Project Environmental Management Plan
Project name: tRIIO Gas Distribution Strategic Partnership ( GDSP)
Site address:
Uxbridge Road
Client: Cadent
Project start date: April 2013

MAIN AUTHOR / Reviewer / Approver / For Client
Daniel Fitzpatrick
Environment Advisor / TBC
TBC / Project Manager / Cadent
Document Record Status
REV / Date / Stage
01 / 11th July 2013 / Operational phase
02 / TBC January 2014 / Annual review
03 / 08/01/2015 / Annual review
04 / 22/01/2016 / Annual review



This document is to be read in conjunction with the Site Waste Management Plan, Contract Carbon Management plan, the Project Health & Safety Plan and the Project Quality Plan


1.  Environmental Policy

2.  Legal & Contractual requirements

3.  Licences & consents

4.  Environmental aspects, impacts & mitigation

5.  Organisation (roles & responsibilities)

6.  Emergency preparedness & records

7.  Monitoring, measurement & records

8.  Environmental objectives & targets

9.  Training, awareness and competence

10.  Subcontractors

11.  Audits

12.  Sustainability


1.  Appendix 1 – Policies and Procedures

2.  Appendix 2 – Legal and contractual requirements

3.  Appendix 3 - Aspects and Impacts

4.  Appendix 4- Company Environmental Objectives

5.  Appendix 5 – Monthly Reports

6.  Appendix 6 – Pollution Incident Control Sheets

7.  Appendix 7 – Consents Checklist

8.  Appendix 8 – Site Inspection Template forms

9.  Appendix 9 – Environment Agency Contact.

10. Appendix 10 – Water Management Plan

1.  Environmental Policy

Environmental Management System (EMS)

tRIIO recognises the importance of Environmental Management and the provision of information, instruction and training in achieving and maintaining a high standard of environmental awareness amongst its management staff and workforce throughout the duration of work on tRIIO’s sites.

The tRIIO Environmental Management System (EMS) is accredited to ISO 14001:2004. The objectives of the EMS are: -

·  to minimise, as far as reasonably practicable, adverse effects on the environment

·  to promote good standards of environmental awareness

·  to develop environmental awareness and responsibilities amongst site personnel at all levels

·  to maintain a safe and healthy working environment for the workforce

·  to prevent nuisance to the community and avoid damage to the environment

·  to implement a policy of potential reuse of all waste with disposal off site being a last resort

·  to enable full compliance to be maintained with all relevant legislation

To enable the above objectives to be met and controlled, specific procedures have been developed in the tRIIO Management System. Refer to Appendix 1 detailing Policy, EMS Procedures and Certification.

Project Environmental Management Plan

This Plan is specifically designed and introduced to reduce and control the potential risk of environmental pollution including incidents which may have the potential to arise during the course of the works.

This Plan will ensure that environmental management is addressed and rigorously incorporated in all decision-making. It will promote a culture of environmental responsibility, self-regulation and encourage sustainability. The EMP will extend through the entire life of the contract providing a transparent and verifiable audit trail for sustainable strategies and solutions and will be continually updated. It will address a range of environmental issues, the most relevant in relation to this contract being pollution prevention and control, waste management and minimisation, contaminated land, air quality and noise nuisance.

To ensure that specific local environmental requirements are adhered too, tRIIO intends to initiate discussions with interested third parties e.g. relevant Local Authorities Environment Agency, English Heritage, English Nature where deemed necessary. The plan will govern our approach to environmental management for this project, however in addition environmental objectives and targets as outlined by the Cadent environmental strategy and requirements will be adhered to.

Scope of Works

The 1st April marked the start of the GDSP contract (Gas Distribution Strategic Partnership) awarded by Cadent in the London and East of England areas.

The £1.6 billion contract includes the gas mains replacement programme together with connections, diversions, reinforcements and wider asset replacement activities and resource provision.

tRIIO®, a joint venture between Skanska UK and Morrison Utility Services, was created as an employee ‘brand’ to unite staff into one integrated team. It will not be seen by the general public as the external facing brand will be Cadent.

