4.9. Please list cooperation activities by department members both in Israel and abroad.
Members of our Faculty engage in a wide variety of academic collaborations with researchers, academic institutions, and organizations, in Israel and abroad. This ongoing collaboration takes different forms and enriches the academic quality of research and teaching at the faculty.
4.9.1 International Collaboration
Co-organizing international conferences and academic workshops
Faculty members have been co-organizing international conferences and symposia. This section offers prominent examples from recent years.
- Professor Michal Gal is co-organizing a bi-annual international conference of the Haifa Faculty of Law with the Consumer Antitrust Institute, Loyola University.
- Dr. Orna Rabinovich-Einy is co-organizing the Annual Cyberweek in collaboration with the NationalCenter for Technology and Dispute Resolution at UMass Amherst (where she is a senior fellow).
- Prof. Gad Barzilai organized the annual meeting of the Association for Israel Studies, 2013 in collaboration with UCLA.
- Prof. Gad Barzilai organized the annual meeting of the Association for Israel Studies, 2012 in collaboration with University of Haifa
- Prof. Niva Elkin-Koren co-organized a large number of international conferences in collaboration with US universities, such as the International Workshop: Social Media and the Commodification of Community (co-organized with Prof. Ellen Goodman of Rutgers University), The Commodification of Information (co-organized with Prof. Neil Netanel of UCLA) and the Annual Conference of ODR: Disputes, Technology and Law: Expanding the Boundaries of ODR (co-organized with Dr. Orna Rabinovich-Einy and Prof. Katsh of University of Mass).
- Prof. Oz-Salzberger is the co-convener of the Mediterranean Society for the Study of the Scottish Enlightenment’s 2013 conference, ”The Scottish Enlightenment and the Other,” University of Haifa Faculty of Law, June 2013.
- Dr. Alan Miller organizes a Joint Workshop of the Haifa Faculty of Law with the University of Copenhagen 2013.
Collaborative research
There is a wide range of international research cooperation with leading research institutions, on a personal level and on the institutional level. For example:
- Professor Michal Gal has ongoing collaborative research projects with Prof. Josef Drexl, Director of the Max Plack Institute for Competition and IP, Munich, with Professor Eleanor Fox, of NYU School of Law, and with Prof. Thomas Cheng, University of Hong Kong.
- The Faculty of Law is a member of the Lucerne Academy for Human Rights Implementation, which also led to collaborative research in areas such as comparative constitutional law (led by Prof. Amnon Reichman) and freedom of religion (led by Prof. Jonathan Yovel).
- Professor Niva Elkin-Koren and Dr. Tal Zarksy have a joint research project (supported by a research grant) on Social Media Governancewith the Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research in Hamburg, Germany.
- Prof. Fania Oz-Salzberger participates in an international research project: EGO - European history online ( and has co-edited a book with Prof. Thomas Maissen, Chair of Early Modern History, Heidelberg University: The Liberal Republican Quandary in Israel, Europe, and the US: Early Modern Thought Meets Current Affairs(Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2012).
- Dr. Khalid Ghanayim has ongoing research collaboration with the Max Planck Institiute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, Germany and with researchers at the University of Cologne – Faculty of Law.
- Dr. Rabeea Assy was invited by the Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology for the Swiss Department of Justice, to join an international research team focusing on risk assessment of prisoners prior to their release.
- The HaifaCenter for Law and Technology has ongoing collaborative research projects with Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam (IViR) and with the The Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research in Hamburg.
- The MinervaCenter for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions has ongoing research collaboration with scholars from University of Hamburg.
- The Posen Forum for Jewish European and Israeli Political Thought at the Haifa Faculty of Law is part of the Posen Foundation international network.
Joint graduate programs and supervision of research students[NE1]
- The Faculty of Law is a member of the Erasmus Master’s program in Law and Economics. Graduate students from around the world are supervised by faculty members, sometimes co-supervised with other experts from partnering universities, and faculty members are routinely required to review theses written by graduate students in law and econonmics at the ten partnering universities.
- The Haifa International Academy of Judges is collaborating with the International Center for Ethics, Justice, and Public Life at Brandeis University, in organizing annual workshops. It also collaborates with the Center for Judge Training of the United States Courts and the International Organization of Judge Training.
