Grad 2017 Update

Grad Exercises – Saturday, May 27, 2017

Jubilee Auditorium

11455-87 Avenue

Edmonton, Alberta

Cap & Gown Distribution 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Line up for Exercises 12:30 p.m.

Doors open for Auditorium seating 12:30 p.m.

Exercises Program 1:00 p.m.

Graduation Criteria

In order to participate in the graduation program, students must meet specific graduation criteria. Meeting these criteria will make them eligible to receive a diploma or certificate in their high school program. The detailed criteria can be found on the Grad link on the school website.

Students who meet the criteria will have their ID numbers posted on the graduation list by April 25th, 2017. Only those students on this graduation list are eligible to participate in the 2017 Graduation Ceremonies. Prior to this, parents of students who were in danger of not graduating were contacted by administration to potentially satisfy school graduation requirements.

Students who are re-writing a Diploma Exam in June to remain eligible for participation in the Grad Ceremonies must submit their registration form to Mr. Stiles or Mrs. Hamilton as soon as possible. A fee of $26.50 must be paid to Alberta Education as well.


The valedictorian is the most academically accomplished individual in the grade 12 class.

The valedictorian must have the highest accumulative grade in the given subject areas:

1. English Language Arts 30-1

2. Social Studies 30-1

3. Three of the following five academic courses:

a. Biology 30

b. Chemistry 30

c. Mathematics 30-1

d. Mathematics 31

e. Physics 30

f. French Language Arts 30-1

The average is to be calculated at the end of quarter three, using completed course marks or midterm marks for courses taken in semester two.

The valedictorian should also represent general Leduc Composite High School core values, such as graduating with at least 110 credits, being in good standing with the school, etc.

Student Conduct During Graduation

We encourage all parents to talk with their graduands concerning proper conduct during the graduation ceremonies. Because this is a formal program and we are presenting it to honour those students who are about to reach this initial milestone in their lives, we want to take steps that will ensure that the conduct is consistent with the event. When you are organizing transportation to and from the event, please take steps to ensure that students arrive at the ceremonies and banquet without being under the influence of any kind of intoxicants.

Prior to the ceremonies we will have chaperones to help with grad line-ups. If we feel a student has consumed alcohol or drugs, we will ask his/her parents to come and have the student sit with them in the audience. Further disciplinary action will be taken at the school and may include suspension.

In 1996 the Board of Trustees of Black Gold Regional Division adopted the following policy concerning alcohol at graduations:


1.  The board will not support any legal claim against an employee and/or volunteer who has authorized alcohol at a student activity.

2.  No alcohol is to be served or sold at school graduation banquets or events.

3.  Student activities, whether or not they take place on school grounds, are to be alcohol free.

This policy indicates that the minimum penalty for a student who attends a school function under the influence of alcohol or drugs would be a suspension from school for a set period and if the infraction is deemed serious, it could result in suspension from school with recommendation to the Board for expulsion.

It is our sincere hope that all participants at the 2017 graduation will extend their full cooperation with both the letter and the spirit of the Board policy. Through this cooperation we will take every precaution to ensure that the graduation will be a safe, orderly event, and can continue to be an occasion that graduands, parents, staff and guests can look back on with pride.

We would like to ask all parents of graduands to discuss the matter of alcohol with their son or daughter and any guests prior to graduation. If there are any questions or concerns that come out of these discussions, please contact Dr.Wozny at 780-986-2248.

Important Information for Exercise Tickets

All tickets this year will be sold through online ticket sales through the PowerSchool parent portal. Payment may be made by visa, mastercard, debit (only some banks will allow for this), a prepaid visa or mastercard or by coming into the accounting office and depositing cash into your child’s account. The Jubilee Auditorium has required that seating must be assigned. When you purchase your commencement tickets online, the system will assign the date and time of the purchase. Tickets for the ceremony will be assigned in that same order. This means that the seats on the main floor will be assigned first, then the first balcony and then to the second balcony. There is handicapped seating available for those needing it and this can be indicated on the online order form. One guest will be seated with the guest with the handicap and all other guests in the group will be seated elsewhere in the auditorium.

