Attachment 5
Project Narrative Form
Instructions: Please respond to each question and provide details on how the proposed project addresses each of the Evaluation Criteria.
Description of the Project
Applicant: [Insert Applicant Name]
Title of Project: [Insert Project Title]
Describe the project.
Include a detailed description of the proposed project, the funding program(s) it is supporting, its operational goals and objectives, and an explanation of the projects eligible to receive funding. Include the funding announcement. You may upload the documents, or provide a link.
[Insert Response]
Describe the types of natural gas vehicles that are eligible, the incentive per vehicle, and how much funding is needed for vehicles.
[Insert Response]
Provide a list of proposedawards. Include the applicant’s name,type of vehicle, dollars requested, what has been funded, and what still needs to be funded. (This may be a separate attachment. If so indicate the document name here.)
[Insert Response]
Discussion of Evaluation Criteria
- Benefits to Disadvantaged Communities.
Describe how the list of applicants to be funded by theEnergy Commission servesdisadvantaged communities.
[Insert Response]
Identify the specificvehicles that serves disadvantaged communities.
[Insert Response]
Describe how the funding program(s) encourages applications that serve disadvantaged communities.
[Insert Response]
Describe how funding will add jobs, business, or other financial benefits in disadvantaged communities.
[Insert Response]
- Cost Effectiveness and Environmental Benefit
Describe how the funding program(s) maximize emission reductions per program (Air District) dollar.
[Insert Response]
Describe how the proposed project reduces greenhouse gas emissions, air pollutants, and petroleum usage. Describe how the Air District program encourages low emissions options like low NOx and renewable natural gas.
[Insert Response]
Discuss how the propose project results in a higher benefit-cost score defined as the greenhouse gas emissions reduced per dollar of Energy Commission investment. Provide assumptions and calculations.
[Insert Response]
- Program Effectiveness
Describe the process of the Air District’s program, and how it has (or will) resulted in efficient dispersal of funds, and expedites natural gas vehicle deployments.
[Insert Response]
Describe the Air District’s evaluation process, and how it selected (or will select) projects that will successfully be completed and reduce emissions.
[Insert Response]
Identify which projects under the Air District’s program are complete, and which are in progress. For those in progress describe when they are expected to complete. For projects not yet funded describe the Air District’s process for ensuring quick completion.
[Insert Response]
GFO-17-605Attachment 5
California Air District Natural Gas Project Narrative Form
Vehicles Solicitation