- There is a permanent academic cooperation with the University of Washington in mentoring Ph.D and M.A. research students by Professor Gad Barzilai.
International Academic leadership and membership in academic boards
Faculty members have been taking leading positions in many international academic associations and research forums. For instance:
- Prof. Gad Barzilai was the President of the Association for Israel Studies (2011-2013) and the Chair of the International Prize Committee in the Law and Society Association (2013).
- Professor Eli Salzberger is the former President of the European Association of Law and Economics.
- ProfessorMichael Gal is an Elected Member of Steering Committee, and the Executive Committee of ASCOLA (Academic Society for Competition Law - An international organization comprised of competition law scholars world-wide).
- Professor Niva Elkin-Koren is the Chair of the Academic Advisory Board of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin (since 2011).
- Prof. Fania Oz-Salzberger is a member of the following international boards: Die Deutsch-Israelische Zukuntsstiftung, The Posen Foundation Advisory Board, The Israel Institute (Washington DC) Advisory Board. She is also a Member of the Academic Advisory board, Program of Jewish Law and Interdisciplinary Studies, Cardozo Law School, New York and a Member of the Steering Committee, Project of Late German Philosophy.
- Dr. Sagit Mor is a co-founder of the Disability Legal Studies Collaborative Research Network (together Prof. Katharina Heyer from HawaiiUniversity).
Faculty members were also invited to advise and contribute their scholarly expertise. For instance:
- Professor Michael Gal is a Non-Governmental Advisorto the International Competition Network (ICN: An organization comprised of all major competition agencies in the world and select non-governmental advisors), May 2002- present; and a Member of Advisory Board, American Antitrust Institute, Washington D.C. (Membership by appointment of executive committee), October 2006-present.
- Professor Ronen Perry is the Israeli reporter to the European Tort Law Yearbook (covering about thirty jurisdictions), a member of the World Tort Law Society (an organization by invitation of only 25 renowned experts, which publishes global reports on tort law).
Many faculty members serve on the boards of leading research institutions abroad and on the editorial boards of leading journals:
- Prof. Ronen Perry is a Senior Editor of the Journal of Tort Law.
- Prof. Michael Gal is a Member of the International Advisory Board, Consumer Antitrust Institute, Chicago, U.S.A. (since 2002) and is also a Member of United Nations’ Committee on Trade and Development’s (UNCTAD)research group on competition law in developing jurisdictions.
- Prof. Elkin-Koren is a Member of the Editorial Board of two international journals: the Journal of Information Policy (since 2010) and the Journal of the Copyright Society (since 2009) and was a Member of the Advisory Board of COUNTER (FP7) (2008-2010).
- Prof. Gad Barzilai is a Member of the Editorial Board, Law & Society Review, a Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Comparative Studies, and a Member of the Board of Directors of the Ph.D. Program in Law and Global Rights, University of Washington.
- Prof. Fania Oz-Salzberger is a member of several editorial boards: the European Journal of Political Theory, History of European Ideas, the the Journal of Scottish History, Storia del pensiero politico, The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, ed. James Young (New Haven: Yale University Press).
- Prof. Shulamit Almog is a Board Member in COST Action IS1209: Comparing European Prostitution Policies: Understanding Scales and Cultures of Governance.
- Prof. Moti Meroni is a Member of the Executive Board and the Secretary Treasure of the Association for the Promotion of Mediation and Negotiation as an Academic Discipline.
4.9.2 Research Cooperation Activities in Israel
Co-organizing conferences
- Prof. Niva Elkin-Koren co-organized local conferences with a large number of academic institutions, including: Tel-Aviv University, Hebrew University, Neaman Institute for National Policy Research in the Technion, the College of Management, IDC and the National Library of Israel.
- Prof. Ronen Perry co-organized conferences with the HebrewUniversity and the IDC, as a member of the executive board of the Israeli Association of Private Law.
- Dr. Faina Milman-Sivan, in collaboration with Tel-AvivUniversity (Department of Political Science, Dr. Hani Lerner) and the College of Law and Business, organized an international conference: Global Justice and International Labor Law (2012).
