Proof Copy ([1/4E] in the process of updating)
Prof. Dr Jan Pajak
Volume 1
Moulding the destiny
Scientific monograph, 4th edition, New Zealand, 2004
ISBN 0-9583727-5-6
Copyright 8 1998 by Prof. Dr Jan Pajak.
All rights reserved. No part of this monograph may be reproduced, stored in a database or retrieval system, transmitted, or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission from the author or a person legally authorized to act on his behalf. From the obligation of getting such a written permission are only released those who would like to prepare a single copy of this monograph for their personal use oriented towards the increase of their knowledge and who fulfil the condition that they will not use the copy prepared for any professional purpose or for accomplishing material gains, and also that they copy the entire monograph - including the title page, the content pages, all chapters, all illustrations, and all enclosures.
A private edition by the author. Registered in the National Library of New Zealand as legal deposit dated 29 October 1998. Published in New Zealand, in two language versions: English and Polish.
Date of the latest amendment of this volume and copy: 12 December 2004. (Note that in case of having access to several copies of this monograph, it is recommended to read the copy which has the latest date of amendment.)
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This monograph [1/4E] is a scientific report from results of the author's research. For this reason all parts which have documentary or evidential value are presented accordingly to standards applicable for scientific publications (reports). Special attention is given to the requirement of repetitiveness, i.e. that on the basis of this monograph any professional scientist or hobby investigator who would like to verify, repeat, or extend the author's research should be able to recreate his work and arrive at very similar results and conclusions.
This is a fourth edition (augmented and updated) of the most important scientific publication by the author, which third (previous) edition [1/3] was published in 1998 (in Polish) and carried the same title and editorial data, while the first edition was the monograph [1e]:
Dr Jan Pajak: "Advanced Magnetic Propulsion Systems". Monograph, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1990, ISBN 0959794697, a private edition by the author, 460 pages (including 7 Tables and 163 illustrations).
All correspondence to the author of this monograph [1/4] can be directed at the following his address in New Zealand:
Dr Jan Pajak
P.O. Box 33250
Petone 6340
Home tel. (in 2004): +64 (4) 56-94-820; E-mails: or
ABSTRACT of the volume 1 of monograph [1/4E] "Advanced magnetic devices", ISBN 0-9583727-5-6.
So far our civilisation developed three completely different systems of flying vehicles. These are: (1) balloons and airships - means flying machines which are lighter than air, thus the operation of which is based on the principle of buoyancy, (2) aeroplanes - means flying machines the principle of operation of which utilises the lifting force formed through dynamic interaction between a stream of air and the surface of their wings, and (3) rockets - means devices which fly exclusively due to the jet action of their propellants. Amongst these three types of flying vehicles, only rockets are able to move in three main environments that surround us, namely in vacuum of free space, in air, and in water.
However, some time ago an unique equivalent for the "periodic table of elements" was developed. This equivalent concerns propelling devices (instead of chemical elements). It is called the "Periodic Principle", and is described in chapter B of this monograph. It informs, that soon a next type of completely new propelling devices is going to be developed on Earth. Their principle of operation is going to utilise mutual force interactions (i.e. attraction and repulsion) between two systems of magnetic fields. The first one, out of these two systems of fields, are natural fields that exist in our environment, means earth's magnetic field, solar magnetic field, or galactic magnetic field. In turn the second one, out of these two systems of magnetic fields that can mutually repel each other, are technical fields produced by appropriately constructed magnetic propelling devices. In this way completely new propulsion systems and new vehicles are going to appear on Earth. They will be capable to move silently in any possible environment, means in vacuum of free space, in air, in water, and even in rocks and solid environments. Thus soon, at least three versions of such new magnetic propulsion systems are going to be build. These are: (1) the basic vehicle called the discoidal Magnocraft (described in chapter F), (2) four-propulsor vehicle (shown in chapter D), and (3) magnetic personal propulsion (described in chapter E).
