Conference Meeting June 13, 2016

The Conference Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of North Caldwell was held on Monday, June 13, 2016 at the Borough Hall, Gould Avenue and began at7:43pm.

Roll Call indicated the following present:

Mayor Alessi

Council Members: Council President Santomauro,Councilman Astorino, Councilman Chiaia, Councilman Kessler, Councilman Raymond

Absent: Councilman Rees

Also, present were Kathryn Forman, Esq., Mel Levine, Borough Administrator, Mark Deuer, Police Chief, Nancy A. Bretzger, Borough Clerk

Mayor Alessicalled the meeting to order announcing that notice was provided in accordance with the requirements of Chapter, 231, P.L. 1975.

Mayor AlessiaskedCouncilman Chiaiato lead those present in the salute to the American flag.

Citizens to Be Heard

Mayor Alessi opened the floor to the public. No one came forward.

Items for Discussion

Update on Acquisition of Walker’s Property –Mayor Alessi stated that they are giving us the extension for 45 days to July 22, 2016 for the Borough to complete our due diligence.

Walker’s Pond – Organic Garden–Mayor Alessi stated that he had received a phone call from a resident regarding having an organic garden such as the one in Montclair at Walkers Pond. Councilman Chiaia stated that there may be some funding available for this and we should look into it. Council President Santomaurostated that once the property is owned by the Borough then there can be discussion as to what will be done on the property.

Bulk Standards-Mayor Alessi explained about the letter that he received regarding the home being built on WillowbrookRoad. The Council discussed that as long as all the setbacks were being followed, there was nothing that the Council can do at this time.

Permanently Disabled Veteran – Real Estate Taxes – A letter was received from a resident that has been declared a permanently disabled veteran since August 2015. Richard Mondelli, Tax Collector explained that George Librizzi, Tax Assessor was putting the taxes on hold for 2017 and he wanted to know how the Council wanted him to handle 2016 and from 2015. He explained that the resident has paid the last 2 quarters for 2015 and the first 2 quarters of 2016. There was discussion amongst the Council and they decided to cancel the taxes for the remainder of 2016. There will be a resolution at the next meeting indicating the cancellation of the taxes.

Five Year Plan – Police Department –Police Chief Deuerdiscussed his 5 year plan. He explained the immediate need for a new radio system. He explained that this is in his 5 year plan, but the Department has been working on the new system now. There are a lot of dead spots within the Borough and Essex Fells in which the officers cannot transmit back to headquarters which is becoming more of a problem. The only transmission for the radios comes from the antennas from the Water tower. He stated that a company has come in and did a study of the whole Borough and Essex Fells. There was a meeting last week, which included Councilman Chiaia, Councilman Raymond and Council President Santomauro along with representatives from Essex Fells. He stated that the cost would be approximately $400,000.00 - $600,000.00. Since the police department does the dispatching for Essex Fells, they will share in the cost of this project. The project is projected to be 6 to 8 months. He will keep the Council updated as it moves alongs.

Staffing Level – The Police Chief stated that he put in his plan that he needed to increase his staffing. He needs over the next year to at least add 1 more officer. This officer would help correspond with the Accreditation section of the 5 year plan since an Officer would need to be solely dedicated to the Accreditation process.

Fleet – He feels they are ok with the cars as long they continue to rotate a new car or truck in yearly.

Infrastructure – Bathroom on second floor needs to be fixed next year. Covering for the cars so that they are not covered in snow in the winter time and the officers have to go out and clean them off every 10 minutes or so in case of an emergency.

Accreditation – An Officer would need to be dedicated to this task for at least a year to get the departmental accreditation done. The Mel or Jif does pay for part of this accreditation. He feels that the department cannot handle this at this time without the extra officer. He also feels that by 2017, the latest 2018 the JIF will be mandating that all departments be accredited.

Arms – The Chief explained that more long arms are warranted but while the cost of the guns themselves is inexpensive, it is the cost of the training, the overtime and the ammunition that brings the cost up. He feels that these are needed with the schools in the Borough and the High School.

