Applause Outdoors Live Literature commission

Proposal Form for AO/Inn Crowd Touring Project

Company / Performer Name:
Main Contact Name:
Full Postal Address inc postcode:
Telephone number (main):
Telephone number (mobile / secondary):
Email Address:
Any other social media accounts:
Name of Show:
Commission Fee applied for:
Please provide details about your own / your company’s performing history.
Description of Show. Please provide as much information as possible including:
Details of budget, and how the commission fee will be used.
Please tell us why you think this show will be suitable for rural touring. Take into consideration the following:
How your show will engage and entertain a diverse audience
How you will meet the requirements for a show that is technically self-sufficient and will work in a variety of rural settings
How you will adapt the show during bad weather and compete with other activities (bands/MC’s etc.)
Is the show being created as part of another project or scheme, or with Arts Council or other funding? (Please give details.)
Is the show dependent on you gaining other sources of income to create the work?
Please confirm that the show does NOT include any strong language or material that could offend a family audience?
Age Suitability:
Running Time:
Get-in Time: (No. of hours - please state ideal and minimum)
Get-out Time:
Number of Performers:
Number of Technical:
Total number of people on tour:
Touring Fees (to include all travel and expenses) Please refer to notes.
Please note that many of our rural venues WILL NOT have access to electricity or technicians available on site therefore we expect performances to be fully self-sufficient.
Performance space required: (Please state minimum in metres: W x D x H) and anticipated technical requirements
Please give details of any education or participation sessions associated with the show that you offer. (These are not a requirement, but it helps us to know if they are available.)
Please let us know how you would plan to travel to venues, bearing in mind some rural venues are not easily accessible by public transport.
Own transport
Public transport + taxis / pickups
Please let us know of any access needs you have in order to take part in Applause Outdoors.
Please note you will need to provide adequate insurances including public liability and obtain, in respect of the production, all necessary licenses, including permissions and pay all copyright royalties. We will also need to see a risk assessment for the production.
Please tell us what publicity and marketing material you already have available for the show.
Hi resolution company logo
Hi res image
Hi res production shots
Applause Outdoors runs from May – September and for commissioned works we expect to have priority booking within an agreed time frame. We do understand that you will have other commitments so please indicate as far as you can your availability for booking during these periods and any commitments to other funders as this may affect our ability to place your work during our busy times.
May 2018
June 2018
July 2018
August 2018
September 2018
Please return this form to:
Name and save your form in the following format - ‘[Individual or Company Name] AO Live Lit Commission and email it to Sally Lampitt () by 5pm Sunday 1 October.