The operation of all these three new types of flying vehicles with magnetic propulsion, is based on utilisation of a new propelling device, which earlier remained unknown to us, but which I had the honour to invent. I call this device the "oscillatory chamber", and I described it in chapter C. So what is this oscillatory chamber? Imagine a small transparent cube of perfect form, which represents a new device for producing a super-powerful magnetic field. It looks like "a crystal" of a regular shape made of some transparent mineral, or like a cube cut beautifully from shiny glass and showing its content through transparent walls. For dimensions not larger than those of a Rubik's cube, it could produce a magnetic field thousands of times exceeding the power of fields able to be produced on Earth, including fields from the most powerful magnetic cranes and fields from the largest electromagnets in leading scientific laboratories. If we took this cube in our hands, it would demonstrate extraordinary properties. For example, in spite of its small dimensions it would be unusually "heavy", and at its full magnetic output even the strongest athlete would not be able to lift it. Its "heaviness" would result from the fact that the magnetic field it produces would attract the cube in the direction of Earth's centre, thus the force of the magnetic attraction created would add to its real weight. The cube would also oppose our attempts to rotate it, and similarly like a magnetic needle it would always try to point into the same direction coinciding with the magnetic north-south meridian. However, if we somehow could manage to turn it into orientation exactly opposite to this natural alignment like a magnetic needle, then to our surprise it would take off and begin lifting us into space. In this way just on its own this "crystal" would be capable of propelling our space vehicles.
The Oscillatory Chamber may soon become one of the most important technical devices of our civilization. Its application could be universal. It can accumulate an unimaginably vast amount of energy (e.g. the chamber of the dimensions of a dice is capable of satisfying the energy needs of even the largest cities or factories). It can be used as a propulsion system enabling vehicles, people, furniture, and even buildings to glide into space. It can also function as any device presently used for handling or converting energy, such as engines, motors, thermal or solar cells, generators, transformers, magnets, heaters, torches, etc. The future significance of the Oscillatory Chamber to our material sphere could be likened to the present impact computers made in our intellectual sphere.
This whole monograph discusses all such new magnetic propelling devices of our future, that just are born in our midst. It highlights propelling devices for flying vehicles and consequences of their existence.
This volume 1 provides an introduction to magnetic devices of our future, concentrating on philosophical consequences of their existence. Thus, it interprets indications derived from the Cyclic Principle. It describes the general type of flying vehicles that not-too-distant appearance on Earth this principle forecasts. It also warns against various negative consequences that are stemming from the existence of such advanced propelling devices. Thus both, this volume as well as this whole monograph, represent source publications for people who either wish to research magnetic propulsion systems, or with to stimulate their own inventions, or simply wish to extend their own horizons.
CONTENT of the monograph [1/4E] "Advanced magnetic devices", ISBN 0-9583727-5-6 (Printed on: 2004-10-10)
Page Chapter
─── ─────
1 Title page
2 Abstract
3 List of content of the entire monograph [1/4E]
Volume 1: Moulding the destiny
A-4 A1. How it all started - means everything that is moral always is born in a great pain
A-5 A2. The Magnocraft of the first generation
A-8 A3. A parasitic future that awaits us after the Magnocraft is constructed - means what motivated
the present formulation of this monograph
A-17 A4. History of my life and thus also the history of this monograph
A-96/97 2 Figures (A1 - the Magnocraft of the first generation, A2 - UFO landing sites under my window)
Volume 2: Theory of the Magnocraft - part 1: magnetic propelling devices
AB-4 AB1. Subject, goal, and main thesis of this monograph
AB-5 AB2. Intellectual property of concepts presented here
AB-7 AB3. Notations used in this monograph
AB-7 AB4. Summary of this monograph
