Project Title: An evaluation study on the roles of teacher-librarians in public sector schools

1.  Objectives

The project aims to evaluate the perceived and actual roles of teacher-librarians (TLs) in primary and secondary public schools in Hong Kong. The research questions and objectives include:

(1)  Evaluating TLs’ understanding of their duties and roles as specified in the guides;

(2)  How TLs view their roles in the school curriculum;

(3)  Evaluating school heads’ and subject teachers’ perceptions of the roles of TLs;

(4)  How TLs have carried out their roles;

(5)  The extent which TLs have fulfilled their roles as specified in the guides;

(6)  How are the different duties of TLs distributed;

(7)  How TLs collaborate with teachers in learning and teaching;

(8)  How and to what extent do TLs support the NSS curriculum;

(9)  Effective strategies that TLs use to enhance learning and teaching;

(10)  Assessing the impact of school libraries on students’ learning, generic skills, values and attitudes, and habits;

(11)  Identifying good models/practices of TLs;

(12)  Identifying barriers/facilitators faced by TLs’ roles;

(13)  Relating the implications of the findings of this study to: school library services development, professional development programmes and resource development.

2.  Deliverables

2.1 Two consultancy reports for Education Bureau’s internal use

Chu, S.K.W., Warning, P. & Wu, W. (2011). Fostering the culture of reading and enhancing information literacy: exemplars of school libraries. Hong Kong: Centre for Information Technology in Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong.

Chu, S.K.W., Warning, P. & Wu, W. (2011). Technical Report: Evaluation Study on the Roles of Teacher-librarians in Public Sector Schools. Hong Kong: Centre for Information Technology in Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong.

2.2 One consultancy report for the public

朱啟華、汪寧彼德、胡慧瑜 (2011)。推動閱讀,提升資訊素養:學校圖書館示例。香港:香港大學教育學院教育應用資訊科技發展研究中心。(Available on EDB’s website:

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