tRIIO depot Locations

Depot / Location
Romford / Sandgate Close, Off Crow Lane, Romford, Essex, RM7 0EH
Barnet / Albert Road, New Barnet, EN4 9SH
Slough / Uxbridge Road, Slough, Berks, SL2 5NA
Bromley By Bow / Twelvetrees Cresent, London E3 3JQ
East of England
Witham / Unit 4 Bellcroft, Eastways Industrial Estate, Witham, CM8 3YQ
Hitchin / Cadwell Lane, Hitchin, Herts, SG4 0SL
Kirkby / Welshcroft Close, Kirkby, Ashfield, NG17 8EP
Leicester / Aylestone, Leicester, LE2 7QJ
March / Unit 1, Corner Lodge Industrial Estate, Knights End Road, March, Cambridgeshire, PE15 0YJ
Sheffield / Arundel Works, Claywheels Lane, Sheffield, S6 1LZ
Cleethorpes / Bradburn Business Park, Wilton Road Industrial Estate, Humberston, Grimsby, DN36 4BJ

2.  Legal and contractual requirements

Legal requirements

tRIIO maintains a Legal Register accessed via the intranet, detailing all legal and other legislative requirements applicable to the environmental aspects of the Companies activities. This Register is regularly reviewed and updated. Each item of legislation has a short explanation and note on its effect on our work and is referenced A1, W1, etc. These references are listed in the table below to link legislation to the Project Environmental Impacts Register (enclosed in Appendix 3).

The main legal requirements relating to this Project are enclosed in Appendix 2.

Contract requirements

These are detailed in contract agreement. Specific environmental conditions are detailed within.

Company requirements


tRIIO has established a set of Green strategic indicators which will measure our environmental performance. These measures are delivered through our business plan, the main requirements of this are set out in Appendix 4 however in summary the following will be measured in regards to this project;

Energy, Carbon, Materials including waste and Water.

3.  Licenses, Permits, Standard Rules Permits, Exemptions and Exclusions

The need for any licences, Permits, Standard Rules Permits, emptions and exclusions relating to work on the Projects sites has been identified in the Register of Significant Environmental Impacts enclosed in Appendix 3 of this plan. Reference will also be made to Cadent’s policies and procedures determining necessary permissions and consents.

To summarise licences, Permits, Standard Rules Permits, emptions and exclusions are :-

Water / Waste / Noise / Protected species
Discharge consents, abstraction licenses, flood defence permits; exemptions & exclusions, temporary storage with in a flood plain of a main river (SR2015 No. 29), boreholes and trial pits with in a main river flood plain (SR2015 No.36) / Carriers licenses, disposal facility registration, waste exemptions, Material management plans / Section 61 / Working in the vicinity of protected species (if applicable)

4.  Environmental aspects, impacts and mitigation

Environmental Aspects/Impacts and their Significance

The purpose of the assessment register is to identify any environmental threats, impacts and opportunities that may arise from activities carried out within the scope of the contract works.

The Environmental Aspects Assessment Matrix identifies potential environmental threats caused by certain site activities and assigns a level of possible impact. The matrix produced identifies:-

·  specific activity

·  environmental aspect

·  environmental impact designation (low, medium or significant)

The Register of Significant Environmental Impacts lists those activities identified in the above matrix which may have significant risk to the environment and details the control measures required to be in place to limit the risk and the relevant company procedures that apply. The matrix tabulates:-

·  activity description & environmental aspect

·  control measures in place

·  name of person(s) responsible for ensuring controls are in place

·  tRIIO procedure reference that applies to the activity

·  whether legal consent is required or not

Judgements on the significance of each aspect/impact will based on the following factors :-

Evaluation of environmental aspects and impacts

Reference will be made to Cadent’s environmental management procedures. The tRIIO Environment / SHEQ team will incorporate the recommendations and observations into the project environmental aspects and impacts register which is detailed in Appendix 3 of this document. From this initial assessment the Project Environmental Manager will ensure that further assessments will be carried out at each site prior to project commencement, see recommendations for general site activities, pp9-10.

the tRIIO Environmental Advisor will review the tender assessments and revise as necessary to ensure that suitable and adequate control measures for all operations likely to affect the environment are identified and implemented on site.

