Emergency Relief Response Fund (ERRF) – Project Proposal Template

Emergency Relief response Fund (ERRF)

Project Proposal Format

Revision: day/month/year

1. General Information
Contact Details:
Name of focal point:
Name of Organisation:
Mission Statement of Organisation:
2. Project Summary
Project Title: / If the project is in the Flash Appeal or other appeal document, please use same title and include appeal project code.
Organisation: / Implementing organization (identify partners, if applicable)
Project Manager:
Location of Project
Start Date: / End Date:
Cluster of Intervention: / Food, Nutrition, Health, NFI, WASH, Food aid, Early Recovery, Logistics, , etc.
Cluster Consultation: / Please include the contact details of the cluster focal point(s) who has been consulted in the submission, and indicate whether the proposal is endorsed by the cluster(s)
Target Population: / host community…
Total Project Budget: / (USD)
Total Funds Requested from the ERRF: / (USD)
Other Funding Sources: / Specify the source and amount of funding received as well as in kind contributions
Was this proposal submitted to other donors? / List other donors who have received this proposal in part or in full
3. Summary of Project Objectives:
4. Context
This section should include brief profiles of the proposed project area (including a brief description of past and current activities in the proposed sector of intervention and the current security situation) and the targeted population (number, status, gender and age, current location). Linkages with other projects in the area of intervention should also be briefly described.
5. Problem Statement
This section should provide sufficient information to determine the priority of the intervention(s) and the critical needs of the target population. A brief analysis of the situation should be provided, including previous efforts made to address the problem. Indicate dates, sources of information and describe the most critical needs identified
Example 1: / High level of water borne disease and limited access to water points
Example 2: / High level of moderate and severe malnutrition among children under five.
Example 3: / Lack of NFI for settlement


6. Project Description (Logical Framework)
a. Objectives and Indicators (The objectives must be measurable and realistic. The following are example objectives and measurable indicators)
Example I:
Objective: / Reduce water born diseases and increase water points by X for X number of people.
Measurable Indicator (Expected results): / Chlorinate X number of water points, build X number of water points, and provide public health programmes to targeted population
Impact: / Waterborne diseases under control, provide potable water to target population, prevent spread of diseases
Example II:
Objective: / Reduce level of moderate and severe malnutrition among children under five to less than X %
Measurable Indicator (Expected results): / Undertake selective feeding and distribute food rations for X number of beneficiaries.
Impact: / Mortality rate of children under five reduced to X %.
Example III:
Objective: / To provide emergency package (kitchen kits, plastic sheeting, clothing) to X number of people.
Measurable Indicator (Expected results): / To conduct a distribution of NFI for X number of people, based on a beneficiary registration.
Impact: / Number of targeted people receiving household items within X timeframe. The vulnerability of a target population reduced.

The golden rule is that your objectives must be SMART: Specific, to avoid differing interpretations; Measurable, to allow monitoring and evaluation; Appropriate to the problem statement; Realistic and able to achieve; Timebound indicating a specific period of time during which the results will be achieved.

7. Monitoring Plan
This section should describe a plan to monitor and evaluate the project using measurable indicators stated in the project proposal and the log frame as benchmarks. The methodology used to monitor the project should be explained.
Progress and final reports should include the results of monitoring and evaluation exercises conducted during the project period, including impact assessment results, KAP survey results.
Best practices here would include indicating locations of implementation area using GPS, sharing baseline survey / KAP survey results as an attachment to the final report and comparing against internationally recognized standards such as the SPHERE standards, and plans to engage regional government and community members in monitoring activities.
8. Budget Narrative
This section should describe and justify the items listed in the attached excel budget file. Please refer to the ERRF guidelines for any information on eligible items for inclusion in the budget. Limit staffing to those directly involved with the proposed activities.

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