2013-16 Executive Summary
School Improvement Plan
School Name: Shiloh Point Elementary School
AdvancED Standards / FCS Departments
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for Learning
Resources and Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous Improvement / AcademicsAccountability
Educational Leadership
Facilities and Operations
Finance and Operations
Food and Nutrition Services / Human Resources
Public Information and Communications
School Safety and Discipline
Special Education
Student Support Services / Superintendent
Technology and Information Services
Continuous Improvement Goal / AdvancED Standards / Support from FCS Department(s)
- Promote professional growth and improvement of instruction to optimize student learning through:
- Data Teams (deconstruction of standards, development of rigorous common assessments, collective data analysis, instructional planning and vertical assessment alignment)
- Professional Learning (Establish clear learning targets, develop a balanced assessment system based on targets, guide students in self assessment and student led conferences, integrate content utilizing inquiry and pbl)
- TKES (observations, conversations, feedback, surveys, data collection and monitoring)
- Teaching and Assessing for Learning
- Using Results for Continuous Improvement
Focused Professional Learning
K-12 Alignment with Learner Profile as end result
Effective Collaboration at all levels
Technological Support
- Revise the vision byaligning the Five Year Plan with AdvanceEd standards by:
- Analyze GAPSS Data
- Determining clear targets for each year
- Develop action plans to move toward targets
- Monitor
- Evaluate
- Develop Culture and Community by:
- Whole Child, Customer Focus, Team Building, Elementary and K-12 Collaboration, Celebrations
- Governance and Leadership
- Purpose and Direction
District support and resources to make the school vision a reality
District support of projects specific to Shiloh Point
AdvancED Standards
(check all that apply) / / Annual School Improvement Plan
Continuous Improvement Goal: Improved CCRPI
SMART Goal: SPES will increase the number of students who exceed in all areas on the CRCT by 5% or more.
School Name: Shiloh Point Elementary School Year: 2013-2014
x / Purpose and Direction
x / Governance and Leadership
x / Teaching and Assessing for Learning
x / Resources and Support Systems
x / Using Results for Continuous Improvement
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Professional
Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
AdvancED Standard(s)
Goal 1: Promote professional growth and improvement of instruction to optimize student learning though:
(AdvancED Standard: Governance and Leadership, Teaching and Assessing for Learning, Using Results for Continuous Improvement)
Data Teams and Vertical Assessment Teams /
- Data Teams: Deconstruct standards, identify daily learning targets, develop formative/summative assessments aligned with targets, administer common assessments, collaboratively analyze results, and collaboratively make instructional decisions based on timely data.
- Vertical Teams: Develop math and ELA assessments in vertical teams giving professional feedback on all assessments under construction.
- If teachers deconstruct standards to identify clear targets and build common assessments on those targets, then instruction will be aligned with CCGPS and will be data driven.
- If teachers review assessments being developed throughout the school and give specific feedback on understanding of targets and rigor, then both assessment and instruction will be vertically aligned.
- Professional Learning
- Collaboration
- Feedback
- Assessment Knowledge
System Support for Goal One as Supported by the Strategic Plan
- Instructional Support: Implement Data Teams
- Technology Support: Identify and integrate learner types in order to provide individualized instruction, provide professional learning to build capacity to personalize learning environments for students, Align technological implementation with curriculum goals
Goal 1: Promote professional growth and improvement of instruction to optimize student learning though:
(AdvancED Standard: Governance and Leadership, Teaching and Assessing for Learning, Using Results for Continuous Improvement)
Professional Learning /
- See Professional Learning Plan
- Collaboration
- Professionalism
- Professional Resources
- Communication
- Leadership
System Support for Goal One as Supported by the Strategic Plan
- Instructional Support: Provide professional learning and collaboration with teachers and counselors
- Technology Support: Provide professional learning to build capacity to personalize learning environments for students
Goal 1: Promote professional growth and improvement of instruction to optimize student learning though:
(AdvancED Standard: Governance and Leadership, Teaching and Assessing for Learning, Using Results for Continuous Improvement)
Teacher Keys Effectiveness System /
- Orientation
- Teacher Self Assessment
- Four Walk-Throughs and Two Formative Observations
- Three Conferences
- Student Survey
- Data collection, Analysis, Monitoring
- State Resources
- Feedback
- Collaboration
System Support for Goal One as Supported by the Strategic Plan
- HR Support :Define performance standards for all employees, Develop a robust evaluation system
Goal 2: Align the Five Year Plan, TKES/LKES, Vision/Mission with AdvancEd Standards
(AdvancED Standard: Purpose and Direction)
Goal 3: Develop Culture and Community
(Advance ED Standard: Purpose and Direction, Resources and support Systems) /
- Become familiar with AdvancEd Standards
- Overlay AdvancEd Standards with the Shiloh Five Year Plan (which is aligned with TKES and supports the school vision)
- Positively Forsyth
- Customer Focus
- Safety
- Team Building: SPARKS Team
- House Meetings
- Counseling and Career Center
- Healthy Initiatives
- K-12 Collaboration and initiatives (Johnson-North-Cheney)
- Mentors and Mentor Me
- Celebrations
- Parent Academy
- Business Partners
- PTA and All Pro Dads
- SOS (Community Service)
- Community Volunteers
If adults work together to build a school where children choose and want to be, then the Learner Profile will become a reality. / Ongoing
Ongoing / 1. AdvanceEd /5 Yr Plan/TKES & LKES, Vision & Mission
2.GAPSS data
3.Explicit Targets
4.Action Plans
5.Monitoring, Evaluating, and Revising Growth Toward Vision
(Administrator: Rebecca Johnson)
System Support for Goal Two as Supported by the Strategic Plan
- Operational Services Support Create, implement, and evaluate communication plans, Utilize and diversify communication tools to reach specific stakeholders, Establish, communicate and utilize a district Continuous Improvement Plan
- System resources
- Community resources and support
- Collaboration
- Grants
System Support for Goal Three as Supported by the Strategic Plan
- Operational Services Support: Develop parent education resources ,Expand and monitor partnerships with business and community leaders, enhance bus safety, set and evaluate cafeteria participation, evaluate budget monthly,
- Facility and Safety Services: provide safety and preventive services, collaborate with various stakeholders to review safety practices
- HR Support: create a culture of curiosity, engagement, excitement and innovation, build system norms and values
2013-14 Professional Learning Plan
for School Improvement Planning
School Name: __Shiloh Point Elementary School__
Professional Learning Goal(s): / Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):
Teacher Key 5 (assessment strategies), 6 (assessment uses) and 3 (instructional strategies) / All learning supports the school Five Year Plan, Teacher Keys, and Executive Summary.
