DanceFlurry Organization Proposal for Affiliated Dance Series or Affiliated Event Page 1

PO Box 448 ● Latham NY 12110-0448 ● ●

Proposal for Affiliated Dance Series or Affiliated Event

The DanceFlurry Organization’s mission is to provide high-quality, community-oriented dance opportunities to the DanceFlurry community. In determining how to include additional events, we consider how new events would expand the overall offerings available, reach new audiences, serve existing audiences more effectively, and avoid duplicating other efforts Please read the sample agreement on page two and use the space below to tell us about your proposed event or dance series.



DanceFlurry Organization Proposal for Affiliated Dance Series or Affiliated Event Page 1


Contact information: Email: ______Phone: _______

___ Existing event for ______years___ New Event

___ One-time or annual event___ Monthly event___ Other (describe) ______

Seeking assistance with:

___ Promotion___ Insurance costs___ Other: ______

Event Description (feel free to use additional space if needed)

Background: Existing events: tell us a little about the history. New events: what led to the planning?

For the following questions, if you are describing a new event, please answer according to your plans.

Audience: Who are the current participants or who do you hope will participate?

Geographic distribution: (Describe communities/counties the dancers come from)

Average number at events:

Any other specific characteristics? (college students, mainly older dancers, etc.)

Administration: How is the event organized -- is there a committee, are there any other sponsoring organizations?

What is the budget for the event? Include costs for venue, musicians, callers and publicity?

When is the event held? (First Friday, Second Sunday, etc.)

Are there any admission fees?

How are the events advertised?

Venue: What is the capacity of the venue? Is there adequate parking?

Challenges and Benefits: What challenges do you face with this event? Besides marketing and possible insurance coverage, is there any other type of particular assistance you are seeking in becoming a DFO affiliate?


Your proposal will be reviewed by the DanceFlurry Organization Program Committee. Since this is an all-volunteer organization that meets monthly, we will need time to work on the review and any follow up needed. We will reply to your proposal within 60 days.

In order to allow ample time to publicize the event and make all administrative arrangements, we ask that you apply at least six months before the date of the event.


If approved, you will be required to sign an agreement with the following terms. We have developed the following guidelines for what we hope will be a mutually beneficial arrangement.

The DanceFlurry Organization responsibilities:

  • Insurance coverage for your event(s);
  • Assistance with publicity and promotion through the DFO online calendar and other promotional efforts; and
  • Invitations to events for dance organizers and/or other types of activities aimed at providing support and information.

Dance organizer responsibilities:

  • Provide the DFO with a list of your planned events, venue names, and contacts at each venue. If there are any changes to events, please update DFO administrative staff immediately;
  • Provide up-to-date contact and event details to the DFO for publicity;
  • Keep the information in the DFO website Google dance calendar current;
  • Offer a $1 discount to DFO members.
  • Help us distribute our promotional and membership materials by placing them out at your event(s) and including them in any event mailing;
  • Inform the DFO President and administrative staff if there are any incidents or accidents at an event that might involve our insurance; and
  • Include the DFO logo in your promotional materials. See the attached guidelines.

Limited DFO Involvement

  • While the DFO may assist with insurance coverage, it is understood that the DFO has no functional or financial obligations related to running this event or series.
  • Inclusion of an Event as a DanceFlurry Affiliate does not confer non-profit status on the Affiliate Organization or the Event.

Automatic Renewal: This agreement is renewed automatically each year.

Termination: Either party (the DFO or the event organizers) may terminate the sponsored event agreement by giving 30 days notice.

Please send your proposal to or mail to the DanceFlurry Organization, P.O. Box 448, Latham, NY 12110. Thank you for your interest!