My Practice Portal

Proof of Concept

Functionality Needed

  1. Ability for CCF My Practice to post documents and reporting for MY Practice Community download. ? Will the user need the ability to upload documents?
  2. Ability for CCF My Practice to be able to create their own new pages/forms
  3. Links to Surveys for users to click on


Phase I

  1. Use the Survey tool to manage form data for simple forms and surveys
  2. simple surveys and use Survey tool to manage data results
  3. 2.


  1. Users will need to login using their My Practice user id’s and passwords. Cleveland Clinic active directory account is dependent upon Web Services setting up a reverse proxy to allow an outside user to have secured access to an Intranet site. Bob Lemon is currently working on this.

Specific Functionality

Project Sponsors

Executive Sponsor:

Project Lead:

Web Services Manager: Leslie Chom

Project Manager: Cathy Swartz

Resources: Web Services Project Manager and Developer

Grace Ingwell

Kelly Kutsko

Jonathan Staffon

Miles Roach

Project Scope

In Scope: …

Out of Scope: Web page content management is the responsibility of the My Practice group. Web Services will setup the portal pages outline and My Practice will fill in the content.

Estimated Schedule

Duration / Start Date / End Date
Project Initiation:
Requirements Delivery:
Requirements Approval:
User Acceptance Testing:
Production Approval:
Installation Date


[estimate for development hours]



Chargeback Department:

Project Deliverables

The project milestones are:

  1. Project Initiation completed with Project Checklist
  2. Requirements documented and approved
  3. Development Completed and Web Services tested
  4. User testing and approval completed (requires requester testing and approval)
  5. Production release

Project Initiation Approvals

Requested Date:
Client Requester:
Department Manager:
Project Manager: / Cathy Swartz
Manager: / Leslie Chom

Specific Requirements

Existing My Practice Site:

Add a link for My Practice Portal

File Manager - Online Reporting

An additional module can be purchased to add functionality for having reports online (Open-DocumentLibrary ~ $175). This will look like a typical file manager with the administrator of the portal (MPC) having the ability to add and remove folders and sub folders along with posting reporting or documents to folders for users to download. This could be on the home page of the Portal or on a separate page.

Each practice can be setup with their own folder on the portal so that My Practice users can retrieve documents or reports posted for them by the My Practice department. The user will only see the folder they have access to.

Security is assigned to each folder based on a group role. so only users assigned to a practice group can access their own reports.

Sample of a user from Dr Jones’ office logging into the portal:


Document upload file size is limited to 4MB. Can be increased by changing the webconfig for the site.

Can also create categories for documents listed by category (i.e. reports, news, etc.)

Additional security can be setup that protects documents from being directly downloaded. Documents can only be accessed through the Portal Document Library.

Document versioning included (previous versions of documents are saved)

V4.1 has document tracking (subscriptions). Users can setup to be emailed when a new report is uploaded.

Custom Forms

An additional module can be purchased called Form Master 2008 ~ $70. This module can be used to create custom forms. Many features are included in the module which allows the user to setup typical web forms using an administration panel. Form fields, validation, workflow, and reporting can be setup.

Some features of the module are:

Can setup automated emails when form is submitted

Can retrieve reports listing all forms submitted for a date period

Can setup workflow as part of form submission

Can store data in MS SQL database

Can setup an automated email

Limited to 50 rows on a form

Sample email – confirmation back to submitter: