PassKey is a product of Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, Inc., a Division of The McGraw-Hill Companies
PassKey --Previewing Lessons
To preview PassKey lessons, follow these steps:
Go to your web browser. In the Address field, enter
Then, click the → Go button (right of Address field) or press the Enter← key on your
You will receive the PassKey web page.
In the Username field, type testuser, and press the Tab↔ key on your keyboard.
In the Password field, type testuser, and press the Enter← key on your keyboard
or click on the Submit button.
You will receive the Welcome Student screen that presents tabs for all PassKey subjects. This is a free mode for previewing any PassKey lesson. Move your mouse pointer to the subject you want to review, and click onView your Mathlessonsor the same link beneath another subject.
You will receive a Welcome to Mathematics (or other subject) screen that presents tabs for each Level of instruction and lists lessons in each Level. Move your mouse pointer to the tab of the Level of the lesson you want to review, and click on the tab. Then, click on thetitle of the lesson you want to review.
[Note: PassKey provides a Getting Started Lesson at Level 1 of Reading, Writing
and Math. These lessons explain how to proceed through a lesson.]
Click the green arrow at the bottom pointing to the right. Watch as PassKey presents the lesson title, photograph, and quotation from a notable person; then pauses at PreTest.
To preview the entire lesson, you must fail the PreTest. If you get 80% or higher on the Pretest, PassKey knows you are already familiar with the material and do not need to take the lesson. Therefore, you must score less than 80% on the PreTest before PassKey will move you through the lesson: Tutorial, Guided Practice, and Posttest.
As you preview lessons, there are two Hints for every question in Tutorial. Review these. Put in some wrong answers to see both the right and wrong answer analysis that is presented. PassKey uses both of these features as teaching tools. PassKey is very interactive and teaches by asking questions.
Help is available in PassKey at the Welcome Student screen. Click the Help button (top right) to receive the “Student Training Module.” Here you will find directions for PassKey features and functions for the student. A similar manual is available for both Administrator and Teacher.
For Further Information:
Educational Technology Consultants
PassKey – Previewing Lessons