HL7 PHER Work Group Meeting Minutes

HL7 PHER WG Meeting Minutes
Location: Phone Number: 770-657-9270
Participant Passcode: 6548521
Go to Meeting: http://
stateoftennessee.adobeconnect.com/hl7pher/ / Date: 20151210
Time: 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. US Eastern Time
Facilitator / John Roberts / Note taker / Craig Newman
Attendee / Name / Affiliation
x / Rita Altamore / WA DOH
x / Virginia (Ginny) Dato / Univ. of Pittsburg, School of Medicine
x / MariBeth Gagnon / CDC
x / Austin Kreisler / Leidos/CDC
x / Claire Loe / PHII
x / Craig Newman / NGC/CDC
x / John Roberts / TN DOH
x / AbdulMalik Shakir / Hi3 Solutions
x / Michelle Williamson / CDC/NCHS
x / Zach May / NIOSH
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes
The PHER DMP requires a co-chair and 2 or more other members (subscribers to the PHER list server.).


1.  Welcome, introductions, agenda review and approval

2.  Approve previous meeting minutes

3.  Update on the Occupation Data PSS from CDC/NIOSH

4.  PHCR Ballot - discussion and Q&A on the PHCR R2 ballot

Supporting Documents

·  Occupation Data PSS

Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

1. Welcome, introductions, agenda review and approval.

2. Minutes – minutes will be approved next week

3. Update on the Occupation Data PSS from CDC/NIOSH

·  Update by Zach May

·  Moving occupation into consolidated CDA

·  Developed a section level template which is a subsection to Social History

·  A task force formed which is meeting to get this accepted into SD (PHER is a cosponsor)

·  The project has been approved by SD, the new scope has been amended in have 2 phases:

·  Will ballot for comments (draft for comments) for the template

·  6 months from now, decision will be made as to how to integrate in to C-CDA

o  Options may include:

§  Integrate into C-CDA when it is next updated

·  Many groups are looking for changes to C-CDA but it needs stability so it can be implemented and used

o  There is talk of freezing C-CDA

§  Publish separately

Motion: . Adopt the change of scope as now documented in the PSS (Zach May/Craig Newman)

Vote: (affirmative/negative/abstain) 9/0/0

4. PHCR Ballot - discussion and Q&A on the PHCR R2 ballot

·  Both Death Reporting and PHCR will be reconciled in Orlando

·  There should be lots of time to do this, the times will be determined according to the number of comments. Reconciliation won’t start before Q1 on Tuesday. The schedule will be made on Monday of the meeting.

·  The committee may be split for easier comments, the full committee will be present for more complex comment

·  There will not be a call in option for WGM reconciliation sessions

·  Prior to the WGM, comments are available by contacting John (for merged, deduplicated comments) or go to the HL7 ballot tally page (for individual ballots)

·  The link for the ballot comments spreadsheets downloads a zip file with the ballot comment spreadsheets for all documents up for ballot. You then pull out the spreadsheets that are relevant to you.

·  A reminder that John and Michelle are potentially accepting comments from folks who don’t have their own vote (if the comments do not change the overall vote on the ballot)

·  Anyone who a member of the workgroup can participate in the reconciliation process, but that is loosely defined as:

·  anyone in the room with a badge at an HL7 meeting when reconciliation is happening


·  anyone who is on the list serv and on the call when reconciliation is happening

5. Additional Topics - None

Adjourned 16:53 US Eastern Time.

·  none
Next Meeting:
Date: 20151217
Time: 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. US Eastern Time
Preliminary Agenda Items:
·  meeting minute approvals
·  FHIR death resources

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