- Dr. Sagit Mor co-organized a series of international conferences in Disabilities Studies with Tel-Aviv University, and the Van Leer Institute.
- Dr. Khalid Ghanayim co-organized a series of conferences and academic workshops with the Israeli Institute of Democracy.
Collaborative research
- The HaifaCenter for Law and Technology has ongoing collaborative research projects with Neeman Institute at the Technion (on IP in science and technology policy), with the Colledge of Management (on copyright in education and research),
Academic leadership and Board Membership
- Professor Gad Barzilai was the past presidrnt of the Association for Israel Studies (2011-2013)
- Prof. Ronen Perry is the current President of the Israeli Association of Private Law.
- Dr. Sandy Keidar was the president of the Israeli Association of Law and Society.
- Prof. Moti Mironi was the Founding President of the Israeli Association of Mediators.
- Dr. Faina Milman-Sivan is a Member of the Executive Board of the Israeli Society for Labor Law and Social Security and a member of the Goldberg Prize Committee for best work in Labor and Employment Law (2012).
- Professor Niva Elkin-Koren is a Member of the Advisory Board, Technion Computer Engineering (TCE) Center (since 2012). Member of the Academic Directors and Steering Committee, The Jerusalem Center for Ethics, Mishkenot Shaananim (director of Ethics in Information Technologies) (since 2010), a Member of the Israeli Patent Authority Audit Commission (since 2007), a Member of the Strategic Consulting Forum, The Israeli National Authority of Data Security.
- Prof. Shulamit Almogis a Board Member of the Center for Law and Media at Bar Ilan University.
- Pro. Moti Meroni is a Member of the Executive Board of the Labor Law and Social Security Association.
4.10. Please list the major consulting activities done by faculty.
In addition to their contribution to the public policy discourse and the development of law through teaching and scholarly research, faculty members and the legal clinics are engaged extensively in a very high volume of pro-bono consulting activities. These consulting services are provided to a host of institutions, among them: the judiciary, the Courts Administration, the legislature, the various government ministries as well as to public commissions and agencies, Knesset's committees, foundations, Non Government Organizations and civic society associations.
- Consulting by Faculty Members
Many of the faculty members are involved in consulting activities, each in her/his field of specialty and expertise:
Dr. Yehuda Adar consulted the Knesset Legislation Committee on a draft proposal to adopt punitive damages as a civil remedy. He also consults "Bizchut" - an IsraeliHumanRightsCenter for People with Disabilities.
Prof. Shulamit Almog is a member of the Press Council's Presidency. Formerly she served as a member in the Justice Ministry's Committees (on the founding principles of child law and their implementation in legislation) and (on child adoption law and adoption procedures in Israel). Prof. Almog was a member of the selection committee for a state medal for the struggle agaist human trafficking and jury member of the Sapir Prize for literature.Prof. Almog advised the Justice Ministry's Advisory and Legislation Department (on a proposed bill concerning the incrimination of prostitution consumers) and the Knesset subcommittee (on fighting women trafficking).
In a joint effort with Prof. Ariel Bendor, Prof. Almog composed the legal sections of the report submitted by Israel to the U.N. under the international convention of child rights.
Prof. Yoseph M. Edrey wrote a review for the Shishinsky Committee (on gas royalties). The committee's report can be found in: and the review -
Prof. Niva Elkin Koren is consulting the Open Society Foundation (on users' rights), the IFLA (theInternational Federation of Library Associations) (on the legal implications of eBooks), the National Library of Israel (on copyright implications of mass digitization), the Institutions of Higher Education in Israel (on fair use in higher education), and the Ministry of Education (on fair use in the school system and on developing ethical code for the use of Internet in schools).
Dr. Orna Eyni Rabinowitz is consulting the Civil Procedure Forum – a joint taskforce of judges and academics – (on promoting research and improving the practice regarding civil procedure) and the Council for Public Trust (on developing ODR).
Prof. Michal Gal is a member of the merging and exemptions committee of the antitrust authority.
Dr. Khalid Ganayim consults the Justice Ministry's legislation department (on corporate criminal liability reform).
