Project Interview

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this brief interview. Upon completion, please email this document as an attachment . At that time I will follow-up with additional questions and provide a custom quote.

This interview streamlines the process and helps me to get a good idea of what you need so that we can work out the best pricing for you!

Please note: Much of my work is for logo design. However, I offer a variety of design work so if you are interested in another type of project, please answer the questions accordingly.

Introduce Yourself


Company Name:

Phone Number:

Email Address:

Website Address:

Please give a brief description of your company or project.

About Your Project

What is or will be the primary purpose of your company or project?

If you had to narrow it down, what would your target market or audience be?

What are the exact words that you would like included in your logo? If you have a tag line that you would like incorporated, please indicate it here.

Do you have a specific capitalization preference for your project? (i.e. all caps, all lowercase, no preference)

If you have a logo already, what would you change about your current logo or identity?

Your budget dictates the amount of time I can spend on your project, and helps me to better meet your expectations. I always strive to tailor a custom project to fit your budget.

What is your budget (or budget range) for this project?

Note: If you are unsure about market value or what you should spend on a logo, that’s okay: simply give me a rough idea of the amount you’re hoping to spend.


What is the ideal perception customers/users you want people to have of your brand?

Do you have a specific design idea in mind? If so, please describe it.

What characteristics does your ideal design possess? The more, the better! (i.e. bold and professional, fun and whimsical, web 2.0, crisp and clean, traditional)

What colors are you willing to consider for this project?

Please provide 3-10 examples of logos that you like. It may be your competitor’s logo, or one completely unrelated to your field of business. If you need a great place to find some inspiration, visit You may send links or attachments here or in an email, and please state what you like or don’t like about each.

This is one of the most important steps in thisinterview because it allows me to get a sense of your style leanings.

Additional Design

Do you have a need for business cards, letterhead, brochures, blog design, or other work that I could help with now or in the future?

Please scroll down to see the samples of business materials that I have created for some past clients (and myself).


When is an acceptable timeframe for this project to be completed?(ASAP does not count )

Thank you! I appreciate your interest in my design work, and I look forward to possibly working with you.

2011Kelly O’Neill2 of 29/29/18