Qualifications with future” realized within the 10th priority Axis PRO WM 2014-2020: Sub-measure 10.3.4 Professional training and education of adults, co-financed by the EU Funds within the Regional Operational Program of Mazowieckie District 2014-2020
Warsaw, 30May 2017
No.: 3/2017/RPMA
Procedure for receiving an order under the Project No. RPMA.10.03.04-14-6735/16 – „Qualifications with future” realized within the 10th priority Axis PRO WM 2014-2020: Sub-measure 10.3.4 Professional training and education of adults, co-financed by the EU Funds within the Regional Operational Program of Mazowieckie District2014-2020on supplying handbooks, manuals and making trainers’ assessment for 90 participants.
I. Name and address of the Contracting Authority
Akademia Szybkiej Nauki Tadeusz Buzarewicz
ul. Nowogrodzka 49
00-695 Warszawa
tel. +48 55255 84 31
represented byTadeuszBuzarewicz - Owner
II. Description of the Object:
- Estimated value of the order exceeds PLN 50000 net.
- The procedure is not subject to the provisions of the Act on Public Procurement Law and is done according to the rule of competitiveness according to regulations included in the Guidelines of the Minister of Infrastructure and Development regarding qualification of expenses within the European Fund of Regional Development, European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund for 2014-2020 of 10 April 2015, (sign. MIiR/H 2014-2020/12(01)/04/2015/) sections 6.5.1 – General conditions of public and 6.5.3 – Special conditions of realization of public procurement done according to the rule of competitiveness.
- The order covers realization of the following tasks:
1)Task 1. Supplybooksfor 90 participants of the project:
1)30 books PRINCE2® - efficient project management,PL edition2009, Publishing House: TSO (The Stationery Office),ISBN9780113312245
2)30 booksM_o_R® - Risk Management - Guidebook for practitioners, PL edition 2010, Publishing House: TSO (The Stationery Office),ISBN 9780113314133
3)30 booksMSP® - Efficient program management, PLedition 2011, Publishing House: TSO (The Stationery Office),ISBN 9780113314362
2)Task 2. Supply examsfor 90 participants of the project:
1)30 exams PRINCE2 Foundation and 30 exams PRINCE2 Practitioner
2)30 examsM_o_R Foundation and 30 examsM_o_R Practitioner
3)30 exams MSP Foundation and 30 exams MSP Practitioner
The exams must be supplied in a printed version. The Contracting Authority does not allow the possibility of exams online.
3)Task 3. Make trainers’ assessment(validation and certification) for90 participants of the project:
1)trainers’ assessment for 30 participants in the scope of PRINCE2 Project management methodology
2)trainers’ assessment for 30 participants in the scope of M_o_Rrisk management methodology
3)trainers’ assessment for 30 participants in the scope of MSP program management methodology
The assessment must be done by an Examination Institute and must be composed of:observation of chosen training modules(at least 2) by an authorized assessor, who is a representative of the Examination Institute and an oral exam provided by the assessor.The result of the exam shall be given as a detailed report made by an assessorduring training observation and an oral exam.The report must include at least:
- assessment of trainers’ abilities – material and exercise knowledge, ability to answer students’ questions, use of adequate examples
- assessment of methodology knowledge (accordingly PRINCE2, M_o_R, MSP) – understanding methodology, ability to match certain elements of methodology, ability to adjust methodologyto a specific project
- assessment of knowledge of binding procedures (accordingly PRINCE2, M_o_R, MSP) - knowledge of examination procedure, knowledge of ownership procedure, knowledge of intellectual property protection procedure
The positive result of the trainers’ assessment must be completed by receiving a certificate: PRINCE2 Approved Trainer, M_o_R Approved Traineror MSP Approved Traineraccordingly to each methodology.
- Signature of the order subject according to a Common Procurement Vocabulary:
- 80000000-4Education and Training Services,
- 80532000-2 Management Training Services
- 39162100-6Educational Materials
- 22121000-4 Technical Publications
- Deadline for completing the order: 14.06.2017-31.12.2017. Dates of certain stages shall be agreed with a Subcontractor chosen in this procedure.