Outcome: Improved CCRPI score: focus on student growth percentiles
Date / # Hours / Description of Learning Activities
August 1
Pre-Planning (School) / 2.5 hours / What Great Teachers Do Differently Presentation: Todd Whitaker
August 2
Pre-Planning (District) / 2 hours / District Learning: Grading, reporting, matrix, assessments,
August 5
Pre-Planning / 3 hours / School Learning: itsLearning, Technology, Ethics, MV, Mandated Reporting, Safety, ESOL, Food Service Update, School Wide Behavior Plan
August 6
Pre-Planning / Open House: no pl
August 7
Pre-Planning / 2 hours / Team Meetings: Collaboration
August 28
Early Release/Prof. Dev. (School) / 2 hours / School Learning: OAS, Learning Stations, TKES, PAC
August Learning Focus / 1 hour / Fountas and Pinnell, Aligning assessments with well articulated targets
Its Learning
September 18
Early Release/Prof. Dev. (District) / 2 hours / District Collaboration: SBES, CES, MES, JCES, BES, SPES
Focus: Data analysis and instructional implications
Learning Target: Teachers identify multiple ways of utilizing assessment data to drive instruction
September Learning Focus / 4 hours / Data Team process, Vertical Team assessment development, evaluating rigor of assessments, interpreting data
Monitoring student learning through data analysis, tracking(PAC), developing formal and informal assessments, collaborate with others to develop common assessments
Technology: itsLearning
October Learning Focus / 4 hours / Balanced assessment bank (diagnostic, formative, summative), Interims, tracking and monitoring student data, data dig, TKES, collaborate with others to develop common assessments
Technology: Technology Walk-through (October 30)
October 1 and 2 / 2 hours / TKES Orientation (PAC)
November Learning Focus / 4 hours / Data Team process, Vertical Team assessment development Rigorous assessments, regular feedback, performance based assessments, OAS item bank, FIP resources, student surveys (PAC), collaborate with others to develop common assessment
Technology: Lifting rigor through transformational instruction, content integration (itsLearning and Learning Stations)
December Learning Focus / 4 hours / Data Team Process, Vertical Team assessment development, Performance Based Assessments, Reflective practice on first semester, modification of assessments as needed, use of rubrics or scoring guides for PBA, collaborate with others to develop common assessments instructional design/interventions
Technology: Lifting rigor through transformational instruction, content integration (itsLearning and Learning Stations)
January 6
Prof. Dev. Day (School) / 3 hours / Monitoring student learning through data analysis, tracking (PAC)
January Learning Focus / 4 hours / Data Team Process, Vertical Team assessment development, involving students in self assessment using meta cognitive strategies, documenting learning results with students, student led conferences, frequent feedback on goals, collaborate with others to develop common assessments
Technology: Lifting rigor through transformational instruction, content integration (itsLearning and Learning Stations)
February 14
Prof. Dev. Day (District a.m.) / 7 hours / District Learning: District Collaboration: SBES, CES, MES, JCES, BES, SPES
Data Team analysis, ITS and BYOT check point
February Learning Focus / 4 hours / Data Team Process, Vertical Team assessment development, use assessment data with students for the purpose of goal setting, teach students to reflect on progress on goals, student led conferencing, collaborate with others to develop common assessments
Technology: Lifting rigor through transformational instruction, content integration (itsLearning and Learning Stations)
March Learning Focus / 4 hours / Data Team Process, Vertical Team assessment development, collaborate with others to develop common assessments, student led conferences, strategies to promote learning, gradual release method and active learning, time on task, relevance, questioning,
Technology: Lifting rigor through transformational instruction, content integration (itsLearning and Learning Stations)
April Learning Focus / 4 hours / Data Team Process, Vertical Team assessment development, collaborate with others to develop common assessments, student goal setting, conceptual learning (IKAN & Gloss connection), cognitive demand and higher order thinking, content integration to support engagement
May Learning Focus / 4 hours / Data Team Process, Vertical Team assessment development
WRAP UP for Learning: Understanding the essential components of assessment development and uses to truly differentiate and lift cognitive demand
May 27
Post-Planning / 2.5 hours / Monitoring student learning through data analysis, tracking (PAC)
Admin/Teacher conferences: Student Survey (Feb-May) PAC
May 28
Total Hours: / 65
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