
Artist Performer, teacher, choreographer, Yogadance therapist

Born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic the 8th April -1968.

Nationality: Dominican/ French.Resident in India since 2002

Soloist performer of western classical Ballet, contemporary dance and South Indian classical dances.

Teacherof Classical Ballet, Contemporary dance and Yoga.

Choreographer of classical Ballet and modern dances.

Certified as Yoga teacher.

Address in India: (Available on request)

Address in DR: Ramon Santana # 2B. Gazcue. Santo Domingo.DR

Email address:


Bachelor in Philosophy and Literature, BilingualCollege New Horizons.Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.1988

Certificated in French Translation for Legal Affairs (Traductionjuridique) AllianceFrançaise de Santo Domingo.DR.2000

Certified in Yoga. (CCY) kayvalyadhamma GS Yoga College, Pune.India

Languages:Spanish, English and French spoken and written fluently

Italian and Portuguese Understood and readfluently

Sanskrit, Basic Hindi(Advanced knowledge of Devanagari and Vocabulary)

Principal subjects of studies:Dance, Yoga, Theater, Music, Methodology of classical and contemporary dance teaching, Anatomy applied to dance, Kinesiology, Yoga therapy, body mind therapy.

Buddhist and Yoga Philosophy, and Hinduism (Indology)

Dance studies

Ballet de L’Opéra de Paris. Paris OpéraGarnier,National Ballet of France.1989-90

International Ballet intensive training courses with the National Ballet of Cuba. CUBALLET.Havana. Cuba 1985-86-87

Started to practice Yoga with the master and Ballet choreographer JuanF. Gautreaux.DR.1984

Academy Clara E.Ramirez Ballet Concierto Dom(8years) 1978-84

Impulstanz Vienna International Dance Festival.Intensive Training with Teachers: Peter Frey, Sri Louise, Lanselle, Libby Farr, Olme, Gotheiner, Flomin. 2008

Professional experience in dance:

National Classical Ballet of the Dominican Republic– SoloistGuest artist since 1983to 2002 and Guest teacher since 1992 to 2008

Centre National de la Danse de Paris – Professional dance training with Elizabeth Corbett, Douglas Becker. Frankfurt Ballet. The repertoire of W.Forsythe.1997

Théâtre contemporain de la danse de Paris–Professional dance trainingand modern répertoirewith International teachers. Tai chi Chuan, Limon and Cunningham techniques. 1991-92

Ballet de L’Opéra de Paris – Professional dance training and repertoire with the company. Paris, France. 1990

Ballet TeatroContemporaneo – Founder and soloist of the company. Dominican Rep.1988-89

BalletConcerto Dominicano-Founder member, Corp of ballet and soloist of the Company. Dominican Rep.1988

Teaching experience – Dance and Yoga

Guest teacher for Sasha Waltz Dance Company (Berlin) during the Festival Ninth Bharat Mahotsav (NSD) in New Delhi. January,2007

Teacher of the Danceworxs Company. Master classes in Yoga and Ballet.New Delhi. 2005-06-07-08

Guest Teacher of the Dominican National Ballet Company.DR.1992-2008

Yoga dance therapy teacher (Lectures and workshops) at ChosanUniversity (dance Faculty and Health sciences) and Yoga Korea. July, august, September, October. South Korea 2005

Lecture Demonstration on Yoga Dance Therapy at NambuUniversity for especial Education. Gwanju. South Korea.2005

Lecture Demonstration on Yoga Dance Therapy at theUniversity ofBangkok. Thailand. Oct. 2005

Teacher of yoga dance master classes to the Dance Company “Danceworxs” directed by Ashley Lobo in South Delhi,India. Dec, 2005

Guest teacher - Yoga at Tsosaling International Institute of Buddhism for women. Nunnery. Sidpur. Himachal Pradesh. March.2005

Creation of the program Yogadance&Therapy Retreats at NaturaCenter in Cabarete, Puerto Plata. Dominican Rep.2001-2002

Teacher of Yoga and Ballet-Fitness.Body Shop Athletic Club. D.R 1999-2002

Participation as Personal trainer in the conference training IDEA “Yoga Connection” and the World Fitness Convention inCalifornia. 1999

Teacher, coach and choreographer of the Ice Skating team and dance on Ice Olympic Team. Viry chatillon ice skating Club. Paris, France.1997-98

