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Stad GentBotermarkt 1
9000 Gent
What do we want to do?
Project title - Acronym / (TBC)Project title - full / Title should reflect the following:
With this project, the City of Ghent / the consortium wants to demonstrate the necessity of combining several innovative technological solutions to implement a circular economy and 100% sustainability including energy neutrality, for optimal efficiency in a diverse urban texture and a context of extremely fragmented ownership.
Funding programme / Horizon 2020 – Societal Challenges
Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy
Funding Scheme: Innovation Actions
Call incl. reference no. / SCC1-2015: Smart Cities and Communities solutions integrating energy, transport, ICT sectors through lighthouse (large scale demonstration - first of the kind) projects.
EC Service / DG Research & Innovation
Deadlines call and EOL (Expression of Interest) / EOL: 30 Nov 2014
Application: 5 May 2015
More information
on the call /
Description of project idea: theme,objectives and activities / Local lighthouse project area
The Ghent demonstration area consists of some adjacent districts, covering an area of ca. 3.7 km². It comprises hardly 2.4 % of the city’s total surface, but represents 7.6 % of its houses and dwellings, and 8.6 % of its population. The area’s average Prosperity Index score is only 64 (given Belgium = 100, Ghent = 107), and more then 40% of the houses show low or very low comfort.
By introducing some new housing areas in brownfield zones, or tearing down old social housing blocks and replacing them by new ones, applying low & sustainable energy standards, the city wants to initiate an accelerated transition to a carbonfree community.
Two adjacent core projects (350-400 dwellings + public facilities each; fact sheets in annex), both starting construction in 2015, offer excellent opportunities to demonstrate innovative energy and mobility solutions to build climate neutral districts, using high standard technology. Involvement of several local research institutions (a.o. university of Ghent) and their spin offs is guaranteed.
There is a high multiplicator potential in the surrounding quarters in all directions, as well as in other parts of the city.
Both core projects show a strong focus on citizen participation & involvement.
Demonstrated innovative solutions will be:
•Local energy production (heat pumps & CHP)from faeces/grey water
•Closed circuits for waste water, showing how waste water treatment can be turned into resource management
•Smart metering and smart grids (balancing supply and demand)
•open architecture district heating grid
•integrating waste heat from industrial plants in the Port of Ghent to housing districts
•showing how shifting electricity energy demand into heat energy demand can contribute to a higher level of systainability
•intelligent sustainable mobility (carbicycle sharing, public transport facilities, electric vehicles)
•Nutrient recovery in the cities (the phosphorus challenge, struvite as a slow fertilizer for the local city gardens)
•Fiber to the home & community building software applications
•LED public lighting (energy efficiency)
A preliminary feasibility study is currently on the way to harness the assumptions and variables of a business plan for part of the lighthouse project.
Educational centre for sustainable circular economy
To enhance the demonstrative character of the project, we want to build on site an educational centre, showing:
•The problem: energy/waste/Water/climate change
•Sustainable solutions & the role of innovative science/technology
•What are we doing in Ghent?
•What are other cities in Europe doing (project partnership including follower cities)
•What are Europe’s objectives and actions?
•What can you do?
Topics for knowledge exchange & co-operation with partner cities
- Must have:
•Intelligent sustainablemobility
•Citizen involvement through ICT
•Smart metering & monitoring
•Educational program & centre
- Desired:
•Hot fill machines technology
•Citizen involvement: sensitization - how to incentivize, change behavior and make best use of new technology?
- Optional
What are the financial conditions of participation? / The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 18 to 25 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately.
In a consortium with 3 lighthouse cities and 3 follower cities, this could result in ca. 6.000.000 € per lighthouse city (local consortium) and ca. 600.000 € per follower city. An extra project management budget should be allocated to the lead partner.
Foreseen project duration / 01/01/2016 – 31/12/2019 (+ 2 years monitoring)
Partner consortium
(so far: the local & international consortia are still under construction =>
* = TBC) / Public / Private / Research
- City of Ghent
- SOGent
- Ivago/Water-Link*
- Digipolis Gent
- DuCoopcvba
- SchipperskaaiDevelopment cvba
- Tondelier Development NV*
- iMinds*
- Ghent University*
Lighthouse City 2
Lighthouse City 3
Follower 1
Follower 2
Follower 3
Further partners being sought: what type of partner, which roles in the project? / The City of Ghent and its local partners want to act as a lighthouse project.
- We look for 2 other cities who are in the process of building a similar local consortium for a similar lighthouse project. District developments must be planned and budgetted already.
