2016Governor’s Housing Conference Outstanding Youth Award Application Form
The Outstanding Youth Award is an award that celebrates a youth who has demonstrated an exemplary commitment to the youth’s multi-family community. The deadline for nominations is Friday, September 9, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.
Who May Submit A Nomination?
All nominations may be submitted by the property manager, property owner or individual who resides in a Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) and/or Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) funded property.
Recognition at the Governor’s Housing Conference Awards Luncheon
The winner will be recognized at the awards luncheon at the Annual Governor’s Housing Conference held at the Hampton Roads Convention Center on Thursday, November17, 2016.
The selected entrant will receive $1,000. The person nominating the winning contestant will receive a $200 gift card to be used for a community improvement purpose at their development. The winning contestant will be invited to attend the Governor’s Housing Conference Awards Luncheon. Travel expenses (one night stay for one room and mileage for travel over 3 hours; mileage for travel under 3 hours) for the selected entrant and parent(s) or guardian will be paid for by the sponsoring organization.
Evaluation of Nominees
A committee comprised of DHCD and VHDA staff will evaluate the nominations based on the following criteria/requirements and will select a winner.
Criteria for Youth Nominee
- The nominee must be a resident of a VHDA or DHCD-financed multi-family community.
- The nominee must be between the ages of 12 and 18.
- The nominee must have demonstrated one or more of the following:
- Courage: Entails overcoming an obstacle in order to help others. Courage may be interpreted in many ways, including a rescue, an act of bravery or heroism, or overcoming a personal challenge. It is understood that there are many forms of courage, but all must be directed to ultimately benefit others as well as self.
- Compassion: Comprises both the understanding of people’s problems and needs, and extending oneself to address these concerns.
- Community:Applying effort and time in service to others that:
- Engages in the creation, organization, and/or mobilization of volunteers, groups, and resources that are involved in projects benefiting the greater community.
- Demonstrates sustained commitment to meeting community needs.
- Utilizes unique and creative approaches to meeting needs.
- Develops and fosters the virtues and skills of civic engagement and social responsibility.
- Leadership: The act of giving direction, inspiration, and guidance to people toward the achievement of a mutual objective. Leaders do not attempt to work by themselves; rather, they create an environment in which the entire group is able to make contributions and work freely to complete their shared goal.
Application Procedure
Complete and savea copy of the application form, then either:
Email the completed application form (and any other electronic attachments) to ith the subject “Outstanding Youth Award Application”
Print and mail to:
GHCYouth Award
c/o Virginia Housing Development Authority
Attn.Brian Matt
601 S. Belvidere Street
Richmond, VA 23220
Again, the deadline for nominations is Thursday, September 9, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.
Scroll down for application section.
Select all of the following attributes that you feel apply to this young person.
☐ Courage☐ Community or School Service
☐ Compassion☐ Leadership
Please describe the reason you are nominating this young person.
- Why is the nominee particularly deserving of this recognition for their volunteer work?
- How have the actions of this young person benefited and impacted others?
- Were there any obstacles this young person had to overcome? If so, how did the nominee overcome them?
- Please add any additional information that you feel will assist the committee in evaluating your nominee.
- OPTIONAL – Attach any supporting material, such as news articles, letters of commendation, etc. (maximum of three items)
Contact Information
Nominee’s information:
First Name: Click here to enter text.
Last Name: Click here to enter text.
Phone (primary): Click here to enter text.
Phone (alternate): Click here to enter text.
Mailing Address: Click here to enter text.
City, State: Click here to enter text.
Zip Code: Click here to enter text.
E-mail (if available): Click here to enter text.
School: Click here to enter text.
Age: Click here to enter text.
Nominator’s information:
First Name: Click here to enter text.
Last Name: Click here to enter text.
Phone (primary): Click here to enter text.
Phone (alternate): Click here to enter text.
Mailing Address: Click here to enter text.
City, State: Click here to enter text.
Zip Code: Click here to enter text.
E-mail (if available): Click here to enter text.
Outstanding Youth Award Application Formpage 1May 6, 2014