Prof. Oren Gazal-Ayal has consulted the Justice Ministry (on the methodology of constructing starting point sentences), the Knesset's Legislation Committee (on Judicial sentencing discretion and plea bargaining). Prof Gazal- Ayal is acting as a member of the advisory board to the Justice Minister (on statutory amendments concerning criminal procedure and evidence) and a member and coordinator of the special Committee that was entrusted with the task of reviewing Israel's penal policy.
Prof. Moti Mironi is advising the Finance Ministry's Division on Wage and Collective Agreements (on methods of dealing with strikes in essential services) and the Council for Public Trust (on the dispute processing planning and design).
Dr. Sagit Mor served as special expert with the Advisory Committee of the Commission for Equal Right for People with Disabilities (on the subject of wrongful life). Dr. Mor gave testimony as a special expert to the Public Committee on “Wrongful Life” and serves as a member of the Ministry of Health's Committee on New Guidelines Concerning Intersex People and of its Legal Sub-Committee.
Dr. Noya Rimalt consulted the Knesset's Sub-Committee on Fighting against Women's Trafficking (on the criminalization of prostitutes' clients) and the Committee for the Promotion of the Status of Women (on sex segregation in public transportation). She contributed to the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Employment's Round Table (on dilemmas regarding gender inequality in employment)and consulted the Justice Ministry's Task Force (on the criminalization of prostitutes' clients).
Dr. Ilan Saban has been consulting the Knesset's Legislation Committee (on the Arab-Palestinians' minority rights and the status of the Arabic language in Israel) and continuously advices human and civil rights associations or NGOs such as Adalah – The Legal Center for the Promotion of Arabic Minority's Rights, the Civil Liberty Union and the Association for Law and the Elderly.
Prof. Eli Salzberger serves as an expert member in the public committee (on performer's rights). Formerly he was a member in the Ministry of Education's civics studies committee, and in the Israeli Democracy Institute's council for "constitution by consent".
Dr. Karin Carmit Yefet advised the Turkel Public Inquiry Commission (on the investigation procedures that are employed in Public International Law to investigate complaints regarding alleged infringements of the Law of War).
Prof. Jonathan Yovel advised the Knesset internal affairs (on the citizenship law) and the council for higher education (on accreditation of study programs), and the Supreme Court's Institute for Advanced Judicial Studies (on curricula for judges). He also serves as a member of the steering committee of the PBC for enrichment studies.
Dr. Tal Zarsky wrote reviews and commentaries for the European Commission (a body of the EU). Dr. Zarsky also provided expert testimony for a special committee led by the Ministry of Communications and the Broadcasting Authorities, and provided informal advice to several governmental bodies such as the IDF, ILITA (the Israeli Law Information and Technology Authority), the Ministry of Communications and the Israeli Securities Authority.
- Consulting by Legal Clinics
The legal clinics, led by Advocate Ronit Haramati-Alpern, are engaged in two lines of activities, namely individual legal aid and advocacy aimed at promoting change in social policy. Both contain components of consultation. Thus, individual representation and assistance is provided in the "Jiran" Center in Acres, where residents of Acre's OldCity may seek communal and individual legal aid. Such services include consultation activities.Consultation to public institutions is usually part of the advocacy line of projects run by the clinics. These projects are either initiated by the clinic or requested by the official administration. The following few examples can illustrate this practice:
1. Upon the Ministry of Energy and Water's request the Marine Resources and Law Clinic drafted a position paper on the just allocation of permits for gas drillings. Subsequently, the Ministry commissioned the clinic to conduct a comparative legal research regarding environmental regulation of gas drillings in different countries. The research findings were used by the Ministry of Environmental Protection for drafting new regulations. 2. The Prisoners' Rehabilitation Authority relied on the Prisoners' Rights and Rehabilitation Clinic's position paper in proposing an amendment to the law regarding juvenile release committees and incarceration of mothers. 3. The clinics initiated and advised on the incorporation of the intersex community's rights into the current legislation. Furthermore, the Human Rights in Society Clinic is consulting the Ministry of Health in the process of drafting a protocol for surgeries on intersex children. 4. Upon the National Library request, the Law and Technology Clinic has provided legal consultation and clearance services for the National Library's project of digitization.