Project Initiationfor MMIS Replacement (MMIS_R) Project

Request for Certification and Release of Funds Form

All Certified Projects Must Follow NM State Policies and Procurement Code

Project Governance

Project Name

/ MMIS Replacement Project (MMISR)
Date / December 18, 2013
Lead Agency / Human Services Department
Other Agencies / None

Executive Sponsor

/ Julie Weinberg, Medical Assistance Division Director
Agency Head / Sidonie Squier, Cabinet Secretary, Human Services Department
Agency CIO/IT Lead / Sean Pearson, CIO
Project Manager / Chuck Boudreaux, MMIS ITPM
Project Abstract(Provide a brief description and purpose for this project)
The purpose of the Medicaid Management Information System Replacement (MMISR) project is to replace the current MMIS system in order to comply with requirements established by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), support expansions of the state medicaid program (now known as “Centennial Care”), and ensure other compliance requirements found in federal and state laws or regulations.
Although New Mexico’s current MMIS has proven adaptable to a variety of State and Federal initiatives over the years, it does not meet the “Modularity” condition required by the CMS required “Seven Standards and Conditions.” As stated in the Medicaid IT Supplement issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in April 2011, the Modularity condition “requires the use of a modular, flexible approach to systems development, including the use of open interfaces and exposed application programming interfaces (API); the separation of business rules from core programming; and the availability of business rules in both human and machine-readable formats.” The New Mexico MMIS meets none of those criteria.
The Human Services Department intends to manage this effort through a Shared Project Management Office to be procured by a RFP for both the Child Support Enforcement System (CSES) and the MMIS replacement projects. The project is expected to take six years due to the complexity of federal requirements and the extensive nature of the implementation requirements.
Planned Start Date / March 2014 / Planned End Date / July 2019
Requested amount this Certification / TBD – No budget information is being released in order to improve the ability of the Department to obtain a proposal most advantageous to its needs and requirements. / Remaining Appropriation not Certified / CMS and OCSE will fund MMISR at 90%.Future appropriations will be budgeted around these matching funds.

Appropriation History(Include all Funding sources, e.g. Federal, State, County, Municipal laws or grants)

Fiscal Year
/ Amount / Funding Source
2014 / TBD / No funding will be requested for this initiation phase of the project. No budget information is being released due in order to improve the ability of the Department to obtain a proposal most advantageous to its needs and requirements.
Proposed Major Deliverable Schedule and Performance Measures

Major Project Deliverable and Performance Measure

/ Budget /

Due Date


Project Phase

Request for Proposal for PMO Released / TBD / December 2013 / Initiation
Proposals Submitted for PMO Evaluated / TBD / December 2013 / Initiation
Contractor from Proposals Selected / TBD / February 2014 / Initiation
Contract Negotiation for PMO Completed / TBD / April 2014 / Initiation
Approval of Contract from CMS Obtained / TBD / April 2014 / Initiation
Shared PMO Contract Signed / TBD / May 2014 / Initiation
MMIS_R IAPD Submitted to CMS / TBD / November2013 / Planning
MMIS_ R IAPD Approved by CMS / TBD / January 2014* / Planning
Draft MMIS_R Integrator RFP and IAPD Update Submitted to CMS / TBD / January 2015* / Planning
MMIS_R APDU Approved by CMS / TBD / February2015* / Planning
MMIS_R Integrator Started / TBD / December 2015* / Planning
MMIS_R IV&V Requirements Completed / TBD / April 2016* / Implementation
MMIS_R Design Completed / TBD / July 2016* / Implementation
MMIS_R Development Completed / TBD / January 2018* / Implementation
MMIS_R Testing Completed / TBD / February 2018* / Implementation
MMIS_R Implementation Completed / TBD / June 2018* / Implementation
MMIS_R Certified by CMS / TBD / June 2019* / Maintenance
MMIS_R Project Completed / TBD / July 2019* / Close

* These dates are a very rough estimate and will be more clearly defined during the project planning phase of this project, to be completed around June 2014.

Comments: Budgeting for this project will be determined after competitive procurements are completed. Initial costs for the Shared PMOto support the MMIS Replacement will be finalized in February 2014. Later costs will determined upon identification of replacements systems and subsequent competitive procurements. No budget information is being released due in order to improve the ability of the Department to obtain a proposal most advantageous to its needs and requirements.

FY14 & Prior

/ FY15 / FY16 / FY17 / FY18 After
Staff - Internal
/ Some internal staff costs will be covered by federal matching funds. / TBD / TBD / TBD / TBD / TBD
Consulting Services / Professional Services will be funded 90% for MMIS_R by CMS. / TBD / TBD / TBD / TBD / TBD
Hardware / Future hardware costs to be determined at final selection of replacement systems. / TBD / TBD / TBD / TBD / TBD
Software / Future replacement systems software to be determined upon selection. / TBD / TBD / TBD / TBD / TBD
Total / TBD / TBD / TBD / TBD / TBD

Revision: 6/18/13

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