Do not purchase a ticket for the graduate.

For ticketing – the Jubilee policy does require that each individual, including children and infants in arms, must have a ticket for each performance.

There will be a total of 7 tickets available to the family and friends of each graduate. Online ticket sales will begin on Monday, May 1, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.

After all graduates have had an opportunity to purchase tickets to commencement we will put any additional tickets for commencement on sale through the online system on Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.

Tickets for commencement will be placed in envelopes with the graduate’s name on the envelope and will be distributed out of the main office any time after Wednesday, May 17, 2017.

Additional commencement tickets that were sold after Tuesday, May 16, 2017, can be picked up in the main office any time after Tuesday, May 23, 2017.

Seating at the Jubilee Auditorium is reserved. The doors will open at 12:30 p.m.

Any questions in regards to ticket sales through PowerSchool parent portal can be directed through the main office.

Grad Assembly

A Grad Assembly was held on March 16th, 2017 in period 3. The agenda for the meeting has been posted online on the LCHS webpage ( At that time, the Grad Council presented a report to the Grade 12 students, who then voted on a number of issues. The following decisions have been made:

·  Grad Colours Red , Silver with Gold Accents

·  Grad Song “The Middle” by Jimmy Eat World

·  Grad Theme TBA

·  Speakers for Grad Ceremonies

Master of Ceremonies (Exercises) TBA

Class Historians Kyra Hermann

Tribute to Parents Kelsey Younghans

Reply from the Parents TBA

Tribute to Staff Dana Forth/Sarah Smeltz

Reply from the Staff Ms. Jennifer Lasychuk

Valedictorian TBA

Graduates’ Prayer Joshua Meetsma

Grad Council 2017 - 2017

Grad Advisors: / Mr. Smallbrook / Committee Chairs:
Mrs. Villetard
Mr. Gilmour
Mrs. Thiessen
Mrs. Orlick
Mrs. Jensch
Mrs. Chamberland
Mr. Stiles
Mrs. Drover
Mrs. Hjertaas
Mrs. Hamilton / Communications:
Nana Abrefah
Breanna Lapointe
Jonelle Mandseth
Banquet Liaison:
Parent Banquet Chairs:
President: / Mr. Stiles/Mrs. Hamilton
Mrs. Weir & Ms. Katharine Halverson
Bernice Meja
Dawson Black / Decorations:
Sarah Smeltz
Vice-Presidents: / Chloe Jeffs
Molly Geddes

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr. Smallbrook () or Mr. Stiles () at Leduc Composite High School.

Funding Graduation

The cost of graduation is supported through ticket sales and grad fees. These costs are as follows:

·  Graduation Fee - $30.00 (Covers gown and V–stole rental, souvenir cap, music, printing costs, part of the decorations, individual professional photo, and the grad’s exercise ticket).

·  Commencement Tickets - $10.00 (Covers hall rental, electrical and technical costs, and part of the decorations).

Note: The basic participation fee or graduation fee of $30.00 is charged to every grade 12. The cost of the grad's exercise ticket at the Jubilee Auditorium is included in this fee.

If any grad is experiencing financial difficulty with the payment of fees, please see Mrs. Wig as soon as possible.


Gown Sizing

Gown sizing takes place during grad phots in January and retakes in March. The gowns will be ordered according to the graduands height. Each grad will be allowed to keep his/her cap as a memento of Grad 2017. If your son/daughter has not ordered a gown, please contact Mrs. Thiessen as soon as possible. Only students who have ordered gowns through the school will be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremonies.

Audition For Musical Tributes

Auditions took place on March 13 and 15 for talented people who would like to sing or play an instrument during the commencement ceremonies or banquet. Auditions were open to all grads. Musical tributes must relate to the themes of graduation. A copy of the lyrics for songs needed to be provided prior to auditions.


