Chapter 25
Section 1: A Conservative Movement Emerges
Standard:11.11.2 Domestic polices of Reagan & 11.11.7 Recent demographic & social shifts.
- New Right
- Affirmative Action & Reverse Discrimination
- Conservative Coalition
- Moral Majority
- Ronald Reagan
- Why did many Americans embrace the conservative movement?
- What were the agenda and goals of the New Right?
- What were the main issues and concerns of the Moral Majority?
- What was the appeal of Ronald Reagan to voters?
- What factors contributed to Reagan defeating Jimmy Carter in the 1980 presidential election?
Section 2: Conservative Policies Under Reagan and Bush
Standard:11.11.2 Domestic polices of Reagan & Bush 11.11.7 Recent demographic & social shifts.
- Reaganomics & Supply-Side Economics
- Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
- Sandra Day O’Connor & Clarence Thomas
- Deregulation
- Geraldine Ferraro
- George HW Bush
- What were Reagan’s beliefs about government?
- What did Reagan hope to accomplish by both cutting taxes and Reaganomics?
- What were the results of Reaganomics and tax cuts?
- How did Reagan and Bush change the direction of the Supreme Court?
- What was the effect of Reagan’s deregulation and his policy on the environment?
- What factors contributed to Reagan defeating Jimmy Carter in the 1980 presidential election?
- What factors contributed to Reagan’s victory in 1984 and Bush in 1988?
Section 3: 1980s Social Concerns of the 1980s
Standard: 11.8.2 Mexican immigration, 11.10 Civil Rights, 11.11.3 Changing roles of women, 11.11.6 Poverty welfare reform.
- “Just Say No!” - War on Drugs
- pay equity
- Jesse Jackson
- Laura Cavazos & Antonia Coello Novello
- What were the two opposing viewpoints on legalized abortion after Roe v. Wade?
- How did the Reagan administration attempt to handle the rising drug problem in America?
- What problems were facing the education system in America in the 1980s?
- What gains did women make during the 1980s?
- What political gains did African-Americans make during the 1980s?
- What problems did Native-Americans face in the 1980s?
Section 4: Foreign Policy After the Cold War
Standard: 11.9.5 Role of Reagan Administration in the Cold War 11.9.6 U.S. Middle East Policy & the Gulf War.
- Mikhail Gorbachev
- Glasnost & Perestroika
- INF Treaty
- Tiananmen Square protests
- Iran-Contra Scandal
- Operation Desert Storm (Gulf War)
- What caused the end of the Cold War?
- Why did the Reagan Administration intervene in Nicaragua and how did it lead to a dispute with Congress?
- Why did the United States invade Panama and Grenada?
- What caused and resulted from the Iran-Contra Scandal?
- What caused and resulted from the Gulf War against Iraq?