4/2/200407 27 26

Project NameFluid Applied Membrane Air Barriers

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SECTION 07 27 26


Specifier Notes: This guide specification is written according to the Construction Specifications Institute (CSC) format. The section must be carefully reviewed and edited by the Architect or Engineer to meet the requirements of the project. Coordinate this section with other specification sections and the drawings.
Specifier Notes: AIR-SHIELD LSR (liquid synthetic rubber) is an asphalt-free, single-component, synthetic rubber based liquid air/vapour and liquid moisture barrier. AIR-SHIELD LSR cures to form a tough, seamless, elastomeric membrane, which exhibits excellent resistance to air and moisture transmission.
AIR-SHIELD LSR has been specifically formulated to act as an air/vapour and liquid moisture barrier within the building envelope. It may be applied to most common surfaces and integrated into various wall systems. AIR-SHIELD LSR is suitable for both new construction and restoration.



.1Surface preparation.

.2Application of liquid applied synthetic rubber air/vapour barrier.

.3Application of materials to provide bridge and seal air leakage pathways in

.1Wall and roof connections and penetrations.

.2Connections to foundation walls.

.3Walls, windows, curtain walls, storefronts, louvers or doors

.4Expansion and control joints.

.5Masonry ties.

.6All other penetrations through the wall assembly.


Specifier Notes: Edit the list of related sections as required for the project. List other sections dealing with work directly related to this section.

.1Section 04 20 00 - Unit Masonry.

.2Section 07 21 00 - Thermal Insulation.

.3Section 07 50 00 - Membrane Roofing.

.4Section 07 60 00 - Flashing and Sheet Metal.

.5Section 07 70 00 - Roof and Wall Specialties and Accessories.

.6Section 07 80 00 - Fire and Smoke Protection.

.7Section 07 92 00 - Joint Sealants.

.8Section 08 10 00 - Doors and Frames.

.9Section 08 50 00 - Windows.

.10Section 09 20 00 - Plaster and Gypsum Board.


.1ASTM C836 - Standard Specification for High Solids Content, Cold Liquid-Applied Elastomeric Waterproofing Membrane for Use with Separate Wearing Course.

.2ASTM D412 - Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers-Tension.

.3ASTM D1970 - Standard Specification for Self-Adhering Polymer Modified Bituminous Sheet Materials Used as Steep Roofing Underlayment for Ice Dam Protection.

.4ASTM E84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.

.5ASTM E96 - Standard Test Methods for Water Vapour Transmission of Materials.

.6ASTM E783 - Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Installed Exterior Windows and Doors.

.7ASTM E1105 - Standard Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls, by Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference

.8ASTM E2178 - Standard Test Method for Air Permeance of Building Materials.

.9ASTM E2357 - Standard Test Method for Determining Air Leakage of Air Barrier Assemblies.

.102010 National Building Code of Canada.


.1Comply with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures.

.2Submit manufacturer's product data and application instructions.


.1Installer Qualifications:

.1Use an experienced installer and adequate number of skilled personnel who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the application of the air/vapour barrier.

.1Air Barrier Installer performing Work shall be approved by air/vapourbarrier

membrane manufacturer.

.2Obtain air/vapour barrier materials from a single manufacturer regularly engaged in manufacturing the product.

.3Provide products which comply with all state and local regulations controlling use of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).


.1Preconstruction Meeting: Convene [one] [______] week prior to commencing Work of this section, in accordance with Section [XX XX XX] - Project Meetings, and Section [XX XX XX] – The Air Barrier System.


.1Prior to installation of air/vapour barrier, apply as follows to verify details under shop drawing submittals and to demonstrate tie-ins with adjoining construction, and other termination conditions, as well as qualities of materials and execution.

.2Apply air/vapourbarrier in field-constructed mock-ups of assemblies specified in Section 04 20 00 – Unit Masonry and Section 09 20 00 – Plaster and Gypsum Board.

.3Apply air/ vapour barrier in field-constructed mock-ups of assemblies specified in Section [XX XX XX], “Mock-Ups”.

.4Construct typical exterior wall panel, 2.43 m (8’) x by 2.43 m (8’), incorporating back-up wall, cladding, window and doorframe and sill, insulation, flashing, [building corner condition,] [junction with roof system] [foundation wall] [and] [typical penetrations and gaps]; illustrating materials interface and seals.

.5Test mock-up in accordance with Section [XX XX XX] – The Air Barrier System and in accordance with ASTM E783 and ASTM E1105 for air and water infiltration.

.6Cooperate and coordinate with the Owner's inspection and testing agency. Do not cover any installed air/vapour barrier membrane unless it has been inspected, tested and approved.


.1Deliver materials to site in manufacturer's original, unopened containers and packaging, with labels clearly identifying product name and manufacturer.

.2Store materials in a clean dry area in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

.3Store at temperatures above 40oF (4oC) and below 90oF (32oC) free from contact with cold or frozen surfaces.

.4Protect materials during handling and application to prevent damage or contamination.


