IEEE CASS Outreach Initiative 2014- Report

1. Title: South Symposium on Microelectronics (SIM) and Microelectronics School (EMICRO) 2014

2. Name of the proposer: Cezar Rodolfo Wedig Reinbrecht, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Chair of the IEEE Student Branch at UFRGS

3. Date: May 6 to 9, 2014

4. Place: Alegrete, RS, Brazil

5. Participants:100

6. Brief description of the activity:

The South Symposium on Microelectronics (SIM) and the Microelectronics School (EMICRO) are two traditional regional events of the southern Brazil. Created by the Federal University of RioGrande do Sul (UFRGS) in Porto Alegre, Brazil, it is now in its 29th edition. Its main goals are:

  • To bring together local researchers and young students in a variety of Microelectronic’s topics within the field of Microelectronics;
  • To disseminate the main academic activities developed in the region;
  • To provide a discussion forum concerning qualification of human resources in the area
  • To help the developing of local electronics and IT companies.

SIM publishes a book (with ISBN) with the papers presented in the conference.

EMICRO, now in its 15th edition, is a school with a series of basic courses, given by expertprofessionals and researchers focusing on training beginner students and professionals in the Microelectronic’s basic topics. The main goal of EMICRO is to promote the knowledge diffusion of

the design and CAD tools for Integrated Electronic Circuits and Systems.

EMICRO/SIM are organized together, every year, in a city at the State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), southern Brazil, and in 2014 was held at Alegrete city.Our proposal to the IEEE CASS Outreach Initiative 2014 was to support EMICRO/SIM 2014 activities and give grants for students, in order to enable the travel for the students to participate (about 400km from the capital of our state). The main support was related to the transportation of students, professors and invited lecturers (DLPs).

The Outreach Initiative is very important for Brazilian undergraduate students to have the opportunity to get in touch for the first time with a scientific conference in microelectronics. This experience is very important to illustrate how industry and academy work together to develop such a complex area.

7. Program:

Tuesday (May 6) / Wednesday (May 7) / Thursday (May 8) / Friday (May 9)
08:00- 08:30 / Opening
08:30 - 10:00 / EMICRO B1 / EMICRO B5 / EMICRO A1 / EMICRO A6
10:00 - 10:20 / Coffee Break / Coffee Break / Coffee Break / Coffee Break
10:20 - 11:50 / EMICRO B2 / EMICRO B6 / EMICRO A2 / EMICRO A7
11:50 - 13:30 / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch
13:30 - 15:00 / EMICRO B3 / EMICRO B7 / EMICRO A3 / EMICRO A8
15:00 - 16:30 / EMICRO B4 / EMICRO B8 / EMICRO A4 / SIM S3 SIM S4
16:30 - 16:50 / Coffee Break / Coffee Break / Coffee Break / Coffee Break
17:00 - 18:30 / Industry Panel / EMICRO B9 / EMICRO A5

9. Budget:

Revenue (U.S. Dollars)

Grant from Outreach Initiative10,300

Total 10,300

Expense (U.S. Dollars)



Registration 1,475


Total 10,275
