United States History Goal 6 EOC Review Test

1. Between the 1890s and the start of World War I,the United States expanded its access to overseasmarkets and raw materials through the policy of (6.01)





Base your answers to questions 2 and 3 on thequotation below and on your knowledge of socialstudies.

“. . . Whether they will or no, Americans mustnow begin to look outward. The growingproduction of the country demands it. Anincreasing volume of public sentiment demandsit. . . .”

— Alfred T. Mahan, The Atlantic Monthly,

December 1890

2. This statement encouraged popular supportamong Americans for (6.01)





3. Supporters of Mahan’s ideas most likelyfavored a foreign policy that would (6.01)

Alimit the military arms race

Bacquire foreign markets

Cabandon the Monroe Doctrine

Destablish an international peace organization

4. During the 1890s, Joseph Pulitzer and WilliamRandolph Hearst used yellow journalism togenerate public support for the (6.02)

Aelection of Populist Party candidates

Bpresidential candidacy of William McKinley

Cgoals of workers in the Pullman strike

DSpanish-American War

5. An important result of the Spanish-AmericanWar of 1898 was that the United States (6.02)

Aacquired territories in Africa

Bbecame a world power with an overseasempire

Cimproved its relations with Germany

Dlost interest in Latin American affairs

6. Which United States policy is most closelyassociated with the annexation of Hawaii and thePhilippines? (6.02)




Dinternational cooperation

7. Why was there increased interest in building acanal across Central America in the late 1800s? (6.02)

AThe United States had acquired colonies inthe Pacific region.

BTariffs on Chinese and Japanese products hadended.

CThe main source of immigration had shiftedfrom northern Europe to southern Europe.

DTranscontinental railroads had not yet beencompleted.

8. By proclaiming the Open Door policy in 1899,the United States was attempting to (6.03)

Akeep Japan from attacking and colonizingChina

Bincrease trade between Russia and the

United States

Censure equal trading opportunities in China

Dprevent European countries from colonizingthe Western Hemisphere

9. A goal of President Theodore Roosevelt’s BigStick policy and President William Howard Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy policy toward Latin America was to (6.03)

Ajoin Western Hemisphere nations in amilitary alliance

Bprotect American economic and politicalinterests

Cencourage foreign nations to establishcolonies

Draise Latin America’s standard of living

10. Which heading best completes the partial outline below? (6.03)

I.______-Sea power is the key to nationalgreatness.

-United States missionaries spreadChristian principles.

-The Anglo-Saxon civilization is thebest in the world.

-Sugar plantations in Hawaii weredeveloped by Americans.

AReasons to Declare War on Spain

BJustification for American Imperialism

CTheodore Roosevelt’s Political Platform

DYellow Journalism in Newspapers