B-10 B1. Everything in our environment, including the formulation
of inventions, is governed by appropriate laws
B-11 B2. The basics of propulsion
B-12 B2.1. The working medium
B-12 B2.2. The primary requirement for building a controllable propulsion system
B-13 B3. Application of the Periodic Principle to propulsion systems
B-15 B4. The first generation of the magnetic propulsion systems
B-15 B5. How the "omnibus trend" should culminate in three
conventions of the Magnocraft's operation
B-16 B6. Three successive generations of magnetic propulsion systems
B-18 Table B1 (The Cyclic Principle)
C-20 C1. Why there is a necessity to replace electromagnets by Oscillatory Chambers
C-21 C2. History of the Oscillatory Chamber
C-28 C3. The principle of operation of the Oscillatory Chamber
C-28 C3.1. The electrical inertia of an inductor as the
motive force for oscillations in a conventional
oscillatory circuit with a spark gap
C-29 C3.2. In the modified oscillatory circuit with a spark gap, the inductance
of a stream of sparks replaces the electrical inertia of an inductor
C-30 C3.3. The combining of two modified circuits forms an
"Oscillatory Chamber" producing a bipolar magnetic field
C-30 C3.4. Needle-shaped electrodes
C-31 C4. The future appearance of the Oscillatory Chamber
C-33 C4.1. Three generations of the Oscillatory Chambers
C-34 C5. Mathematical model of the Oscillatory Chamber
C-34 C5.1. Resistance of the Oscillatory Chamber
C-35 C5.2. Inductance of the Oscillatory Chamber
C-35 C5.3. Capacitance of the Oscillatory Chamber
C-36 C5.4. The "sparks' motivity factor" and its interpretation
C-36 C5.5. Condition for the oscillatory response
C-37 C5.6. The period of pulsation of the chamber's field
C-37 C6. How the Oscillatory Chamber eliminates the drawbacks of electromagnets
C-38 C6.1. Mutual neutralization of the two opposite electromagnetic forces
C-40 C6.2. Independence of the magnetic field production from
the continuity and efficiency of the energy supply
C-40 C6.3. Elimination of energy loss
C-41 C6.3.1. Premises for the recovery of all heat dissipated by sparks
C-42 C6.4. Releasing the structure of the chamber from
the destructive action of electric potentials
C-42 C6.5. Amplifying control of the period of field pulsation
C-43 C7. Advantages of the Oscillatory Chamber over electromagnets
C-43 C7.1. Formation of the "twinchamber capsule" able to control the output
without altering the energy involved
C-45 C7.1.1. Twin-chamber capsules of the second and third generation
C-46 C7.1.2. The "ratio of packing" of oscillatory chambers and its influence
on the appearance of twin-chamber capsules and spider configurations
C-48 C7.2. Formation of the "spider configuration"
C-49 C7.2.1. The prototype spider configuration of the first generation
C-50 C7.2.2. Spider configurations of the second generation
C-51 C7.2.3. Spider configurations of the third generation
C-52 C7.3. The nonattraction of ferromagnetic objects
C-53 C7.4. Multidimensional transformation of energy
C-54 C7.5. Continuous oscillating a unique electromagnetic
phenomenon allowing the Oscillatory Chamber
to absorb unlimited amounts of energy
C-55 C7.6. Function as an enormously capacious accumulator of energy
C-55 C7.7. Simplicity of production
C-56 C8. Advancements in the practical completion of the Oscillatory Chamber
C-56 C8.1. Experimental devices
C-58 C8.2. Stages, goals, and ways of their achieving
in the experimental building
of the Oscillatory Chamber
C-63 C8.3. An invitation to take part in the development of the Oscillatory Chamber
C-64 C9. Future applications of the Oscillatory Chamber
C-67 C10. Monographs describing the Oscillatory Chamber
C-68 C11. Symbols, notation, and units used in this chapter
C-69 Table C1
C-70/82 13 Figures (C1 to C13)
D-83 D1. The general design of the FourPropulsor Spacecraft
D-84 D2. The operation of the FourPropulsor Spacecraft
D-85 D3. The properties of the FourPropulsor Spacecraft
D-85 D4. The external appearance of the Four-Propulsor Spacecraft
D-86 D5. Identification of the type of FourPropulsor Spacecraft
D-87/89 Table D1 and 2 Figures (D1 and D2)
E-90 E1. The standard garment of personal propulsion
E-91 E2. Principles of operation of magnetic personal propulsion
E-92 E3. The garment with main propulsors in epaulettes
E-93 E4. A special version of personal propulsion
with cushions around the hips
E-93 E5. Capabilities of personal propulsion
E-94 E6. Summary of the attributes of personal propulsion
E-96/99 4 Figures (E1 and E4)
Volume 3: Theory of the Magnocraft - part 2: discoidal Magnocraft of the first generation