Property ID and address:......
Rent Price:......
Contemplated Lease Term:......
Contemplated Move-in Date:......
Phone Number (Hm):...... (Cell):......
Soc. Sec. #:...... Date of Birth:......
Driver’s Lic.:...... State:......
Credit Report
As part of the application process, will need to see a current Credit Report and Score.
To preserve your credit rating we would like to give you the opportunity to obtain your own credit report. If you already have one that is recent, two weeks or less, please fax it to our office at (808)572-8255.
If you do not hold a recent credit report you can obtain a free credit report once per year from the site below. You will also need to purchase a credit score report which typically costs about $8. Simply go to this government website detailing the process:
List all Residences for last 5 years (start with current residence) – minimum 2 references:
City, Zip:......
Move in date: ...... Move out date:......
Name of Landlord or Manager: ......
Phone #:...... Rent $:......
Reason for leaving ......
City, Zip:......
Move in date: ...... Move out date:......
Name of Landlord or Manager: ......
Phone #:...... Rent $:......
Reason for leaving ......
City, Zip:......
Move in date: ...... Move out date:......
Name of Landlord or Manager: ......
Phone #:...... Rent $:......
Reason for leaving ......
Employment Information
Current Employer:......
Phone #:...... Length of Employment:......
Position:...... Salary: ......
Supervisor’s Name:...... Tel.; #:......
Current Employer:......
Phone #:...... Length of Employment:......
Position:...... Salary: ......
Supervisor’s Name:...... Tel.; #:......
Financial Information
If you are unable to provide an employment reference for us to call and verify salary, you may need to provide us with alternate information in order to help substantiate your earnings. Examples of this are; 6 months of past bank statements, the previous years tax return, or company financials.
General Information
Name all persons that would occupy the Property:
Will any occupant smoke in the dwelling:Yes.....No......
Will applicant maintain a renter’s insurance policy:Yes.....No......
List all vehicles to be parked on the Property (cars, trucks, trailers, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, boats, etc):
Type: ...... License#/State:......
Type: ...... License#/State:......
Type: ...... License#/State:......
Type: ...... License#/State:......
Will there be any pets on the Property?
Yes.....No ...... If yes No. of Pets: ......
Type: ...... Breed:......
Weight:...... Age:...... Gender:......
Neutered?...... De-clawed?...... Rabies Shots Current?......
Other (eg. fish, birds, reptiles, etc.) – List and explain manner in which kept:
Write Yes (Y) or No (N):
Has Applicant, Co-applicant or any other occupant ever:
Been evicted?......
Filed bankruptcy?......
Lost property due to foreclosure?......
Had any credit problems?......
Been convicted of a felony?......
If the answer to any of the proceeding questions is YES, explain (attach additional sheets if necessary).
Emergency Contacts
In case of emergency, notify:
Phone #:...... Relationship:......
Additional information
Representation: Applicant and Co-applicant represent that the above statements are true and complete. Providing false information is grounds for rejection, termination of a lease, and retention of money tendered to Landlord as liquidated damages.
Authorization: Applicant and Co-applicant authorize Landlord and Landlord’s broker to: (1) obtain a copy of any consumer or credit report related to this application; (2) verify any rental history, employment history, or any other information related to this application and: (3) discuss information in the consumer report with Landlord and Landlord’s broker.
Applicant Signature Date
- ph: 808-572-8222 f: 808-572-8255
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