Рысина Анастасия г. Сочи

Научный руководитель: Тихонова Татьяна Евгеньевна, гимназия№1, учитель английского языка.

"Создание Сочинского Заповедника Дикой Природы" (The Sochi's Wildlife Park)

Project-The Original Reserve of Endangered Wildlife in Sochi


The life of the people depends on ecology. But what does it mean?

"Ecology is the way in which plants, animals and people are related to each other and to their environment"-(By Longman).

As i see it-ecology is a very popular word today. But what does it mean? Ecology is a science which studies the relationships between all forms of life on our planet with its environment. The word came from the Greek "oicos" which means home. The idea of home includes the whole planet of ours, its population, the Nature, animals, birds, insects, all living beings and even the atmosphere around our planet.

It has become very important today, especially in our town, which is now Olympic. Active measures should be taken to create a system of Sochi`s ecological security. It’s time we woke up to attitude to ecology. We have spent hundreds of years fighting for our survival and in the past few years we discovered that some rare species of animals and plants are discovered and keep disappearing. Fortunately there are things that we can all do to save the wildlife of our native town.

It’s very sad to speak about these problems and to understand, that people can't solve these problems, without government's support. Inhabitants can learn how to take care of nature, even for our little brothers-animals.

The aim of this project is to develop a sense of careful treatment of inhabitants of Bolshoi Sochi. For example: a city in Norway-Oslo. It combines a modern, industrial city and a big number of parks, where the animals can live safely against being killed or shocked.

There are a lot of cities in Europe, where different reserves with park zones are built. Besides I’d like to emphasize, that our town must be on the higher level, among the other cities in the world. It's very significant, to understand, that if we are unable to make our own city better, very soon we'll have no world to live in. All our possibilities are useful for our town. We can help Sochi to combine technology & harmony of nature.

If we are able to save our biosphere and to save our mind from high technique progress, we can also think about such things, as national parks & reserves, preservation of rare species of animals & birds.

The aim of creation "The Sochi's Wildlife reserve."

I'd like to begin from the most significant thing of this project: increasing of different species of animals, birds & plants, which have become rare and become rare. In general it is one of the most all-important things, which I’d like realize in this project. I would like to add, that the flora & fauna of the most rare animals and plants of Caucasia would predominate.

It's very hard to think about it, because it's difficult to obtain some of these species, as lynx (from latin "lynx lynx") especially red lynx; Golden eagle (from latin "aquila chrysaetos"); Wolf (from latin "canis lupus"); Squirrel (from latin "scirus vulgaris); Elk (from latin "alces alces caucasius") and others.

Such plants as presented in The Red Glade's Reserve, The Dendrarium, The Rivierra, The Park of Southern Culture and others will be also taken.

The other problem of my project is the protection of ecology of our city. I'm sure our government is interested in it, because very soon we will have no clean air, to breathe it. That's why i'd like to pay attention to the green plantation. These trees & plants will help our biosphere to keep up the thinning of the ozone layer. It also has a lot of other advantages: people will be able to enjoy the fresh air, bright and picturesque landscapes, and places for quiet & lax atmosphere.I want to teach people to love their Motherland and to value the resources and wildlife of nature.

This project will be a great sight of our town. It's originality will be presented in such qualities, as a planning like in the real reserve, containing interesting and rare animals and plants, comfortable park zones with clean territory, strict rules for visitors who come to look at animals and plants in their own biosphere, funny and cool entertaining programmes for grown-ups and children, safari, which will help guests to make some attractive photos.

I would like to add some important points: this reserve mustn't be like a zoo-the animals and birds will be kept in their own territory; they will not sit in the cages-they will lead a free mode of life. It’s very important not only for animals but for people too-they will learn how to watch the nature, not having a chance to destroy it. I say destroying, because some people try to kill rare animals, when they see them; that's the reason why we need to set some strict rules, which will allow people to look at nature, not damaging it.

Some nuances will be taken up into consideration, but the hunting for animals, destruction of green rare plants(flowers), pollution of park and natural zones will be imposed by the fines.

Some creative things as a safari are also significant for the Sochi's Wildlife Park. A lot of tourists and even inhabitants of our city will come to see our reserve. Safari is a useful thing for our guests to make some photos, without much effort.

Well, anyway reserve must be comfortable both for animals and people.