Ephesians 2:19-22
Do You Feel Worthless?
1. Do you feel inferior, worthless, second-rate? That isn’t what God sees!
2. In Ephesians 2:19-22 a for fold description is given. This is how God sees me!
A. What We Were This is what the Gentile was to the blessings of Israel:
Now, therefore is a conclusion of (14-18), but also an expansion of v. 13.
- Strangers…aliens… “A licensed sojourner in a town whose protection and status were secured by the payment of a small tax. The alien had no intrinsic rights.” He had a different quality or nature than something else.
Sinners were aliens to the kingdom of God. They were absent from the privileges of members or citizens.
- Sojourners…foreigners… “short term transients” It is used here of one who comes from another country, but does not rank as a citizen. Gentiles were foreigners to the blessings and privileges of God. So were we, but no more!
B. What We Are
1. Citizens fellow citizens Citizenship was a great source of pride in the ancient
world. In the Greco-Roman culture to which Paul was writing in Ephesus,
citizenship was highly personal. The polis, city laws were part of one’s being,
its customs were a source of pride. Its inhabitants were lifelong friends.
Paul says, they had come to possess a citizenship far superior to any earthly
citizenshipand even the coveted Roman citizenship.Jews and Gentiles now
belonged! They had a common language, a common heritage, a common
history, a common allegiance, a common destination!I am not an inferior,
worthless nobody! I am a citizen of the kingdom of God, and all the victories,
joy and blessing are mineas a citizen!
2. Consecrated with the saints Saints is always plural and means, set apart. We
have been set apart to God and for God. I am not second rate. I am at God’s
disposal to beused as He sees fit!
- Children and of the household of God As wonderful as citizenship is there is nothing to compare with family! Family is a place where we can be ourselves. But as many as received Him to them gave He the ability to become children of God, even to those who believe on His name. (John 1:12) I write unto you ‘born ones’, because your sins are forgiven for His name sake. (I John 2:12)
I am not an inferior, worthless nobody! I am related to Jesus Christ! We approach the Father with “Abba (My) Father”. The Gospel (God’s good news) we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ.
Do you feel inferior, worthless, second-rate? That isn’t what God sees!
We are a building block in a special building. Paul moves from a citizen, to a family, to a
building. We are a building stone laid upon the foundation. Praise the Lord! I am part
of something BIG!
- The Foundation
The order is apostles and then prophets suggesting that Paul meant New Testament prophets. They laid the foundation. The purpose of signs, wonders and gifts of tongues was to confirm who they were. These would write the New Testament. They received revelations from God (Heb. 2:4).
- Apostles These were the 12 followers of Christ. They continued steadfastly in the apostle’s doctrine (Acts 2:42) The early church built its teaching (doctrine) upon that of the apostles.
- Prophets This is without the article ‘the’. To us it is the New Testament. Those who spoke for God prior to the writing of the New Testament (Eph. 3:5).
We are built upon the Word of God…absolute truth! The New Testament is especially in view. If we tamper with the foundation the structure will fall!
- The Fortification Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner (stone) is in italics.
The chief corner was a major structural part of ancient buildings. It had to be strong enough to support what was built upon it. It had to be precisely laid because every other part of the building was oriented to it.The Supporter…Unifier of the entire building is Jesus Christ. Everything is related to Him. We measure our lives by Him!We are building blocks sovereignly placed on this foundational material. We are essential to the project!
Do you feel inferior, worthless, second-rate? That isn’t what God sees!
Growing to a holy temple…We are not upon Whom. We are In Whom. That is our position
and our identification! We got there upon believing.
- The Building
- Fitly framed together…joined together… In Christ we see one superstructure with several parts. These parts are skillfully fitted. This speaks of who you are...what you are…where you are…all is by design. You are not worthless!!
- Grows…is growing and continues to grow. This is not an organization, but an organism. Every time someone is born from above, the building grows. It will continue to grow until the Rapture of the church. The body of Christ is meant to be growing. Healthy churches and healthy Christians will see souls saved!
- The Blessing Grows into a holy temple This is much more than numerical growth. There will be spiritual growth. Christians are born to grow!
- Unto a holy temple…For 300 years Christians had not buildings of their own. Holy because that is its character. The Holy Spirit lives here! A holy sanctuary was where the priests met God!
- In the Lord This is the secret: Jesus is Lord! Let SELF get in and growth and unity will stop!You are not inferior, worthless, or second-rate. You are part of a growing process and we meet God!
Do you feel inferior, worthless, second-rate? That isn’t what God sees!
- Our Stability You also links with v. 13. In whom again reminds us of our position.
In Whom…this is where we should get our identity. Everything else will fail!
B. Our Structure Built together Out of varied material…it is a continuing process:
Beingbuilt together. Out of varied backgrounds… “I can’t preach, sing, play or talk
in front of people.” This may be so, but you can allow Christ to shine through you
in a darkworld!
C. Our Strength for an habitation of God
1. Habitation is a permanent dwelling. The Holy Spirit takes up residence as Lord.
Thisis not some small closet for a pagan idol. In the redeemed…God is here!
We are indwelt. The Spirit of God lives in every child of God. The purpose of
thetemple ofGod is to reveal the presence and glory of God here on earth!
2. through the Spirit This is how Jesus lives in me! I am not a nothing or nobody.
Jesus (His Spirit) lives in me. That is where I get my value!
Do you feel inferior, worthless, second-rate? That isn’t what God sees!
Your feelings are wrong!
Does Jesus live within? God wants to use you to make an impact on this lost world!