Cameras – All of the cameras that are in the cars now are wireless and are downloaded immediately from the car as soon as they pull in to the parking The department has body cameras which were purchasedby the Police Foundation.

There was discussion and the priorities have been set as to be looking at for the Radio Communication System, increase staff by one Officer and Accreditation Program over the next couple of years.

Summer Fun Staff – Directors – Counselors – Mayor Alessi stated that he is hearing from the residents that they are loving the television setin the pavilion at the pool. They are happy to be able to watch the World Cup games being played. Councilman Raymond stated that he has been getting great comments on the improvements on the fields that were done by the DPW this year.

Councilman Raymond explained that he received an email from Beth Tanellitoday asking that she was supposed to have a 5K race this past April for her late husband’s foundation that the Mayor & Council had approved in town.Due to circumstances, she was not able to have it. She wants to move it to October 29, 2016. She is asking the Mayor and Council’s permission to have it on that date. The Council agreed to that date. A new resolution would need to be done at the next meeting.

Councilman Raymond explained that John Rapkinand a group of residents are putting together a community survey to see what they want done to the fields. The Council discussed the survey and who the survey should be distributed to.

Councilman Raymond explained the restructuring of the camp staff directors.

The Upper Camp Director would be the Kiddie Camp Director with a salary of $4,400.00 for Upper Camp and $2,100 for Kiddie Camp. Upper Camp and Kiddie Camp are located at the same location so it is easier for the Camp Director to be at the same location. The Lower Camp Director and Assistant Director for Kiddie Camp, with a salary of $4,250.00 for Lower Camp and $500.00 for Kiddie Camp. The contract was given to both of the Directors to sign. The Council discussed and agreed upon the salaries. There will be resolutions at the next meeting for the Directors as well as the Summer Fun counselors.

Councilman Astorinostated that he received a donation check from Unicothat he wanted to present to Councilman Raymond for the Recreation Department.

Action to Be Taken

Resolution R-111-16– Resolution Approval to Pay Bills in the amount of $1,318,423.71 was read. Motion was made by Councilman Astorino, seconded by Council President Santomauro. Said motion was carried unanimously.

Resolution R-112-16 – Estimated Tax Billing Authorization, 2016 was read. Motion was made by Councilman Astorino, seconded by Council President Santomauro. Said motion was carried unanimously.

Resolution R-113-16 A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Water Bill Payment & Forebearance Agreement with Hidden Ridge at North Caldwell Condominium Association, Inc. was read. Motion was made by Councilman Astorino, seconded by Council President Santomauro. Said motion was carried unanimously.

Resolution R-114-16 Return of Deposit for Liquor License Bid was read. Motion was made by Council President Santomauro, seconded by Councilman Chiaia. Said motion was carried unanimously.

Resolution R-115-16 A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Service Agreement with Quikteks was read. Motion was made by Council President Santomauro, seconded by Councilman Chiaia. Said motion was carried unanimously.

Resolution R-116-16 Liquor License Renewal – Green Brook Country Club was read. Motion was made by Council President Santomauro, seconded by Councilman Chiaia. Said motion was carried unanimously.

Resolution R-117-16 Resolution Authorizing Payment of Stipend to Recreation Director & Recreation Program Director was read. Motion was made by Councilman Raymond, seconded by Councilman Kessler. Said motion was carried unanimously.

Executive Session

Resolution R-118-16 - Authorization for Executive Session for Certain Specified Purposes: A.Litigation (1) COAH Declaratory Judgment B. Contract Negotiations – (1) Caldwell Sewer Utility (2) Traffic Signal Cost Sharing Agreement (3) Verizon Wireless Small Network NodesC. Liquor License Bid (1) Price (2) Bid Date was read. Motion was made byCouncil President Santomauro, seconded by Councilman Astorino. Said motion was carried unanimously.

Re-opened to Public Meeting at 9:08pm

There being no other matters to be addressed by the Governing Body at this time, a motion was made byCouncil President Santomauro, seconded by Councilman Astorino that this meeting be adjourned at9:10pm. This motion was carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy A. Bretzger, Borough Clerk