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tRIIO – Gas Distribution Strategic Partnership


Activity / Action
Design Work / Designs should be efficient in their use of energy and raw materials. Consider resource use and waste reduction. Provide positive enhancement to users and wider community. tRIIO design teams will utilise Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) tools where relevant to determine the above factors of a product or service related to this project. Obtain planning consents for the works from Local Authority where required.
Any flood risk and proximity of Groundwater Source Protection Zones at the site location are to be checked at design stage.
Site clearance and
excavation / Carried out with minimal noise. If required for future landscaping, surplus excavated material and stripped top soil is to be stored and sealed.
Ecological survey to be carried out, if applicable i.e. during breeding bird season and areas of special conservation / protection, where possible avoid site clearance of bushes, trees hedgerows by adjusting design. Check Tree Preservation Orders with Local Council. Comply with Wildlife and Countryside Act by taking measures to avoid degradation of local habitat and fauna .
Control the spread of invasive plant species if present in areas of works, specialist contractor to be used for removal. Undertake soil testing prior to excavation as a necessary to determine possible contaminants and degree of contamination if area known to be contaminated, should unknown contaminated ground be encountered cease work and arrange for sampling. Safely segregate any contaminated land found on site and stored under controlled conditions or correctly disposed of in accordance with Waste Disposal Regulations.
Undertake suitable precautions to reduce dust, e.g. damping down.
Do not remove any waste found on site previously, unless instructed otherwise. – maybe contaminated.
All practicable steps to be taken to ensure that groundwater arising from site activities is adequately settled or filtered before final discharge to any surface water or controlled water drain. Consents will be required for discharge.
Site access roads/ tracks / Location of all routes to be agreed with Client and local Authority. Identify and communicate any green travel arrangements. Avoid excessive dust by damping down of the roads and controlling speeds of vehicles, particularly during dry weather. Maintain all site access roads are in a clean, mud free condition.
Ensure adequate control when routes cross or join the public highway. Ensure adequate traffic management plan arrangements are in place as per NRSWA requirements.
Removal of Hard standing concrete / Ensure minimal noise and dust emission during the removal of existing hard standings and concrete access roads. Damping down and noise suppression of plant, if required. Remove for recycling, vacuum excavation to be used where practical.
Ground water and pumping / All ground water arising from excavations to be pumped into settlement tanks or filtered before being discharged into any drains or controlled watercourse. Permission to be obtained from the appropriate authority prior to discharge into a watercourse/drain being carried out. Water in existing manholes/chambers should be inspected for silt and/or other contaminants prior to disposal - no water or silt is to be disposed of in the public side drainage system. Dirty water/silt either to be removed off site by pumping into a tanker or sufficient settlement techniques prior to discharge.
Waste / (Includes storage, handling and disposal). Refer to project specific Site Waste Management Plan.
Bulk material deliveries / Delivered materials are to be stored and stockpiled in an appropriate manner with bulk material deliveries phased so as to avoid traffic congestion. Delivery wagons are to switch off their engines wherever possible whilst waiting on site. Ensure minimal dust emission during spreading and compaction of imported hard core.
Chemicals/ fuels/ materials storage / All fuel oil to be correctly stored in bulk tanks or purpose made drums. Bulk tanks to be sited on non-combustible stands and have bund walls erected with a containment capacity of the contents of the tank plus 20%. All charging points and overflow pipes to be situated inside the bunded area. All fuel bowsers to be fitted with drip trays or devices to prevent spillage when refuelling plant from them. Chemical drums to be stored in designated areas on impervious surfaces, silled or bunded and must be marked to identify the contents. Empty containers are to be stored in the same way and safe disposal arranged for. All hazardous materials/substances to be packaged, stored, handled, used and disposed of in strict accordance with the COSHH regulations 2002. An separate enclosed skip is to be provided and maintained if COSHH materials are to be stored on site.
Noise / If required, noise and vibration on site monitoring and reporting is to be carried out to cover the following:- Section 61 consents, Dispensation for out of hours, working, Equipment calibration, Liaison with local community, Sensitive façade monitoring, Liaison with local authority, Client Requirements.
Dust / Site specific dust emissions procedure to be produced, if required, with the primary aim of controlling potential nuisance at source. Measures of control for storage and handling of loose granular materials, for movement of vehicles on site and for the avoidance of nuisance from exhaust emissions are to be developed.
Mains replacement / PE pipe to be used as efficiently as possible to minimise waste, all off cuts and damaged fittings to be recycled. Excavation size to be kept to minimum, service holes as per minimum template dimensions. Use virtual trial holing technology where possible, Use other non invasive technologies such as HDD where possible. Insertion to be primary method vs open cut at last resort.
Notification of the proposed works to 3rd parties / Letter drops for the proposed works are to be carried out in advance to nearby properties, where required and if deemed necessary by the project manager / Client. The format of any letter drop is to be agreed in advance with the Client. Posting of information relating to the works on site notice board as agreed with the client. Notification of any night time working is to be given, where required, to the local authority Environmental Health Officer, or nominee, and copied to the Client.

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