.1Minimize UV exposure to 4 months maximum as the product is not intended for uses subject to abuse or permanent exposure to the elements.

.2Do not proceed with product application during rain or inclement weather.

.3Do not apply membrane when air or surface temperatures are below -6.7oC (20oF).

.4Do not apply when air, material and surface temperatures are expected to fall below -6.7oC (20oF) within 24 hours of completed application.



.1W.R. MEADOWS OF CANADA, 70 Hannant Court, Milton, Ontario, Canada L9T 5C1. (800) 563-3618. Fax (905) 878-4125. Web Site


.1Liquid Air/Vapour Barrier System: Single component, asphalt-free, cold applied liquid air/vapour and liquid moisture barrier.

.1Performance Based Specification: Air/vapour barrier membrane shall be a synthetic rubber material having the following characteristics:

.1Air Leakage ASTM E2357: < 0.2 L/s/m2 (< 0.04 cfm / ft2) @ 75 Pa (1.57 lbs / ft2).

.2Air Permeability ASTM E2178: < 0.02 L/s/m2 (< 0.004 cfm / ft2) @ 75 Pa (1.57 lbs / ft2).

.3Water Vapour Permeance, ASTM E96 (Method B): ≤ 0.1 perms.

.4Elongation, ASTM D412: 700 %.

.5Tensile Strength, ASTM D412: 250 psi.

.6Nail Sealability, ASTM D1970: Pass.

.7Flame Spread and Smoke Development, ASTM E84: Class A.

.2Proprietary Based Specification: AIR-SHIELD LSR by W. R. MEADOWS.


.1Flashing and Transition Membrane: Self-adhesive polymeric air/vapor barrier membrane having a thickness of 1 mm (40 mils).


.2Self-Adhesive Membrane Adhesive:

1.Temperatures above 4oC (40oF): Water Based Adhesive.

a.MEL-PRIMEW/B Water Base Adhesive by W. R. MEADOWS.
2. Temperatures below -1oC (30oF): Solvent Based Adhesive.

a.MEL-PRIME VOC Compliant Solvent-Base Adhesive or Standard Solvent-Base Adhesive by W. R. MEADOWS.

.3Liquid Flashing and Joint Sealant for exterior sheathing panels: Fluid applied, single component, flashing membrane for rough openings and detailing.


.4Joint Tape: Self-adhesive polymeric membrane for joints of plywood and oriented strand board (OSB).


.5Pointing Mastic: mastic for sealing penetrations and terminations of membrane.


.6Detailing Membrane: non-slump waterproofing material for joint detailing.


.7Concrete Repair Materials: general purpose patching materials.

.1MEADOW-PATCH™ 5 and 20 Concrete Repair Mortars by W. R. MEADOWS.



.1Examine surfaces to receive membrane. Notify Architect if surfaces are not acceptable. Do not begin surface preparation or application until unacceptable conditions have been corrected.


.1Protect adjacent surfaces not designated to receive air barrier.

.2Clean and prepare surfaces to receive air barrier membrane in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
.3Do not apply membrane to surfaces unacceptable to manufacturer.
.4Concrete surfaces must be clean, free of standing water, ice, snow, frost, dust, dirt, oil, curing compounds or any other foreign material that could prevent proper adhesion of the membrane.

.5Patch all holes and voids and smooth out any surface misalignments.

.6Patch all cracks, protrusions, small voids, offsets, details, irregularities and small deformities with cementitious patching mortar at least two hours before application.

.7Ensure joints between dissimilar building materials are sealed with a strip of self-adhesive membrane 150 mm (6") wide, centered over the joint.

.8Exterior Sheathing Panels:

.1Install and fasten exterior sheathing panels according to the sheathingmanufacturer’s instructions.

.2Treat all countersunk and removed fasteners with joint filler or liquid flashing material.

.3.Inspect the joint to ensure that all areas to receive joint treatment are clean, dry, smooth, and free from all bond-breaking contaminants.

.4Remove and replace any damaged structural wall components.

Specifier Notes: There are three methods of joint treatment recommended by W.R. Meadows for Air-Shield LSR. Select (5), (6), or (7) based on project requirements.

.5Joint Treatment using liquid flashing

.1Fill joint with liquid flashing creating a 25 mm (1”) band over the joint area.

.2Do not strike flush with the sheathing surface.

.3Run the spreader tool over the liquid flashing to remove any inconsistencies.

.6Joint Treatment with detailing membrane

.1Fill joint with detailing membrane and create a 25 mm (1”) band over the joint area.

.2Run the spreader tool over the detailing membrane to remove any inconsistencies

.3Allow detailing membrane to cure for a minimum of 4 hours prior to proceeding with full application of air barrier membrane.

.7Joint Treatment with self-adhesive membrane

.1Prime either side of the joint extending 75 mm (3”) from the centre with adhesive recommended by the manufacturer.

.2Install a 25.4 mm (4”) strip of self-adhesive membrane centred over the joint and roll press firmly into place.

.3.Fill all joints wider than 6.4 mm (¼”) with detailing membrane prior to application of self-adhesive membrane.

