Project UK Fisheries Improvements
Masters projects 2017
MSC members of staff responsible for part-supervising:Chloe North/Claire Pescod
These projects will require a part-supervisor at your University
Proposed research theme title:
Endangered Threatened & Protected (ETP) species and their contact with fisheries. A risk assessment of the Channel scallop fishery.
What is the problem the research theme is concerned with?
There is a lack of understanding concerning the effects of scallop dredging on ETP species in the English Channel. The fishery may or may not be hindering recovery of these species and as we move towards management based on scientific evidence, this gap in our knowledge needs to be addressed. The output of this analysis can potentially be used to inform management policy and define some important methods for harmonising the priorities of the fishing industry and of the conservation sector.
The Channel scallop fishery is engaged in a multi-stakeholder driven Fishery Improvement Project aimed at improving the fishery to a level where it could pass an MSC assessment in 5 years. ETP species status, management and information was identified as being an area to improve as part of this project.The student will be assisting in necessary research with direct application to sustainable fisheries management.
How will the student address/contribute to addressing the problem?
The student will investigate the relationship between the fishery and ETP species that are known to occur in that area. This includes spatial overlap and catchability. A risk assessment will be produced that assesses the risk the fishery is having on the recovery of these species.
The scope of the analysis will take into account the data available from JNCC, MMO and other available data such as from the IFCAs. JNCC has ETP species data, the MMO will provide spatial data for the fishery and observer data is also available.Various risk assessment methodologies can be researched and previous MSC assessment reports for similar fisheries may be used for reference.
She/ he will deliver a risk assessment and report. This could involve:
-A review of relevant literature to identify appropriate methodologies for the study
-Analysis of all relevant data found, this may be in map format among others
-Development of suitable risk assessment model to assess the relationship between fishing grounds, ETP species range and catchability
-Reporting findings.
The project will extend over summer 2017 (months defined by your university specifications).
1 month to be spent at the MSC in London, the rest of the time to be spent at the home university.
Any external collaborations/partners?
External collaboration with JNCC, MMO and the IFCAs to obtain data.
There may be the opportunity to present the findings to the FIP steering group if the timing of the project coincides with a steering group meeting.
The MSC will provide experience of Fishery Improvement Projects, the MSC standard and its application.
Alignment to FIP action plan:
There is an action plan for this fishery that has been agreed by a steering group made up of fishing industry, government and other relevant stakeholders. This action plan includes specific actions and milestones. The action this research will be applied to is:
-Information on the nature and scale of impacts on ETPs by these fisheries needs to be assessed. Based on this, appropriate management measures need to be developed. This needs to be embedded in an on-going, risk-based ETP impact monitoring system.
And the milestone this research will be directly addressing is:
-Yr 1: Risk assessment. Listing of potential ETPs interacting with fishery, and then mapping of ETP distribution overlap with Unit of Assessment dredging effort.
The FIP action plan is based on the MSC principles and criteria for sustainable and well managed fisheries. The research should be carried out with this standard in mind.
Feasibility and skills required:
The data may be available in different forms therefore the student should be comfortable with GIS and large data sets.
Any confidentiality issues?
FIPs are required to be transparent therefore the report will be published on the FIP website.
Remuneration details:
There is funding available from the MSC Science Scholarship Fund to cover:
-Travel and lunch expenses whilst at the MSC in London (to a maximum of £50 per week)
-One return train from your home/university to London
-£500 stipend.
How to apply:
Fill out the application form and return by 5pm March 24th