Proof of Active Corporate Status:

Canadian Chapters

We provide the information below to assist chapters in proving the “active” status of their corporations as part of the AFP Accord process. If your province provides information on its website that actually shows status (active, suspended, dissolved, etc) a copy of the document showing “active” status is preferred. If your status is anything other than “active”, please contact the appropriate agency immediately to resolve any issues that may be affecting your status.

If your province does not provide an online service that indicates corporate status, chapters may use the links below to locate information and/or forms for filing the annual reports required by all provinces. A copy of the annual report submitted to your province will satisfy Accord requirements. Failure to file timely reports may result in the chapter’s corporation being dissolved by the province.

The information below is provided to assist you but in no way presents itself as legal advice. Chapters are required to comply with all provincial laws and should inform themselves with regards to annual reporting requirements.


The above link provides information on the required annual corporate filing. No actual “search” location was found to provide corporate status but chapters may fulfill the Accord requirements by providing IHQ a copy of the annual report to the Alberta Corporate Registries Office. Since corporations who do not file the annual report will be administratively dissolved by the province, a copy of the report will indicate “active” status. Please also note required notice when a change in Directors is made.


The above link provides information on required annual corporate filings. No actual “search” location was found to provide corporate status but chapters may fulfill the Accord requirements by providing IHQ a copy of the annual report to the Ministry of Finance. Since corporations who do not file the annual report will be administratively dissolved by the province, a copy of the report will indicate “active” status.


The above link provides information on annual corporate filing required. Forms will be mailed to you, based on your corporation’s anniversary date. If you have not received the forms within two weeks prior to the date you are required to file, scroll down to the section titled “What form would you like?” and click on Annual Return. No actual free “search” location was found to provide corporate status but chapters may fulfill the Accord requirements by providing IHQ a copy of the annual report to the Manitoba Companies Office or by ordering a certificate. Corporations who fail to file two consecutive annual reports will be administratively dissolved by the province.


The above link provides information on annual corporate filing required. No actual “search” location was found to provide corporate status but chapters may fulfill the Accord requirements by providing IHQ a copy of the annual report to the Newfoundland Registry of Companies. Since corporations who do not file the annual report will be administratively dissolved by the province, a copy of the report will indicate “active” status. For information on annual returns, follow the link below:

It is unclear from the information provided whether nonprofits file the same annual report as for profit corporations…if you are not certain which form to use, we recommend you contact the Registry of Companies for clarification before filing.


Incorporated societies do not expire but are required to file annually, within 14 days of the annual general meeting, a list of directors, a copy of the most recent financial statement and a $25.00 renewal fee. See the Expiry & Renewal section at the link above. A copy of the annual filing will meet Accord requirements.


The above link provides information on required annual corporate filing. No actual “search” location was found to provide corporate status but chapters may fulfill the Accord requirements by providing IHQ a copy of the annual report to the province of Ontario. If the chapter orders a Corporation Profile Report to use in preparation of the annual report, a copy of this report may suffice for Accord. Since corporations who do not file the annual report will be administratively dissolved by the province, a copy of the report will indicate “active” status. Use the link below for additional information on required annual reports.


The above link will lead you to information about the chapter’s corporate status. (Use the Search for an Enterprise option and enter the chapter name exactly as it appears on the corporate documents). The link below provides information about the annual report that is required by the province. A copy of the annual report will also fulfill Accord requirements.


The above link will enable you to search for your chapter in the corporate registry and determine your corporate status (be sure to enter the chapter name exactly as it appears on the corporate documents). The link below provides information on the province’s required annual corporate report. Since corporations who fail to file the annual report will be dissolved by the province, a copy of the annual report will satisfy the Accord requirements.