.9Plywood and Oriented Strand Board (OSB):

.1Install and fasten boards according to board manufacturer.

.2Apply membrane adhesive on either side of the joint extending 3” from the center.

3.Install a 25.4 mm (4”) strip of self-adhesive membrane centered over the joint and roll press firmly into place.

4.For joints width more than 6.4 mm (¼”), fill with detailing membrane prior to application of self-adhesive membrane.



.1Prime surfaces to be covered in one working day with applicable adhesive.

.2Apply transition membrane with a minimum overlap of 75 mm (3”) onto primed surface at all joints, columns, beams and dissimilar materials.

.3Roll membrane firmly into place.

.4Ensure membrane is fully adhered and remove all wrinkles and fish mouths..5 Overlap subsequent courses of membrane a minimum of 50 mm (2”) and ensure joints are fully adhered.

.6Seal top edge of transition membrane with pointing mastic.


Specifier Notes: There are three methods of window and door rough opening details recommended by W.R. Meadows for Air Shield LSR. Select (1), (2), or (3) based on project requirements.

.1Self-adhesive Transition Membrane.

.1Prime the area to be detailed using adhesive recommended by the membrane manufacturer according to the substrate.

.2Pre-cut the self-adhesive membrane for each area of the rough opening to ensure ease of handling.

.3Apply the first pre-cut strip at the base of the rough opening by removing the release paper and rolling firmly into place, ensuring that there is a minimum of 75 mm (3”) of membrane extending onto the wall and a minimum of 75 mm (3”) of membrane extending into the rough opening.

.4Repeat this procedure for the vertical areas of the rough opening and the header portion of the opening.

.5Ensure all edge overlaps are a minimum of 50 mm (2”) and end to end overlaps are 100 mm (4”).

.6Seal all terminations with mastic recommended by membrane manufacturer.

.2Fluid Applied Transition Membrane using air/vapour barrier membrane

.1Apply a coat of adhesive on the raw edges of exterior gypsum board.

.2Apply a minimum of 40 wet mil coat of the air barrier membrane extending a minimum of 75 mm (3”) onto the wall.

.3Apply a minimum of 40 wet mil coat of the air barrier membrane extending into the rough opening a minimum of 75 mm (3”).

.4Embed a layer of 150 mm (6”) reinforcing fabric into this first coat.

.5Completely cover the glass mesh with a second coat of the air barrier membrane at 40 wet mils while the first coat is still wet, again extending 3” onto the wall and 75 mm (3”) into the rough opening.

.6Follow this same procedure for concrete or concrete masonry without using the mesh tape ensuring 80 wet mil thickness is achieved.

.3Fluid Applied Transition Membrane using liquid flashing membrane

.1Apply a coat of adhesive on the raw edges of exterior gypsum board.

.2Treatment of joints or cracks larger than 6.35 mm (¼”) and less than 12.7 mm (½”).

.1Prefill any joints or cracks with the liquid flashing material.

.2Apply a generous bead of material over the joint.

.3Press, and spread liquid flashing into the joint.

.4Allow material to skin over prior to full application of liquid flashing into the rough opening.

.3Treatment of joints or cracks larger than 12.7 mm (½”)

.1Install backer rod into the joint to control depth of liquid flashing material.

.2Apply a generous bead of material over and into the joint.

.3Press, and spread liquid flashing into the joint.

.4Smooth out using a spreader tool or putty knife

.5Allow material to cure prior to full application of liquid flashing into the rough opening.

.4Apply a bead of liquid flashing in the rough opening starting at the top and continuing around the rough opening.

.5Spread the material using a spreader tool or putty knife across the rough opening surface.

.6Test the material thickness using a wet mil gauge to ensure that it has a thickness of 12-15 mils.

.7Apply a generous bead of liquid flashing material to the vertical surface around the rough opening and spread this material 100 – 152 mm (4” – 6”) onto the vertical surface with a spreader tool or putty knife.

.8Test the thickness to ensure the material has a thickness of 12-15 mils.

.9Allow liquid flashing material to dry before installing any windows, doors, wall assembly, and full air barrier material.


.1Prime surfaces to be covered in one working day with applicable primer.

.2Remove release paper prior to application.

.3Apply though wall flashing at based of masonry walls as indicated on drawings.

.4Recess through wall flashing 13 mm (1/2”) from the face of the masonry.

.5Apply a bead of pointing mastic if through wall flashing is not embedded into masonry.


.1Apply air/vapour barrier membrane in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

.2Thoroughly mechanically mix membrane prior to application.

.3Apply membrane by spray or roller at a minimum coverage rate of 1.59 - 2.05 m2/3.8 L (17-22ft2/gal).

.4Apply second coat after first coat has completely dried, approximately one to two hours after first coat if the air/vapour barrier cannot be applied in one coat.

.5Frequently inspect surface area with a wet mil gauge to ensure consistent thickness of 80 wet mils is achieved.

.6Work material well into any fluted rib forming indentations.


.1Cover air/vapour barrier membrane as soon as possible, since it is not designed for permanent exposure.