Teacher of yoga and contemporary dance at the “Académie des Arts chorégraphiques” in Paris, France. 1997

Choreographer of the contemporary Piece “Stanzas” for “Ballet Roto”, professional contemporary company In Dominican Rep. 1994-95

Guest teacher at the Ballet Concierto Dominicano. Dominican Rep. 1992-1993

Guest Teacher at the National Ballet of Dominican Republic.1992

Teacher at the School Ritmos, Espacio de danza. DR. 1988-94

Awards and Scholarships

Award Recognition from the Cultural Minister and Dance Direction of theDominican Republic for the achievements in the integration of yoga and dance.Dominican Republic. March 2008

Indian Council for Cultural Relations ICCR Scholarship.India 2002-04

Nomination as the “Best classical dancer of the year 1999”.Awards“El Casandra” in the Dominican Republic. 2000

Laureate of the UNESCO FIPC Award “Artist without frontiers” tostudyIndian classical dance and Sanskrit in VKV.Kerala.India.1996

Scholarship AFAA.Paris to study Ballet at the Paris Opera Ballet. Paris. France.1991

Scholarship Cuballet. Training and dancing with the National Ballet of Cuba. 1985-88

Performances Festivals and Tours

Impulstanz Vienna International dance Festival - Intensive professional Training - 2008

Guest Artist at the Gala InternationalDance Festival in the Dom Rep. March.2008

Invited to teach the company Vimprodanco in Vienna. 16. Jun 2007.(More details available on request)

Teaching tour in Asia: India, Thailand and South Korea in 2005 and the attendance to the 20th World congress on Dance research in Athens, Greece.2006

Trance Dance Tour in California, USA.2002

The Tibet Mystical Tour, guest artist.Puerto Rico.2000

Metiss-ages Arts Festival in Paris.1999

2nd International Festival of Ibero-american Theatre. (2do Festival de Teatro Iberoamericano) Teatro Nacional. Dominican Republic.1999

Dances at Montmartre, Paris.1998

International Ballet Festival, La Havana, Cuba.1988

Ethnics and food Festival in Trivandrum in Kerala, India.1996

Other travels in Mexico,Colombia, Venezuela, Panama,Spain, Greece Italy, Switzerland,Germany,Austria,Belgium, Holland, Norway andSweden.


Yogadance Therapy: Integrating Art, Science and Philosophy. Sytar. IAYT. L.A.California. March.2008

Yoga Dance Therapy: a yoga dance theater and healing art. ResearchPublished at the 20th World congress on Dance research, Athens, Greece.2006

Full coverage on Yoga Dance Therapy for Yoga Korea magazine. 2005

The Indian dance Karanas Rescue Research published at the 17th World Congress on Dance research. Unesco-CID. Naxos.Greece.2003

The profession of dance and to be a dancer in Dominican Republic. La profesión de la danza y ser bailarín en R.D. (Spanish)Essay published in the cultural section of the main Newspaper of Dominican Republic. Listin Diario. 29 April 2002.International dance day.

Joseph Pilate’s legacy. Article for the magazine Body News.#4. 2001D.R

And many other articles related to Yoga, dance and fitness written as collaborations for magazines such as Body News, Fit Magazine, Make-up Magazine and many other local newspapers in the Dominican Rep.

Research and Projects

Research “Yoga dance therapy” -Practical applications. 2005-2008

A Yoga dance Theater (Yogadance) Research work .2002-06

The Indian Dance Karanas Rescue Research - The 108 Karanas of Indian Classical dances and the influences of Indian classicaldance in the western classical Ballet.Published By CID-Unesco at the 17th World Congress on Dance researchin Naxos. Greece.2003

Yoga for helping to develop and optimize the proprioceptive sense in dance and performance.2002

Extra-curricular activities

Member of the International Dance Council –CID.UNESCO.(ONG)2003- 2006-2007

Member of the Dance Commission of the International Council for Health, Physical education, recreation, sports and dance (ICHPER&SD)2002-03

Expositor at the Conference Contemporary dance in the world today organized by APECUniversity. Contemporary dance youth Festival. Santo Domingo.DR.1993

Workshop for children in a difficult situation organized by UNICEF. Puerto Plata. Dominican Rep.1994

Participation in the Dominican Delegation for the Unesco General Conference. Paris.1991

Founder of the National dance Committee in the Dominican Republic.1992

Autodidactand experience on the groundin the fields of performance production, creation and developing projects concerning performing arts and cultural research.

