/ Question / Y/N / Supporting evidence /1. / Do the senior staff of the College/Support Service engage with business continuity planning and are business continuity arrangements approved at a senior level?
2. / Has a business continuity coordinator been appointed?
3. / Have the key services provided by the College/Support Service been identified?
4. / Have processes which are critical to the provision of key services been identified?
5. / Have the types of incident which could disrupt these process been identified?
6. / Have the risks of damage to or loss of key items of equipment or materials been considered?
7. / Has a business impact analysis been carried out to determine the impacts over time of disruption of key services on the overall business of the University?
8. / Have the areas of greatest risk been identified so that business continuity efforts can be concentrated on them?
9. / Has attention been given to the times of the year when the consequences of disruption to services could be worst?
10. / Have measures been put in place to reduce the risk of disruption to key services in the first place as well as producing plans for the business continuity response if there was to be disruption?
11. / Have target recovery times been agreed for key services?
12. / Have strategies been developed to achieve those recovery times and have they been resourced and documented?
13. / Where required, have “workarounds” been developed to provide services in a different manner if resources which are normally used to provide the service are not available
14. / Do recovery strategies recognise dependencies on others groups in the University which provide support services as well as on external suppliers of equipment, materials and services?
15. / Have credible assurances been obtained from internal providers of support services and external suppliers regarding their business continuity arrangements?
16. / Have incident response plans and procedures been prepared?
17. / Have plans been prepared by or in close consultation with those who would have to implement them following a disruptive incident?
18. / Do the plans document essential recovery tasks?
19. / Is there a College/Support Service team which would oversee the recovery process?
20. / Have locations been identified for the College/Support Service team to meet along with fallback locations?
21. / Is it clear to where staff and key activities would move if the building which they normally used was not available?
22. / Have appropriate business continuity arrangements been put in place for cross-College initiatives?
23. / Do College/Support Service plans recognise the role of the University Emergency Management team in overseeing the response to a major incident and the circumstances under which the College/Support Service plan would be invoked?
24. / Is there a programme of exercises and tests to validate the effectiveness of the business continuity arrangements?
25. / Are the plans being reviewed and kept up to date?
26. / Finally, is it evident that business continuity planning is adding value?
July 2011