FRC Project Concept Form (cont.)
FRC Project Concept FormInstructions:
1. Fill out the form as completely as you can at this stage, with responses directed to a general audience. Save the form online. Please review our website ( for initial tips, information, and resources about working with the Foundation Resource Center, private grant seeking, and other fundraising matters.
2. Discuss project concept with and obtain approval from your dean/director.
3. Incorporate any changes or updates to initial form and submit form online. Upon submission, the form will automatically be emailed to the Foundation Resource Center staff.
A Foundation Resource Center staff member will contact you to schedule an appointment or to discuss appropriate next steps.
General Information
Project Title: Date:
Concept submitted by:
Name: Title: Dept.:
Email: Phone:
Preferred contact: email phone Best days/times to contact:
Department Head/Dean Signature:
Project Description (What will you do? Where? With whom? And WHY?) (Please limit to one paragraph.):
How does your project align with the University of Wyoming’s Institutional Fundraising Priorities, the University Plan 3, or your unit’s strategic plan?
What broad categories of issues or opportunities does your project address? (Use keyword phrases—for example, adult literacy, juvenile crime prevention, etc.)
Who will benefit from your project? (Please identify all possible groups who may benefit, directly or indirectly, from your efforts.)
Problem/Need Statement
Describe the specific community need or issue your project will address. What is the current situation? Why is it significant? (It may help to define what “community” means for you—a certain group of students, a community of scholars, the population of a certain region, etc.)
Goals & Objectives
What is the big picture impact your project will make?
What will be the key success indicators for your project?
Action Plan
What are the major steps you will need to take to make these changes happen?
What resources will help you accomplish these steps? (People, equipment, training, materials, supplies, services, etc.)
Budget and Expense Planning
Approximate total project budget:
Select categories of anticipated expenses:
Is there a smaller amount that could feasibly start your project and still make and impact? If so, amount:
Please list any potential funding partners:
For more information, please contact:
Katrina Woods McGee
University of Wyoming Foundation
Major Gift Officer / Foundation Relations
1200 East Ivinson Street |Laramie, Wyoming 82070
Phone: 307-766-4266 |Fax: 307-766-4045 |e-mail:
Candace Garman
University of Wyoming Foundation
Corporate and Foundation Relations Specialist
1200 East Ivinson Street |Laramie, Wyoming 82070
Phone: 307-766-3723 |Fax: 307-766-4045 |e-mail: