Project: Registration using a mobile device


What is the Code Games Idea?

Allow a user to subscribe/unsubscribe for a service/product via their mobile device without the need for going through a traditional registration website or page where a user may already be subscribed to some services/product.

Traditional registrations expect names, email id, username password to sign-up. The alternative that this project demonstrates is to signup via SMS using the phone number as the key and an SMS text which will represent the product and the intent to sign-up. Ex "9909-1" 9909 represents the product or services and "1" represents the intent to sign-up. Once the application service receives the text and a URL and a password will be SMSed back to the user to login and access the service.

How is put together?

SMS will be simulated using a Webpage were the phone number and SMS text are entered as input. Within the scope of this implementation project does not demonstrate the ability to receive and process an SMS from a phone.

REST Service: There is a backend REST service that process the simulated SMS request and sends SMS. This service also validate the phone number against existing subscriptions and associates the new request to the existing user profile.

Database: Using a SQL Server DB where the user profile and product registration information is maintained. Script is included in the TFS source repo.

What tools technologies were used to create?

WayToSMS / - Third Party SMS Service
MyDB / MS SQL Server

Source Code structure

Describe purpose of each folder/project

SMSRestAPI / Contains code for "MyRESTAPI"
Scripts / Database scripts
Thirdparty / Third party components

Other Notes:

There is no specific note for the application.


Special Setup Instructions (if any):

Just host the API project in your IIS.

How to execute:

APIs can be executed from Fiddler tool through composer option.