Mrs. Grigsby
8th Grade U.S. History – Room C226
Tutorials: Tues. through Thurs. – 7:30 -7:50
Course Description
In 8th grade U.S. History, students develop an understanding and appreciation of the political, economic, and social development of the United States. The scope of the course includes European settlement, colonization, revolution and the quest for self-government, as well as the progress of the new nation throughout the test of the Civil War and subsequent Reconstruction.
Unit 1: Colonizing the AmericasUnit 4: The New Republic
Unit 2: Struggle for FreedomUnit 5: Civil War and Reconstruction
Unit 3: Creating a Nation
United States History: Colonization through Reconstruction (Pearson)
Required Materials
Students will need the following throughout the year – not necessarily everyday
-Red, blue, black penmap pencilspencil bag
-Glue sticknotebook paperbinder
Mrs. Grigsby uses Remind101 to send reminder text messages to students. Please follow the directions below to access this (parents can do this too): All classes send text message to 81010. Class codes are as follows – this is the message you send to the phone number:
1st period - @a017d72nd period - @mrsgrigs4th period - @adfhkg
5th period - @bbb886th period - @a017d7dAdvisory - @017d7d6
If a student receives three tardies during the semester, a 7:30am detention will be assigned with me. Upon receiving a fourth, the detention will begin at 7:15am. Detentions will last until 7:50am. For any number over four, a Bohac detention will be assigned. Tardies count for the semester in which they occurred.
All assignments will be posted on Moodle, my Google calendar on Moodle and my webpage, and on the Homework page on my webpage. Students may print the assignments from all of these locations.
Google Classroom
Students will be expected to enroll in their google classroom site. Class codes are below and assignments will be posted during the units of study.
1st Period – 4rhbuc2nd Period – 9gm6vz4th Period – 0pa7wlv
5th Period – 28c37o6th Period –f5t8jn
MIS-HPMS Grading Policy 2017-2018
1. Report cards will be available on Skyward at the end of the 9 week grading period. Progress reports will be sent to the parents of those students whose average is below a 75 at the end of each week.
2. Grades - Grades in Social Studies will be divided into these categories:
a. Major Summative Assessments (Tests and Projects) = 60%
b. MinorFormative Assessments (Classwork and Quizzes) = 40%
c. Practice Assessments (Homework – worksheets, etc.) = 0%
Although the practice assessments will be graded and recorded in Skyward, they will not be included in the academic grade and cannot be redone- they are purely to show progress of the student throughout the unit of study. Only the Major and Minor Assessments will determine the student's mastery of the material.
3. Completion of Late Work
a.Students are expected to complete any missing work. Detentions, ISS, Saturday School, and other disciplinary consequences may be assigned by the teacher or the administrator for not completing work.
b.If a student does not complete a minor or major summative assessment, an “I” will be recorded. If the “I” remains at the end of the nine weeks, the “I” will be recorded as the nine week grade and the student will lose eligibility.
c.Students are allowed the same number of days as absences to make up work before an “I” is recorded.
** If the work is completed after the due date, the student will receive a maximum grade of 85.
4. Reteaching and re-assessing for mastery - major and minor assessments (other than final exams) may be retaken once, provided:
a. The student completes the reteaching requirement of mandatory tutorial attendance and self-assessment of the original assignment, and
b. The student attends tutorials on the established reassessment date, to be determined by the teacher.
5. Academic dishonesty (including plagiarism and cheating) will result in disciplinary consequences but will not affect mastery of content grade. In these cases, assessments will be redone in a mandatory tutorial setting with the teacher.
To view the entire MIS-HPMS Grading Policy for 2017-2018, go to
Cell Phone Policy - Students will be expected to park their cell phone in their advisory teacher’s room before the start of the school day. Phones may be picked up after advisory.