Basic Blueprint Reading for Machinist
Fall 08-09
Organization / MadisonvilleCommunity College
Course Prefix, Number, Section, PS Class # / BRX 110 8001 35911
Credits / 2
Credit Hours / 45
Instructor / Ronnie Birdsong
Instructor's E-mail Address /
Office Number / 134
Campus / Technology Campus
Address / 150 School Avenue
City/State/Zip / Madisonville, KY42431
Office Hours / M-F 3:00-4:00
Office Phone / (270) 824-1760
Beginning Date / 08/18/2008
Meeting Times/Location / Tuesday 8:00-11:00 AM Tech 134
Official Course Description
This course presents basic math, lines, multiview drawings, symbols, various schematics and diagrams, dimensioning techniques, section views, auxiliary views, threads and fastener, and sketching typical to all shop drawings. Safety will be emphasizing as an integral part of the course.
Required Text
Russ Schultz and Larry Smith.Blueprint Reading for the Machine Trades.Prentice Hall.Edition: Revised Sixth.Pages: 393.ISBN: 978-0-73-503878-9.
Learner Supplies
6" steel rule, pen, paper, and a calculator.
General Education Competencies
A. / Communicate effectively
Read and listen comprehension
Speak and write clearly using standard English
Interact cooperatively with others using both verbal and non-verbal means.
Demonstrate information processing through basic computer skills.
B. / Think critically
Demonstrate problem solving
Make connections in learning across disciplines and draw logical conclusions
Use mathematic to organize, analyze, and synthesize data
C. / Learn independently
Think creatively to develop new ideas, processes, or projects.
Apply learning in academic, personal, and public situations
Make choices based upon awareness.
Use appropriate search strategies and recourses to find, evaluate, and use information.
D. / Examine Relations in diverse and complex environments
Recognize the relationships of the individual to heritage and culture.
Analyze the relationship of the individual to the biological and physical environment.
Develop an awareness of self as an individual member of a multicultural global community.
Course Competencies
1. / Sketch oblique views of various parts.
2. / Sketch and dimension shop drawings.
3. / Sketch parts with irregular shapes.
4. / Set tolerances using geometric dimensioning techniques.
5. / Interpret ordinate and tabular dimensions.
6. / Identify half, full, and removed sections.
7. / Dimension parts using shop notes.
8. / Calculate tapers and machined surfaces.
9. / Identify labeling of various screw threads.
10. / Calculate tolerances.
11. / Interpret the base line dimensions on drawings.
12. / Locate dimensions for centering of holes, points, and centers.
13. / Size dimensions of holes and angles.
14. / Demonstrate proper dimensions of cylinders and arcs.
15. / Demonstrate the use of size and location dimensions.
16. / Arrange and identify auxiliary views.
17. / Identify one view drawings.
18. / Arrange multiple views
19. / Arrange two view drawings.
20. / Identify multiple views.
21. / Identify the alphabet of lines.
22. / Demonstrate competency in mathematical fraction and decimal problems.
Guidelines for Success
ADA Policy
If you have a documented disability and need any type of accommodation, you are required to register with the Disability Resource Coordinator. Contact Valerie Wolfe, Disability Resource Coordinator, in Room 112 of the LRC building or at (270) 824-1708. The Disability Resources Office provides accommodations for students with permanent or temporary documented disabilities. This includes, but is not limited to, students with physical or psychological disabilities, learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD, and other health problems.
Course Requirements (applies only to technical courses)
Students must earn a "C" or better to get credit for this course.
Withdrawal Policy
Students may withdraw from a class at their discretion with a "W" prior to the completion of the eighth week of classes. This date is ___Oct. 6______. The last day for a student, at the discretion of the instructor, to officially withdraw from a class and receive a grade of "W" is _____Dec. 5______.
Students Rights
Students Can find information about academic rights and academic offenses and the right to appeal infringements upon these rights in the KCTCS Code of Conduct. This code can be found on the KCTCS web site or in the library of any campus.
Writing Statement
"To communicate using Standard English" your writing will be evealuated by utilizing various assignments. "All facility is expected to call attention to and penalize for errors in Engllish usgae and require the rewriting of papers which do not meet acceptable standards."
