Project Partner Finding Form for School Partnerships

Project Partner Finding Form for School Partnerships



To be sent to :

Please provide detailed information about your school and project on this form.

The Czech National Agency will share your school profile with other National Agencies in all over Europe.

Contact information
Name of the school: / Základní škola Vítkov, Komenského 754, okres Opava, příspěvková organizace
School address: / Komenského 754, 749 01 Vítkov, Czech Republic
School telephone: / 556300 779
Fax: / 556300 779
Head teacher/ principal: / Mgr. Blanka Váňová
Coordinator of the project: / Mgr. Andrea Mášová
E-Mail of contact person: /
School Website: /
Information about your school
Number of pupils: / 325
Number of teachers: / 25
Regional characteristics: / City x
Rural area 
Suburb 
Age of pupils at school: / Youngest: 6
Oldest: 16
Age of target group (pupils involved in project): / 12 - 16
Type of school: / Pre-primary school
Primary schoolx
General secondary school
Technical and vocational school
School for pupils with special education needs
Describe facilities found in your school (ex; library, sports centre, language rooms, laboratories, history rooms) / library, 2 computer classrooms, 2 multimedial classrooms, gym, dinning room, chemie room, biology room, art classroom
Languages taught in your school: / German, English, Russian
Previous experience with international school programmes: / Yes xNo 
Project information:
Type of project: / Multilateral x Bilateral 
Possible title of project: / Customs and traditions
Country Preference:
Working language(s) of the project: / German
General aim of the project: / To improve the students’ language skills.
To learn thecustoms andtraditions of othercountries
Subject areas, topics, curriculum areas: / 1. Traditions
3. Tourism
4. Music
5. Literature
6. Food
7. Social science
Planned outcomes of the project: / Methodological materials
DVD with guidelines and project materials
Photographic documentary of the project
Any additional information you would like to provide:
