Thank you for agreeing to share about your program so that others can learn and grow from your experiences! Feel free to complete all or part of the following. If you have any questions, please contact
Name of institution:
Your name:
# of students enrolled in teacher education program:
# of students enrolled in course (per offering of the course) that includes environmental education:
Course including environmental education is offered for how many credits?
What else would be helpful to know about the logistics of the course? (what semester it is offered, lecture/discussion, etc.)
Course catalog description of the course:
Narrative overview of how environmental education is integrated in the course:
Description of how class activities address the North American Association for Environmental Education Guidelines for the Preparation and Professional Development of Environmental Education (please complete the table below):
NAAEE Guidelines Themes / Description of specific class activities that address themes. If themes are addressed in a separate course, please indicate that here.Theme One: Environmental Literacy
Educators must be competent in the skills and understandings outlined in Excellence in Environmental Education—Guidelines for Learning (K–12).
Theme Two: Foundations of EE
Educators must have a basic understanding of the goals, theory, practice, and history of the field of environmental education.
Theme Three: Professional Responsibilities of the Environmental Educator
Educators must understand and accept the responsibilities associated with practicing environmental education.
Theme Four: Planning and Implementing EE Programs
Educators must combine the fundamentals of high-quality education with the unique features of environmental education to design and implement effective instruction.
Theme Five: Fostering Learning
Educators must enable learners to engage in open inquiry and investigation, especially when considering environmental issues that are controversial and require students to seriously reflect on their own and others’ perspectives.
Theme Six: Assessment and Evaluation of EE
Environmental educators must possess the knowledge, abilities, and commitment to make assessment and evaluation integral to instruction and programs.
The Department of Public Instruction PI 34.15 (4)(b) declares that teacher education programs in Wisconsin should be designed to enable all students to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the following: (b) Environmental education including the conservation of natural resources for licenses in agriculture, early childhood, middle childhood to early adolescent, science and social studies. How does your program meet this requirement?
Please include at least one picture of activities in your class, as well as your university’s logo.