- We look for sevral follower cities who are planning to have similar projects and are interested in applying the technology demonstrated in the lighthouse projects. (follower cities)
- Lead role to be discussed in the consortium. The City of Ghent is willing to take the lead, but is equally happy to leave this task to a partner city.
Who are we?
Name of the organization / Stad Gent / City of GhentCity/region and country / Belgium (Province of East-Flanders)
Type of organisation / Public Authority - Local Government
Website / Official:
Demonstration projects: Schipperskaai and Tondelier
PIC (Participant Identification Code) / 998945771
Contact person & data / Krist Poffyn (Mr.)
+32 9 266 82 00
Role in the organisation / Strategy & Co-ordination – Strategic Funding
Experience in European projects / •Ghent is already involved in the FP7 Smart Cities & Communities project STEP UP: Strategies Towards Energy performance and Urban Planning. (2012-2015)
•Ghent was or is partner in numerous other European projects, within different funding programs. Projects tackling smart city themes are:
- Civitas-ELAN
- Interreg: MUSIC, ACE
- CIP-ICT: SMART-IP, Citadel…on the move
- Ghent project area map
- Fact sheet DuCoopcvbaSchipperskaai Development cvba
- Fact sheet Tondelier Development NV (under construction)
- Expression of Interest
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Ghent project area map
- Project area (yellow)
- Two core projects with high multiplicator potential: 350-400 dwellings + public facilities each, both starting construction in 2015:
- Schipperskaai
- Tondelier
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Fact sheet DuCoopcvbaSchipperskaai Development cvba
Ghent - Project The Old Docks - phase 1: HandelsdokOost, Schipperskaai
DRAFT 01-09-2014
The challenges towards a circular economy in European Smart Cities & Communities
The Belgian city of Ghent as a lighthouse, leading the way in energy systems, mobility and urban ICT
Facing an organic growth of the city population, the city of Ghent is converting previous industrial sites into lively residential areas. Along the old docks, the city landscape will be subject to a real metamorphosis. This turnaround offers a unique opportunity for sustainable urban redevelopment.
The sustainable urban redevelopment will be a large scale demonstration (400 to 1.500 homes) and aims to set a new future-oriented standard on sustainability in cities, with a focus on circular economy. The applied systems are innovative but easy to replicate.
The project aims for a close implication of the community. All inhabitants will become members of and benefit from a cooperative structure that will run the sustainability services. Living in the Schipperskaai will be fun, entail lively interactions and is supported by an on-going learning process. An education and visitor centre will demonstrate to visitors the added value of circular economy in cities.
- Innovative urban energy systems through a circular approach on energy, water and nutrients
The project aims to make a new district 100% energy neutral – a decarbonised energy system - and thereby contributes to the ambition of a future climate neutrality of the city of Ghent.
The low energy and passive houses and apartments will use 100% renewable energy. Human faeces, waste water and food waste will be collected to be transformed into energy, fertilisers and clean water. CHP and heat pumps will generate sustainable thermal energy for the district heating system. Phosphorus is recycled from the sludge and will be used for urban agriculture. Used water is treated and reused, closing another loop. A private electric smart grid is installed with locally produced renewable energy, feeding collective energy demand and electric cars and bikes charging points.
The energy demand will be further reduced through the promotion of hot fill dishwashers, washing machines and tumble dryers.
- Sustainable urban transport and mobility
The site is unlocked by a wide range of public transport facilities including train, busses and lightrail. The infrastructures as well as the buildings are well equipped for pedestrians and bikes, with a special focus on children’s safety. Car sharing will be encouraged as the use of a private car is no longer a necessity. Parking lots can therefore be reduced in size. Also, a parking lot does not contain privatised parking spaces but parking space which is to be used in a flexible way by both inhabitants as well as visitors. Electric car and bike charging facilities are available in every parking lot and are connected to the private electric smart grid, thus playing a role in regulating the energy supply in the district. Every inhabitant of the Schipperskaai will have access to a sophisticated but easy to use mobility planning software application, allowing them to choose the best transport mode in relation to their transport need.
- Integrated solutions and ICT
The urban plan integrates building planning, the decarbonised smart energy network, transport planning and performance monitoring. The grid will supervise intelligent systems for heating, cooling and lighting. ICT systems will overview energy demand, sustainable energy production (solar, wind, CHP, heat pumps) and storage (car batteries, hydrogen or heat), minimising dependency of external supply and costs.
A communication platform will be available for the inhabitants, allowing initially for interaction on how residents experience the community, the sustainability of the district, for crowd sourcing and mobility planning. The platform can easily further be developed by the residents for other needs or applications.
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Fact sheet Tondelier Development NV (under construction)
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