Linden Avenue Home & School Association
Unapproved Minutes November 12, 2014
Officers Present: Beth Mikros, President; Jill Ingle, 1st Vice President; Amy McEvoy, 2nd Vice President; Liz Holleran, Treasurer; Linda Castrilli, Secretary
The Linden Avenue Home and School Association held its business meeting on Wednesday, November 12, 2014. Beth Mikros called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.
Board of Ed Update – Heather Yaros-Ramos
- Finance: starting to look at next year’s budget
- Curriculum: equipment and wireless ready for PARCC, scheduling for testing ongoing, 5th grade change to single subject teaching (good reviews from parents and teachers)
- Senior Service – community service or professional work project option
- GREF donated money for high school; virtual HS and LA professional development
- Discussed endorsing Rockaway Resolution – more aid or less mandates
- Awards given out for Tradition of Excellence – Mrs. HK and Mrs. Travisano
- President’s Report: 2015 BOE Draft Goals (NJ Requirement)
- Long range facilities plan
- World languages improvement
- Curriculum Committee report more often to full BOE
- Workload audit for admin
- Most of the meeting focused on high school testing report. NJ ASK scores consistent
- PSAT scores above national average; SAT scores above US and state average
- New SAT coming up
- Honors: US New “Gold Distinction”; Washington Post: “America’s Most Challenging High Schools” list
- Another testing report at January RAS meeting
Principal’s Report – Joseph Caravela
- Parent conferences next week
- National Education Week next week; with fun events
- Twisty slide in playground is broken; getting fixed when new part comes in
- Smart Board fixed
- Document cameras to come
Teachers’ Reports – Mrs. Burns and Mrs. Stap
- Mrs. Stinson’s class: Fun activities for Thanksgiving, pumpkin
- Pre-K: Thanksgiving, handwriting, animals in science, Halloween celebration
- Looking forward to parents coming
- K: learning about Thanksgiving, excited about donating food
- 1: looking forward to Thanksgiving feast; successful Halloween and field trip
- 2: new science program “Habitats”, looking forward to AMNH field trip
Treasurer’s Report – Liz Holleran
- Currently have $62,414.74 in bank. Total cash encumbered = $14,443.69.
Net cash = $47,971.05
President’s Report – Beth Mikros
- Motion to approve September 10/October 3 Minutes (approved by Beth Bernasconi, seconded by Amy McEvoy/Liz Holleran and seconded by Tracy Nix)
- Need library volunteers desperately (especially for Mrs. Schnack’s class)
- Harlem Wizards game on Sunday, November 16. Sold out (more than 700 tickets)
- Update on Discovery: going well, working on new schedule for winter schedule. Will hopefully release it soon. Registration opens Dec. 6-8, begins January 12.
- Free keyboarding class to be offered for 2nd graders (prep for PAARC test). H&SA will pay for it. LAS teachers will conduct the classes. Will cost $2400 for all 2nd graders. Need to encumber $2900 for supplies. Motion to approve: Karen Brady; seconded by Lisa Kollberg.
- Motion to approve document cameras (10 for $3,000) approved by Amy McEvoy, seconded by Jill Engle.
- Motion to approve skill-driven math and Language Arts program to help prepare for PAARC exam ($2600/1-year license). Approved by Beth Bernasconi, seconded by Celia Charles)
Community Service Report – Carol Park
- Collected two boxes of soap and toothpaste at Pumpkin Walk. Donated to Montclair women’s shelter
- Two boxes of Halloween candy for Operation Gratitude
- Collection during Week of Thanks. For Human Needs Food Pantry. Pajama Day collection to buy turkeys. Friday is Turkey Tally day. Classroom with most food donations wins a special day.
- Partnering with Art Wear to help an orphanage in Nepal. Parents can buy keepsakes made from child’s art work. Will be on orphanage in Nepal.
National Education Week – Amy McEvoy
- One of two teacher recognition weeks (also Teacher Appreciation week in Spring). School-wide this year.
- Activity each day
- Wish lists from each teacher
Scrip Update – Mary O’Farrell
- Holiday sale; pre- and post-Thanksgiving
- Open House on Tuesday, December 2 for class parents
- Checks should be sent to 12 High Street
- Amazon portal – go through Glen Ridge page.
Book Fair – Beth Bernasconi
- Flyers are up; Fair happening December 3 and 4
- Sending out call for set-up, clean-up, volunteering
- 2-day Book Fair; refreshments and free gift wrapping
Author Day – Lisa Kollberg
- Late March/early April
- Need funds ($2500); researching authors. Motion to approve: Carol Park, seconded by Mary O’Farrell.
Second Grade Promotion – Karen Brady
- Hot chocolate/bake sale on Friday
- Movie evening on Friday.
- Parent Social on February 28 – Seibel’s house.
Thank Yous – Beth Mikros
- To Mum & Crumb committee
- Pumpkin Walk committee
Beth Mikros adjourned the H&SA business meeting at 8:40 p.m.