- The Contracting Authority does not allow partial offers.
III. Requirements:
- Contractors who apply for this order shall:
- Have proper authorization for providing the activity included in this order, if legal provisions impose such obligation;
- Have authorization do to provide certification and trainers’ assessments (status of an Examination Institute) in the scope ofmethodologywhich is an object of this order (PRINCE2, M_o_R, MSP);
- Have appropriate technical possibilities and people capable of fulfilling the order;
- are not subject to conditions which would enable them to participate in the project if the procedure was done according to the Act on Public Procurement - art. 24 (i.e., Journal of Laws 2010, No. 113 p.759).
- The evaluation of fulfilling the abovementioned conditions shall be done according to the PASS/NO PASS formula on the basis of information included in presented statements and documents. It must be clearly stated that the Contractor meets the requirements.
- Conditions of payment: by money transfer to the account number given in the Offer in 14 days from receiving a correct invoice, after prior signing the protocol „without reservation”(signing the protocol shall take place within 14 days after finishing each workshops). Payment terms may change in case the Intermediate Body does not transfer funds to the project account. In such case the Contractor shall not be entitled to interest for the delay period according to an Act of 12June 2003 about payment terms in commercial transactions (Journal of Laws 8 August 2003 as amended, art.4 p. 3c).
- Akademia Szybkiej Nauki Tadeusz Buzarewiczis the payer.
IV. Information about statements and documents to be delivered by Contractors in order to confirm meeting requirements of the procedure:
In order to evidence meeting the procedure requirements each Contractor shall present the following documents together with an offer, filled in Polish and English:
- statements (according to the contents of Part 2 of this Invitation):
- about accepting and meeting the requirements of participating in this procedure,
- about conformity of the presented offer with requirements stated in the Invitation, ,
- about binding by this offer in 30 days after its opening,
- about having appropriate authorization to provide certain activity if the legal provisions require so,
- about having appropriate authorization distributeexamsand provide trainers’ (status of Examination Institute) in the scope ofmethodologywhich are the object of this order (PRINCE2, M_o_R, MSP);
- about having the necessary knowledge and experience, appropriate technical possibilities and people capable of fulfilling the order
- about being in an economic and financial situation which enables fulfilling the order,
- about not being subject to conditions which would enable them to participate in the project if the procedure was done according to the Act on Public Procurement - art. 24 (i.e., Journal of Laws 2010, No. 113 p.759).
- about lack of personal or capital connections with the Contracting Authority or other persons authorized by him to take liabilities or persons acting on behalf of the Contracting Authority on preparing and making the procedure of choosing the Contractor, especially by:
1)participating in the company as a shareholder,
2)owning at least 10% of shares,
3)acting as a member of a body,
4)being married or otherwise related.
- Obligations (according to the contents of Part 2 of this Invitation):
- to conclude an agreement in the place and date given by the Contracting Authority,
- to complete the subject of the order in the period given in this Invitation.
- Valid authorized copy of a proper register to confirm authorization to provide certain activities (if necessary), if separate provisions require an entry in a registry; in case of KRS it can be issued not later than one month before the deadline for making this offer.
- The Contractors who have headquarters or are registered out of the territory of the Republic of Poland provide documents to confirm meeting requirements of this procedure according to the provisions of the Regulation of the Prime Ministerabout types of documents which may be required by the Contracting Authority from the Contractor and the form in which they can be presented of 30 December 2009r. (Journal of Laws, No. 226, p. 1817).
- In case the Contractor acts by a proxy the proxy document shall be included in original or authorized copy. In case of Contractors taking part in the procedure in cooperation and in case of entities listed in § 1 p. 2 and 3 of Regulation of the Prime Ministerabout types of documents which may be required by the Contracting Authority from the Contractor and the form in which they can be presented of 30 December 2009r. (Journal of Laws, No. 226, p. 1817) - copies of documents concerning the Contractor or this entities accordingly, can be certified true copies.
- Contractors applying for the order are obliged to provide a proxy for one person to represent all Contractors who apply in cooperation.
