All National Youth Week (NYW) 2017 grant recipients are provided with electronic logos for use in the promotion of NYW events and activities, as per the condition outlined in the funding agreement.

Please read the guidelines and tips below on how to use the relevant logos in posters/promotional materials.

If you have questions, please email or phone 1800 204 224.


Tasmanian Government logo

·  To recognise the support provided by the Tasmanian Government, the Tasmanian Government logo must be used in promotional materials for your NYW event.

·  All materials using the logo must be sent to r approval prior to publication. Please allow 3-5 days for approval.

Which logo to use

·  Generally, the logo should be used with a white background. If the logo is to appear on a coloured background, a mono version of the logo should be used. Use either black or white, whichever provides maximum contrast.

·  If an alternative version of the logo is required, please email th your request details.

Logo placement and size

·  The logo should appear with the logos of other event sponsors, in the ‘border’ of a poster (seeexamples). The words ‘This event is sponsored or supported by’ should be written above the sponsors’ logos.

·  The minimum size for reproduction of the logo is 20mm wide.

·  A certain amount of space must be maintained around the logo. The exclusion zone shows the minimum space required which must be left clear. This is measured by the 'T' in 'Tasmania' in the logo.

Australian Department of Education and Training logo

·  To recognise the financial support provided by the Australian Government and that the event is part of NYW, the Australian Department of Education and Training logo must be used in all publicity materials for your NYW event (including flyers, posters, banners, media advertisements and websites). The logo must be used as per the Australian Government logo guidelines available at:

·  All materials using the logo must be sent to r approval prior to publication. Please allow 3-5 days for approval.


Official NYW logo

·  The official NYW logo may be used on publicity materials to recognise that the event is part of NYW.

·  If the logo is used it must be used in conjunction with the by-line to acknowledge that NYW is an ‘Australian, State, Territory and Local Government initiative’.

·  All materials using the logo must be sent to for approval prior to publication. Please allow 3-5 days for approval.

·  The minimum size for reproduction of the official NYW logo is 25mm wide.

·  Do not:

o  place the logo on an angle

o  reduce the logo below minimum size

o  enlarge or alter in proportion any part of the logo

o  remove any part of the logo

o  adjust the colours.

NYW logo versions:

Minimum 25mm width

Minimum 50 mm width

The 2017 Tasmanian NYW logo

A logo to promote Tasmanian NYW events has been developed which incorporates the 2016 Tasmanian NYW theme Imagine, initiate, inspire.

The 2017 Tasmanian NYW logo may be used on publicity materials to promote that the event is part of NYW.

·  The guidelines for use of the Official NYW logo should be followed when using this logo.

·  All materials using the logo must be sent to for approval prior to publication. Please allow 3-5 days for approval.

Creating NYW posters

·  A template for NYW 2017 event posters is available to download from

·  The logos and artwork have already been inserted correctly, so you will only need to enter your event details in the relevant sections.

·  Please note posters using the template must also be forwarded to for approval prior to publication.

·  To create a NYW poster you may choose to insert the NYW banner logo or the web button design. You must use the official NYW logo and you must use the mandatory Tasmanian and Australian Government logos if your event has been funded through the NYW 2016 Grants Program.

Again, if you have questions, please email or phone 1800 204 224.

Don’t forget to send JPEG and PDF versions of your NYW event posters so we can post them on NYWTAS social media and the Events Calendar at