Project Lead the Way Biomedical Program
Parent/Guardian Checklist
- IMPORTANT: Carefully read all information in the brochure prior to completing the application.
- Understand the admission criteria for the PLTW Biomedical program.
“C” average or higher (2.5 grade point average or higher) in Mathematics, Science, English/Language Arts and Social Studies(Send the most recent report card or interim report.)
Successful completion of Algebra I or higher in Grade 8
Performance on written essay
Recommendation from current or previous science teacher(Send separate from application.)
Recommendation from current or previous math teacher (Send separate from application.)
- Fill in all sections of the application.
- Mail or hand-deliverthe application postmarked on or before December 1, 2017.
Mail/Hand Deliver to:
New Town High School
Project Lead the Way
Attention: A. Trowers, Program Coordinator
4931 New Town Blvd
Owings Mills, MD 21117
For Office Use Only
Complete Application (Date/Initials) ______/______
Unable to Process (Date/Initials) ______/______
Project Lead the Way Biomedical Program Application
2018-2019 School Year
Applicant Information
Please PRINT NEATLY. Use blue or black ink.
Student’s Last Name: ______First Name: ______M.I.: _____
Student’s Date of Birth: ___/___/___Gender: _____ Male _____ Female
Applying to Grade: ____ 9 ____ 10
Daytime Phone # ______Alternate # ______
Parent/Guardian e-mail: ______@______
Street Address:______Apt. # ______
City: ______State:______Zip Code:______
Current School: ______
Zoned high school based on student’s address: ______
(Zoning information is available by clicking on the following link for School Boundaries at Baltimore County Public Schools. If your child is not zoned to attend New Town High School, you will be responsible for providing transportation to school every day.)
Please specify below ALL categories with which the student identifies:
___ American Indian/Alaskan Native___ Asian___Black/African American
___ Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander___ White___ Latino or Hispanic
The student is currently homeless.
____ NO____ YES
The applicant receives testing accommodations as part of a documented educational plan.
____ NO___ YES (indicate type of plan) ______
(Parents/Guardians of students not attending a Baltimore County Public School must submit documented accommodation requirements with the application. Documented accommodations for Baltimore County Public School students will be obtained from system data.)
Recommendation Letter Form: Science Teacher
Please PRINT NEATLY. Use blue or black ink.
Student’s Name: ______
Teacher’s Name: ______Course(s) Taught: ______
Science Teacher:
The student named above is applying to the New Town High School PLTW Biomedical Sciences Program. Please introduce this student to me as a new student in my science class, and include details we can use to make our decision regarding this student’s acceptance to our program.Please return this recommendation letter through interoffice mail, or email the letter to Aiesha Trowers at . The application is due on or before December 1, 2017.
Thank you,
Aiesha N. Trowers
Recommendation Letter Form: Math Teacher
Please PRINT NEATLY. Use blue or black ink.
Student’s Name: ______
Teacher’s Name: ______Course(s) Taught: ______
Science Teacher:
The student named above is applying to the New Town High School PLTW Biomedical Sciences Program. Please introduce this student to me as a new student in my science class, and include details we can use to make our decision regarding this student’s acceptance to our program. Please return this recommendation letter through interoffice mail, or email the letter to Aiesha Trowers at . The application is due on or before December 1, 2017.
Thank you,
Aiesha N. Trowers
Personal Statement
Please PRINT NEATLY. Use blue or black ink.
Directions: Answer the following questions below. You may use extra paper to continue your response.
The Biomedical Science Program is looking for students who welcome academic challenges in the areas of science and mathematics. Please explainwhy you want to attend the Biomedical Science Program. What are your plans for the future? How does this program fit into those plans?Include examples of research or Science Fair projects that you have completed.The application is due on or before December 1, 2017.
Pursuant to Policy 4000, the Board of Education of Baltimore County does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, marital status, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any other characteristic in its educational programs, services, or employment as provided in federal and state law.
- I understand the application and acceptance to the PLTW Biomedical Program is limited to students eligible to attend a Baltimore County Public School.
- I understand that providing false or inaccurate information will result in the disqualification of the applicant.
- I understand that failure to attach the required report card(s) or not submitting a personal statement will result in disqualification.
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______Date: ______
Print Parent/Guardian’s Name: ______