, Principal, reported on re-enrollment, admission, advertising, and the events happened within the past 3 weeks in school. We asked him to provide written report for upcoming meetings.

  1. (Action) Approval of BARs

We considered BARs516-000-1617-0009-IB,516-000-1617-00010-I,516-000-1617-0011-I. Dr. Coontz moved and Dr. Anderoglu seconded a motion to approve those BARs. It passed 5-0-0.

  1. (Action) Approval of January Financial Report

We considered the report on the budget status, including the approved operating budget for revenues and expenses compared with year-to-date actual revenue and expenses, cash reports, and voucher reports. Dr. Anderoglu moved that we approved the report. Dr.Coontz seconded the motion. It passed 5-0-0.

IX.(Discussion) Building Issues and construction

Mr. Aykac provided brief information about the construction and the rest of the projects for following years.

X.(Action) Closing Remarks and Adjournment

Dr. Anderoglu moved to close the meeting and Mr. Coontzseconded the motion at 11:42 A.M. It passed 5-0-0.


Beverly Reno, Secretary of ASE Governing CouncilDate