MONDAY, JULY 16,2007



CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. Members present: Deb Whited, Bob Briesmeister, Brad Plaman, Steve Earl, Dave Gustafson, Kathy Sweeney, Kellie Manning, Jim Hansen, Rick Santiago. Non Members: Alan Smith, Gary Morgan, Dave and Deb Mensing.

SECRETARIES REPORT: Minutes read and correction regarding the BFA trailer .. We will not be getting a new one. Motion to accept by Dave Gustafson and second by Bob Briesmeister.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Current balance is 30, 617.00. Summer umpires still need to be paid and Coaches fees for 2nd half of season. Still need to send check for Ron Nenovich for forty percent of concessions. Approximately $700.00. Steve Earl accepted and Brad Plaman second.

COMMISSIONER’S REPORT: Steve had blueprints of field 6. Some highlights are 8ft high fence / 12 ft warning track /dugouts with roofs/batting tunnels each side. Field 7 will have new benches and fence. Scoreboard will most likely be paid for on field 6. Some minor improvements on field 2 and 3. Safety nets on Field 3. Field 1 batting tunnels / back stop moves back. Field 5 will also see a lot of work as well. Plan is to start in the middle of August.

Steve suggested that we do some minor improvements (Ie: screens for pitching machines).

PLAYER DEVELOPMENT: Brad Plaman, Tryouts 2008 - Committee met and worked on how players will be evaluated. Maybe allow coaches to comment on players overall past performance as part of an evaluation with comments on character / hitting /fielding / game sense. Suggestion to have tryouts after spring break and move them outside if possible.

FALL LEAGUE: Newsletter will go out this week and registration for fall is included. The 1st game scheduled is the 19th of August.

CONCESSIONS/BATTING GAGES 2008: Gary Morgan joined us and presented us with an overview on how he would like the batting gage scenario to play out. He has received several bids on the rebuilding of the cages to bring them up to date. City could buy him out and maybe make a skate park . Gary would like to see the cages stay at Dred Scott. If BFA works with him we can keep all the profits from the concessions. Maybe have high school girls work for their spring break trips. Dave Mensing (MN Blizzard) advised that he may have girls available in the fall months to help with the concessions as well for a fundraiser. Big potential for fundraising. Gary will remain in touch with Steve on the progress he gets with some companies for rebuilding the gages.

MISC ISSUES: Rick Santiago talked about maybe supporting the BFA teams going to Nationals and donate some money for the team to help with costs. Motion made by Steve Earl to offer a 100.00 for teams going to Nationals. Dave Gustafson second. Steve Earl talked about next year giving money only to teams that win the state tournament.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm. Brad Plaman motioned and Dave Gustafson second.

Respectfully submitted by Kellie Manning, Secretary

July 2007 Minutes