V. Place, date and form of making offers:
- The offer shall be given on the offer form in the headquarters of the Contracting Authority with an inscription on the envelope: „Offer to the offer No. Kwalifikacje 3/2017/RPMA”or send it in an electronic form to 09 June 2017, time: 12.00 a.m.
- The date of making the offer is the date of receiving the offer in the headquarters of the Contracting Authority. Offers made after this date shall be returned without opening.
- The offer may be made by a person authorized to make expressions of intention on behalf of the contractor.
- Person authorized to contact the contractors and clarify the procedures and substantial issues is
SylwiaSęktas – tel. +48501368340,e-mail:
VI. Place and date of opening the offers:
Opening the offers shall take place in the headquarters of the Contracting Authority on 09 June 2017 at 12.30p.m.
VII. Pricecalculationmethod:
- In choosing the offer the Contracting Authority will observe the following criteria: price – 100%
- Evaluation of offers shall be expressed in points calculated as follows:
Price of the evaluated offer
c = / ------/ * 100
Price of the lowest offer
where „C” means points given to the evaluated offer according to the abovementioned criteria.
- An offer will be chosen from the presented offers which will meet all the requirements stated in this Invitation and shall receive the highest number of points.The calculations shall be made up to two decimal digits.
- If the Contracting Authority cannot make a choice of the best offer due to the fact that offers of the same number of points were made, Contracting Authority shall summon the Contractors to make additional offers in a given time.
- The Contractors cannot quote prices higher than in prior offers.
VIII. Criteria of choosing an offer:
- On the offer form present net and gross price and the VAT amount if the Contractor is a VAT payer.
- State the price in PLN up to two decimal digits.
- The price includes all costs of completing the order.
- Accounts between the Contracting Authority and the Contractor shall be settled in Polish Zlotys.
- Each Contractor can offer only one price and cannot change it.
- Price negotiations are acceptable.
- The Contractors who make the offers on time stated in point V can take part choosing the offer.
(signature of Contracting Authority)
Company stamp
Concerning Qualifications with Future03/2017 procedure:
Name of the Contractor:
Addressof the Contractor:
Telephone number:
NIP of the Contractor (VAT EU Number):
In reference to the offer invitation for the object of the order, according to conditions specified in Part I and the following calculation, for a total:
- Net price: PLN ……………...... , (in words: ……..…..……..……...…...... Polish Zlotys),
- VAT: ...... zł, (in words: ……..…..……..……...…...... Polish Zlotys),
- Gross price: ……………... zł, (in words: ……..…..……..……...…...... Polish Zlotys).
Lp. / Name of the product / NET Value / VATrate / VATvalue / Gross valueTask 1. Supplybooksfor 90 participants of the project
Task 2. Supply examsfor 90 participants of the project
Task 3. Make trainers’ assessment (certification and validation) for 90 participants of the project
I herebyconfirmthat:
- I accept and meet the procedure requirements,
- this offer is compliant with requirements specified in the Invitation,
- I consider bound by this offer in the period specified in Part I,
- I am authorized to perform certain activity if the legal provisions require such authorization,
- I am authorized to distributeexamsand make trainers’ assessments (status of an Examination Institute ) in the scope of methodologies which are the objects of this order (PRINCE2, M_o_R, MSP);
- I have the necessary knowledge and experience, technical and personnel potential to fulfill the order,
- I am in a suitable financial/economical condition to fulfill the order,
- I am not subject to conditions which would enable them to participate in the project if the procedure was done according to the Act on Public Procurement - art. 24 (i.e., Journal of Laws 2010, No. 113 p.759).
- There is no personal or capital connections with the Contracting Authority or other persons authorized by him to take liabilities or persons acting on behalf of the Contracting Authority on preparing and making the procedure of choosing the Contractor, especially by:
a)participating in the company as a shareholder,
b)owning at least 10% of shares,
c)acting as a member of a body,
d)being married or otherwise related.
- We hereby oblige to (according to the contents of Part 2 of this Invitation):
a)to conclude an agreement in the place and date given by the Contracting Authority,
b)to complete the subject of the order in the period given in this Invitation.
………………………………………… / …………………………………………(date, place) / (stamp and signature)