Trip Summary

ADF&G, Division of Sportfish

Project Name: MON43 Number of field trips completed under project: 4

Location: Montana Creek and tribs

Dates and duration of field trip(s): 10/16/2003

Personnel: (List crew members present for each trip)

Jeff Nichols, Christine Schmale, Bryan Glynn, Jason Shull

Project Objectives: (List or describe the objectives of the field trip as discussed before leaving for the field)

Accompany Brian and Jason on foot survey (Coho Index Area) spatially relating fish counts to GPS locations during the second coho foot count. Jeff and Jason surveyed upper Montana including McGinnis and Little Mcginnis working down to bridge at the end of the road. Christine and Brian completed from Archery Range down to Back Loop Bridge

Trip Summary: (In narrative form, describe how and if project objectives were met)

Jeff and Christine collected waypoints within the Index Area of fish concentrations

We were able to collect generalized waypoints associated with congregations of fish as well as a total count within the index area, which we will be able to attribute to current reach based surveys.

Total count within the upper portion (jeff and Jason) was 386 coho; Christine and Brian counted 422 in the lower portion of the Index Area.

RCS Highlights: (bring attention to RCS related tasks completed; for example: # of stream crossings, # of culverts [and condition], severe road condition problems, etc)


AWC Highlights: (bring attention to AWC issues; for example: total # of anadromous streams encountered, # of new anadromous streams which need to be nominated, # of anadromous streams which need to be revised [upper extent, poor location, etc] and other relevant notes.)

**Anything else?**

Issues needing resolution: (are there any specific concerns, which require input from outside our staff – list specific details.)

Index Area counts: We need to return with SF area staff for subsequent foot surveys and attempt to gather additional information regarding length of spawning area, and more clearly define spawning riffles from large macro pools, if a 3rd trip is conducted.

Outputs: (What reports will be generated for which agencies or private entities?)

Trip summaries, inclusion in Annual and Final reports, and sharing maps with SF Area Staff will all be completed under this project.

Status of data: (has data been entered?; have spreadsheets, photos, waypoints, maps been created and organized into the appropriate folders?)

A new folder under the Odyssey/Projects folder has been created specific to this project (MON43). All waypoints have been downloaded and run through the spatial joins for final GPS import into Odyssey, as well as the accompanying photos.

Data has not been entered into the Maintain Streams portion of the Odyssey database as of 11/3/2003.

Data has been entered into Odyssey. CAS 11/25/03

(or are on the laptop?).

Work needed to bring project to completion: (include a brief summary of what steps are necessary to bring project to completion, i.e., does data still need to be entered or checked for qc, is more field work required?)

Data needs to be entered into the Odyssey Database

Data has been entered into Odyssey. Project is complete. CAS 11/25/03

Contact person: (include landowner, if known, and engineer and/or AMB involved)

Jeff Nichols/Christine Schmale for habitat surveys

Brian Glynn and Jason Shull for Coho Index Counts

Trip summary completed by: Jeff Nichols Date: 11/4/2003

Updated by Christine Schmale 11/25/03