The instructor reserves the right to make adjustments in the schedule, assignments, test, course requirements, and/or statements made by this syllabus as circumstances may require.
Evaluation / Grading Policy
A 90 - 100 %
B 80 - 89 %
C 70 - 79 %
D 60 - 69 %
E Below 60 %
Assignments and Course Activities
Individual Project (11* 20 Points each) = 220
Involvement/Participation/Discussion Board = 130
Research Project 1 = 150
Research Project 2 = 150
Midterm Exam (Unit 1 - 7) = 100
Final Exam (Unit 8 - 14) = 200
Final Electronic Portfolio = 50
Attendance Policy
Attendance will be taken daily. Any student who is absent for three consecutive days will have his or her name submitted to financial aid.
Late Work Policy
Home work will be due the day after the assignment. No work will be accepted more than one week late.
Make-up Policy
All make up work must be scheduled within three days of absence.
Tentative Schedule
Session / Target Competencies / Notes
Week 1 / Read: Syllabus
Assign: Discussion Forum 1: Personal Information & Introduction
Due: None
Week 2 / Identify the alphabet of lines. / Read : Unit 1 (Page 1-20) Assign: Review the Power Point presentation and complete the unit quiz.
Week 3 / Identify one view drawings.
Arrange multiple views
Arrange two view drawings.
Identify multiple views.
Identify the alphabet of lines.
Demonstrate competency in mathematical fraction and decimal problems. / Read: Unit 2 (Page 21-47)
Assign: Review the PowerPoint presentation and complete the unit quiz
Week 4 / Read: Unit 3 (Page 48-73) Review the PowerPoint presentation and complete the unit quiz. Due: Research project 1
Due: Research project 1
Week 5 / Read: Unit 4 (Page 74-97) Review the PowerPoint presentation and
Week 6 / Size dimensions of holes and angles.
Arrange multiple views / Read: Unit 5 (Page 98-128) Review the PowerPoint presentation and complete the unit quiz
Week 7 / Demonstrate proper dimensions of cylinders and arcs.
Demonstrate the use of size and location dimensions. / Read: Unit 6 (Page 129-154) Review the PowerPoint presentation and complete the unit quiz
Week 8 / Calculate tapers and machined surfaces. / Read: Unit 7 (Page 155-178) Review the PowerPoint presentation and complete the unit quiz
Week 9 / Identify half, full, and removed sections. / Read: Unit 8 (Page 179-205) Review the PowerPoint presentation and complete the unit quiz. Due: Discussion Forum 3
Week 10 / Identify labeling of various screw threads. / Read: Unit 9 (Page 206-235) Review the PowerPoint presentation and complete the unit quiz
Week 11 / Interpret ordinate and tabular dimensions.
Locate dimensions for centering of holes, points, and centers.
Size dimensions of holes and angles. / Read: Unit 10 (Page 236-261) Review the PowerPoint presentation and complete the unit quiz
Week 12 / Demonstrate the use of size and location dimensions.
Demonstrate competency in mathematical fraction and decimal problems. / Read: Unit 11 (Page 263-277) Review the PowerPoint presentation and complete the Unit quiz. Research project 2 due.
Week 13 / Identify labeling of various screw threads.
Arrange and identify auxiliary views. / Read: Unit 12 (page 278-293) Review the PowerPoint presentation and complete the unit quiz
Week 14 / Set tolerances using geometric dimensioning techniques.
Demonstrate competency in mathematical fraction and decimal problems. / Read: Unit 13 (Page 294-331) Review the PowerPoint presentation and complete the unit quiz Due: Discussion Forum 4
Week 15 / Set tolerances using geometric dimensioning techniques.
Demonstrate competency in mathematical fraction and decimal problems. / Read: Unit 14 (page 332-355) Review the PowerPoint presentation and complete the unit quiz
Week 16 / Arrange two view drawings.
Demonstrate competency in mathematical fraction and decimal problems. / Read: Unit 15 (Page 356-365) Review the PowerPoint presentation and complete the Final Exam
Critical Thinking Competency- Students will be tested on their ability to read blueprints. They will be required to calculate dimensions on a given view. To do this they will be required to take a three view drawing and assemble the views in their mind in order to visualize what the part looks like.