Family/Friendship Photos May 28, 2005

Program Cover Art And Poem

Each year we try to feature the creative talents of our senior class in the banquet program. We will once again be accepting submissions for artwork and poetry. Students wishing to make submissions for this year's program can drop them off at Mr. Smallbrook’s classroom (127) or with Mrs. Mahowich at the front office. (Deadline is April 28, 2017)

Personal Belongings

Coats, purses, or other personal items are not to be left with the hostesses or the staff volunteers helping with the grad gowns. Please leave any of your personal items with your parents or a trusted friend.

Grad Seating and Receipt of Certificates

Grads will enter the auditorium in a processional march at 1:00 p.m. and be seated in the audience. Later in the program, students, beginning with Grad Council members, performers and speakers, and then the rest of the grad class arranged alphabetically, will proceed across the stage to receive individual recognition and their graduation certificates. We have arranged for a wide screen closed-circuit TV set up so that members of the audience will be better able to view the program. Grads will exit the auditorium in a recessional through the audience at the end of the program.

Photography at Commencement

All guests at the Commencement are asked to please remain in their seats during the program, unless participating in the program or called up onto the stage. Having parents collecting in front of the stage area to take pictures when the grads are on stage is distracting to the grads and parents seated at the front. A professional photographer will be taking a picture of each graduand receiving his or her certificate. A copy of the “handshake photo” will be provided (at no cost) to each grad.


The Prom Project offers grad rental outfits because everyone should look great for grad!

The rental fee is $65 and there is a $100 refundable deposit required.

We have many dresses to choose from however not many suits for young men.

If there is still anyone seeking a dress for 2017 grad they can take a look at our selection by calling me at 780-216-0416. This month we have an event happening in Wetaskiwin where some of our dresses will be shown.

They are usually in storage as we do not have anywhere to keep them for viewing.


Saturday, May 27

The parents of the Grad Banquet Committee have been hard at work planning and organizing the grad banquet and dance for the grade 12 students, parents, family and friends. The students have had input in the program, menu, color choice and decorations.

This is a special event for the grads, I know that there has been a lot of excitement on the preparations, please help them celebrate their special day.

Any Grade 12 students currently enrolled at LCHS can purchase tickets for the banquet and/or procession and dance.

Banquet and Dance

Leduc Recreation Center

4330 Black Gold Drive

Leduc, AB

Ballroom Doors open 6:00 p.m.

Guest seating 6:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Dinner - Buffet 6:30 p.m.

Speeches 7:45 p.m.

Grad Processional 8:00 p.m.

Dance 8:30 p.m.


Photo Booth 5:00 – 10:00 p.m.


Family and friendship photos can be taken in the photo booth area set up in the banquet hall at the LRC. The photo booth will be available when the doors open and will be available throughout the night for any students and their families who wish to use it. You will need to bring your own camera, but a tripod will be available in front of an area set up for photos. Fun accessories will be available, as well.


·  Tickets go on sale May 1st, a power announcement will be sent out.

·  Ticket sales are on a first come first serve basis; there are no limits to the amount purchased. When the room capacity is reached ticket sales will be closed. The venue holds 1300 people.

·  Tickets can be purchased through Acorn via PowerSchool Parent Portal, Student Fees & Forms and seat selection is available. Tables accommodate 8 guests per table.

·  If you do not have a computer, the school has provided a computer in the main office for your use, during school hours.

·  Method of payment is through credit card or debit.

·  Paying by cash, you can go to the Accounting office and they will apply the credit to your account, then you can purchase tickets through Acorn via PowerSchool Parent Portal, Student Fees & Forms. It is strongly encouraged to purchase a prepaid visa.

·  Ticket sales will close Friday, May 19th, no exceptions.

·  All tickets are sold in advance; there will be no ticket sales at the door.

General (age 13 and over) - $55.00 (includes buffet, procession and dance)