Indian Dances Performances

Yoga Dance performance. Natura, Cabarete.DR.2006

Bharata Natyam and Contemporary dances, Performance and lecture demonstration at “La 37 Stage” Cultural center in Santiago, Dominican Rep. May, 2004

Bharata Natyam performancesNatura. Cabarete. DR.may.2004

Bharata Natyam Arangetham in DhananvanthariTemple. Trissur, Kerala

January. 2004.

Bharata Natyam performances in Casa De Teatro. ST Domingo.1999 2000

Indian Dances performances in Paris. Centre Mandapa. France. 1998

Mohiniattam Aranghetham in VKV.Kerala. 1996

Yoga Courses

Lecture by BKS Iyengar: Why Yoga. New Delhi. IHC. April.2008

Seminar: The Yogis mystic masters, Lal Den – The Yogini of Kashmir. March.2007

Seminar: The Yogis mystic masters, Milarepa – The Yogi of Tibet By Ven. Khandro Rinpoche IIC. December 2006

Yoga teacher Certificate Course (CCY) at Kaivalyadhama Yoga College

and Research Institute. Pune. India. May/jun.2005

Yoga Foundation Course at Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga. New Delhi. India. Nov/Dec.2005

Yoga Advance practice with Sri Balamukund Singh at Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga. New Delhi. India. Nov/Dec.2005

Yoga Advance training course with Swami Samarpananda at the Yoga Awareness Foundation, Rishikesh, Himalayas. Jun 2004

Buddhists Teachings

Teachings by HHthe XVII Karmapa. IIC.Delhi.May.2008

Teachings by V. Mathew Ricard. Happiness and the mind. Oct.2007

Teachings by V. Geshe Lhakdor. The condensed meaning of Lamrim text by Lama Je Tsong Khapa (1357-1419). IIC. Delhi. March.2007

Teachings by HH the XIV Dalai Lama, Theme: the ten stages of meditation in the path of enlightenment. Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh. North India. Feb.2005

Teachings by HH the XIV Dalai Lama, Theme: The bodhisattva’s way of life- The training of the mind. Dharamsala, North India.Dec.2005

Teachings by HH the XIV Dalai Lama: Initiation to the Vajrayana Buddhism. The Vajra Body.SpitiValley. Himalaya.Jun.2004

Teachings by HHthe XVII Karmapa, Bodhgaya. Bihar.North India Dec.2004

Teachings “Phowa” by Rinpoche. Bodhgaya. Bihar.North India Dec.2004


Impulstanz Vienna International Dance Festival - Intensive training. Summer. 2008

Guest soloist artist at the “Gala Internacional de la Danza Dominicana” March 2008.RD

Lecture By BKS Iyengar, Why Yoga? IHC, New Delhi. April.2008

Yoga Dance Therapy Lecture and Poster presentation at the 2nd Sytar Symposium on Yoga Therapy and Research by IYTA. L.A.California.2008

Guest teacher at the National Ballet Company of Dominican Republic. Yoga dance for the company members. Jan, feb.2008.

Guest Teacher at Vimprodanco (Vienna Improvisation Dance Company) (10 days workshops) Austria, Vienna. Jun, 2007.

Advance course on Taosomatics Body Mind Therapy training program module III – IV (150 hours) Reflexology, Gates Method, Muscle sculpting, Rebirthing and Bio-Energetics. Teacher: Dr. Paula Horan PhD in Movement Therapy and body work. Goa, India. May, 2007

Flamenco Spanish Dance and Rajasthani folk dance workshop with Patricia Passo at Triveni Kala Sangan. New Delhi. Feb.2007

Delegate.First World Convention on Science and Spirituality4th International Vedic convention. Organized by the WorldAcademy of Spiritual Sciences (WASS). Lecture by Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr Del Pe Energy Medicine and Sadguru Jaggi Vasudeva. New Delhi. January, 2007

Teacher of yoga dance, Ballet and Contemporary technique to the Dance Company “Danceworxs” directed by Ashley Lobo. NewDelhi, India. 2005 – 2006– 2007 -2008

Finished(Inedited) the Research work and the book “Integrating art, science and philosophy” Yoga Dance and Therapy.(English)200 pages. Dec.2005