Kool: Jüri Gümnaasium
Projekti pealkiri: Could I Ask?
Kontaktisik: Sirje Kautsaar
Projekti sisukokkuvõte:
Schools that have applied to take part in this multilateral project intend to raise students’ awareness regarding their rights and responsibilities as citizens, to help students develop their skills in reaching the best decisions as well as to improve students’ abilities in using ICT resources and foreign languages. The target group of this project consists of students aged 7-15 (primary and lower-secondary level) and it also focuses on school development. These general objectives will be achieved by our students through different activities that will allow them to explore the general themes of the project in various possible approaches (historical, social, environmental, cultural etc):
-gathering informative materials about human and children rights and duties at European/country/local community/ school/ family/ social group levels and sharing the results with the partner institutions;
-running school election campaigns in order to choose students’ representatives for the “European Students’ Parliament” of the project (the chosen representatives in each school will have periodical videoconferences on common topics);
-preparing materials for an e-magazine in bilingual format;
-carrying out lessons and activities involving students’ training in taking good decisions (experts in various fields will be invited to talk to children);
-gathering useful basic phrases in 7 languages in a resource book;
-establishing a system of rewarding for students’ active involvement in school’s life; -carrying out activities in which children will learn how to protect the environment and also artistic and cultural activities (drawing, theatre plays, literary texts, songs) which will help students discover moral values. Children will be exposed to intercultural dialogue by coming across texts, customs, songs, traditions, various forms of art belonging to different cultures or ethnic and religious minorities.
The project is also aimed at helping teachers in their pedagogical efforts to introduce new quality to the teaching/learning process, providing and exchanging informative materials involving elements of culture, civilization and educational systems from the partner countries. It is designed to stimulate children’s creativity, understanding, tolerance and acceptance of other cultures and help them build sound criteria for quality and aesthetic values. It is also meant to ensure the active participation and collaboration of children, parents, educational authorities, local and international community.
The results and new methodologies will be broadly disseminated among colleagues, educational authorities and decision makers. All project activities, events and results will be documented by using the latest technology and will be posted on the
website of the project http://ciaproject.pbwiki.com or http://lemill.net.
Projektis osalejad:
· Szkola Podstawowa nr. 30 im. Marii Zientary-Malewskiej (Poola)
· SCOALA CU CLASELE I-VIII NR 51 (Rumeenia, koordinaator)